I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
the problem with that is as an employee they dont tell you how much they profit off of you, and in this day and age of weak labour markets in north america and record corporate profits, they are probably ripping us off.

the other major problem is that capitalism centralizes control (like other economic systems including what the russians had) so it leads to miserable work environments.
Would you lick a frozen pole if Richard Wolff told you to?


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Seth Pollack‏ @spllck Sep 4

Happy Labor Day. Today I learned about probably the first strike to happen IN SPACE.




Well-Known Member
Sports payers (how are millionaires) also strike.
yes the argument we here is that its a struggle between the sports players and owners.

what you dont hear is that they should both make less and pass the savings onto fans who are increasingly poor.


Strength through joy
SPLC is a hate group.

Who else puts out maps of haters and by what authority do they get to make the decision of who goes on the map ?


Well-Known Member
one ring to rule them all. does this definition apply to capitalism?


exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people).
"Latin America today is ruled by elected politicians"
synonyms: govern, preside over, control, lead, dominate, run, head, administer, manage
"El Salvador was ruled by Spain"
be in power, be in control, be in command, be in charge, govern;
reign, be monarch, be sovereign
"Elizabeth has ruled for more than fifty years"


Well-Known Member
dont worry, capitalism is the best system we have and mankind has never had mass confusion about previous economic systems or other ideas for example the planets revolving around the earth:

noun: confusion; plural noun: confusions
lack of understanding; uncertainty.
"there seems to be some confusion about which system does what"
synonyms: uncertainty, incertitude, unsureness, doubt, ignorance;
"there is confusion about the new system"
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from wikipedia:

Social conditioning
is the sociological process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within society. The concept is stronger than that of socialization, which is the process of inheriting norms, customs and ideologies. Manifestations of social conditioning are vast, but they are generally categorized as social patterns and social structures including nationalism, education, employment, entertainment, popular culture, religion, spirituality and family life. The social structure in which an individual finds him or herself influences and can determine their social actions and responses.

Social conditioning represents the environment and personal experience in the nature and nurture debate. Society in general and peer groups within society set the norms which shape the behavior of actors within the social system. Though society shapes individuals; however, it was the individual who made society to begin with and society in turn shaped and influenced us. Emile Durkheim who really played an important role in the theory of social facts, explained and talked how what was once a mere idea which in this case Durkheim is talking about society has turned out to be a thing which basically controls and dictates us.[1]


Well-Known Member
because the economy is so unequal / bad because of capitalism, some of the poor people in florida cant afford to flee and will be forced to endure the hurricane, maybe to their death