FDR was a socialist
Google your statement to see how wrong you are.FDR was a socialist
I forgot, you know everything. Take a hike.Google your statement to see how wrong you are.
I think you don't know what 'socialism' is.
i dont think so, it was commies socialists and unions who made him pass reforms to save capitalism in his wordsFDR was a socialist
Perhapsi dont think so, it was commies socialists and unions who made him pass reforms to save capitalism in his words
CarnageThey want to put teens behind trucks lol
I almost rolled my parents minivan w 3 other maniacs wen i was a teen and my buddy drink and drove alot.
Truck driver shortage demands action — better wages, working conditions are part of the solution
Commonsense solutions exist to support truck driver retention, enhance public safety, and provide truck drivers with decent working conditions. Teen trucking is not a solution, but a safety nightma…thehill.com
America roads will be a giant fury roadCarnage