I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
U better hope u get a wave of socialism and unionization bc otherwise ur weak democracy will get fascism and climate inaction


Well-Known Member
Rip middle class

I have enough money saved to buy the condo my mom bought in inflation adj dollars, but bc housing market inflated and broken i only have maybe 30% down for a 1 br, and if i bought same condo my mom had, i would only have 10% down


Well-Known Member
2 paths for usa which is a very weak democracy

Revitalized labor and socialist movement like in 1930s

Or fascist dictatorship

Choose wisely... and dont b the guy who cheers for fascism when u mistake it for democracy


Well-Known Member
I told my work im only doing split night shifts now

Problem w capitalism is you have a few guys at the top deciding who often dont have to live w the consequences of their bad decisions

And then u have we the ppl who think we know everything wen were usually wrong