I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
we wont get fooled again

Richard D. Wolff


Nov 18

There is no "labor shortage." There is a shortage of good jobs, good pay, good job conditions. When workers refuse bad jobs, bad pay and poor job conditions, employers whine "labor shortage." Don't be fooled.


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Richard D. Wolff


Dec 5

We evaluate economic systems by how well they provide food, clothing, shelter, health and quality of life. Yet today millions have no homes, need food stamps, suffer inflation and shortages, quit awful jobs, etc. 1/2




Richard D. Wolff


Dec 5

CEOs blame China, Covid, drought, fire, vaccination, etc. Dont let them fool you. The system is breaking down. Capitalism gives immense and rising wealth to only a tiny minority. It fails the vast majority. 2/2


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Richard D. Wolff


Dec 5

The CEO of Gravity Payments Corp explains the fake news about a "labor shortage."
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Dan Price

· Dec 2
Our company pays a min wage of $70k and has paid parental leave, full benefits, paid time off, and allows people to work remotely. We received 25,400 applications this year for 72 jobs. There's no labor shortage. There's a shortage of jobs that treat people with respect.
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"“But is this simply part of the order of nature? Is it because this land of ours is so poor that it cannot afford a decent life to those who dwell upon it? No, comrades, a thousand times no! The soil of England is fertile, its climate is good, it is capable of affording food in abundance to an enormously greater number of animals than now inhabit it. This single farm of ours would support a dozen horses, twenty cows, hundreds of sheep — and all of them living in a comfort and a dignity that are now almost beyond our imagining. Why then do we continue in this miserable condition? Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. There, comrades, is the answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single word — Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever. “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. Our labour tills the soil, our dung fertilises it, and yet there is not one of us that owns more than his bare skin. You cows that I see before me, how many thousands of gallons of milk have you given during this last year? And what has happened to that milk which should have been breeding up sturdy calves? Every drop of it has gone down the throats of our enemies. And you hens, how many eggs have you laid in this last year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens? The rest have all gone to market to bring in money for Jones and his men. And you, Clover, where are those four foals you bore, who should have been the support and pleasure of your old age? Each was sold at a year old — you will never see one of them again. In return for your four confinements and all your labour in the fields, what have you ever had except your bare rations and a stall? “And even the miserable lives we lead are not allowed to reach their natural span. For myself I do not grumble, for I am one of the lucky ones. I am twelve years old and have had over four hundred children. Such is the natural life of a pig. But no animal escapes the cruel knife in the end. You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year. To that horror we all must come — cows, pigs, hens, sheep, everyone. Even the horses and the dogs have no better fate. You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds. As for the dogs, when they grow old and toothless, Jones ties a brick round their necks and drowns them in the nearest pond. “Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings? Only get rid of Man, and the produce of our labour would be our own. Almost overnight we could become rich and free. What then must we do? Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race! That is my message to you, comrades: Rebellion! I do not know when that Rebellion will come, it might be in a week or in a hundred years, but I know, as surely as I see this straw beneath my feet, that sooner or later justice will be done. Fix your eyes on that, comrades, throughout the short remainder of your lives! And above all, pass on this message of mine to those who come after you, so that future generations shall carry on the struggle until it is victorious." - george orwell, animal farm


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Germans had this b4 hitler restored order


Inordinately Right


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Economies where profits are highest are often fastest to ruin - adam smith

This is modern day america where stock market soars but real economy is hurting. its a smash and grab by wall st much like russia in the 90s


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When u study economics books, youre reading science fiction. its not reality at all. its propaganda for how to keep other countries poor and the west rich. the economics profession is largely fairy tales....says michael hudson


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Friedman who was likely a useful tool for the neoliberalism which followed him says theres no such thing as a free lunch.

But michael hudson says the reality is free lunches are wat its all about whether its exploiting ur workers, stealing land, etc