I love Dish Network!


Well-Known Member
If they keep sending out call tags and ars labels aren't they getting double billed? Looks like easy money for us. :thumbup1:

Easy Money??

I had a call tag a while back for a 90 something year old lady.

She told me that if I wanted to get the system to send back, I could climb the roof myself and take it down!

Needless to say,the money is not that easy and I did not go after it!


free at last.......
Anybody remember years ago when we had the "telephone exchange" program?

When we delivered them, we were suppose to take the new phone out of the box. Then they were suppose to hand us the old phone for the new one and we packed up the old one and sent it back.

Problem was that most of them seemed to be little old ladies that didn't have a clue how to take the old phone off the wall. I would switch them out because I felt sorry for them. A few were hardwired to the wall (no plug) and the new phones always had the plug. Couldn't help them there. (I could have if I stocked my pkg car with phone supplies.) I felt so sorry for them because they were sitting there with no phone. No way to call for help.

That program didn't last long.

As for dishnetwork or direct tv. Some switch back and forth to get the deals new subscribers get. You see...if you are an existing subscriber and want to upgrade your service, you have to pay as opposed to getting the equipment for free. Just like other companies, they give you the world to get your business. But after they get it, they couldn't care less about you unless you stop paying the bill.

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
Anybody remember years ago when we had the "telephone exchange" program?

Damn does that bring back memories! I can remember cutting several wires of phones that were hard wired. One of the first days I ran a route a supervisor was training me. About our 3rd or 4th stop was a telephone exchange. I was thinking to myself " What the Hell have I put myself into here!"


Retired Senior Member
Been there and done them both! Fur calls were easy because you knew the customers could afford the service. Phone exchange wasn't too bad until you got the relics that were hard wired.


Well-Known Member
Same here UPSgrunt, I think dish is using us as their collection agency. I've had a few irate former dish customers pissed off at me for showing up at their door looking for the receiver. One guy has an emissions testing van parked across the street from the vender who sold him the dish network system. Yes, the emissons testing van has satelite. Anyway the emissions guy was pissed at me for showing up, so much so that the emissions dude wanted me to go across the street with him to talk to the dish network vendor. I told him it's his problem, and I will return when he gets the problem resolved. (like I have all the time in the world)

Yes, here also, the dish boxes arrive in pristine condition, unlike the electrical fixtures from Lithonia Lighting that I get to deliver. There's nothing like a 10 pound fluorescent ballast doing damage to a light fixture. Yet, still the dish boxes survive.

I'm moving to a different house, and yes I am cancelling my DISH service (the contract is up) because of the empty dish boxes and the obligatory follow up 10 day later call tag.


Well-Known Member
I can confirm that Dish Net is using UPS as a collection agency! Today I had 2 call tags for an address that I left 2 empty boxes at last week. When the lady answered the door today I said "Hi, do you have two boxes for me going back to Dish Network?" Her answer was "I do, but I am going to call them and pay the bill today." Those were her exact words.


I`m in a big city so I dont see any dishes.But we do have some very irritating ARS accounts...cell phones now come in a box with an ARS label that is included.The instructions tell them to sign for the pkg and
open it,and put thier old phone in the pkg and attatch the ARS label.
and give it to the ups driver to return...Sure...take your time...I`ll wait~
Another one is VISA and MASTERCARD machines...you get there
and they are ripping it apart and looking for a box...sit down...relax
have a coffee...I love my job:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm a DISH customer and I know that they are in the middle of a natiowide upgrade for anyone who has high definition boxes. You have until 9/15/07 to upgrade or you won't be able to receive their new HD channels and it may not work correctly on the old HD channels. So you schedule the free upgrade and they come out and swap out your receivers. What's weird is that their technicians (who are actually independent contractors) don't want, and WON'T take the old receivers with them. Instead, DISH offers you $50 if you will return the old receiver to them yourself. They do this by sending an empty box a few days later with ARS labels inside and foam packing pieces for each end to cradle it. So there must be zillions of extra boxes out there. You don't necessarily see those come back though because people either blow it off ,like they do mail in rebates, as being too much trouble, or they drop off the ARS returns somewhere else. They may have other return plans where people who are stopping service are sent a box to return them in as well. I find DISH, by the way, much better than DirectTV, with a much better and way faster menu screen, and more HiDef channels.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Anybody remember years ago when we had the "telephone exchange" program?

Boy, you are showing your age. Did anybody ever have a Fur call?

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
Thursday I had four, thats right, four Dish cartons for a customer at the edge of the east side rural routes. It is a 15 mile dead head trip out there. Yesterday I had four more for the same guy.

Dish has finally figured out at least one way to cut their costs some. They send out two boxes then they send out one call tag whereas they were sending out two call tags. Since the boxes already have the ARS labels inside the box they only have to send the one to get UPS to go by and pick them up. Customer today gave me one box that she had already put the ARS label on. It was addressed somewhere in South Carolina. My call tag was for Tx. Go figure. :confused:1


Unknown Acrobat
I can confirm that Dish Net is using UPS as a collection agency! Today I had 2 call tags for an address that I left 2 empty boxes at last week. When the lady answered the door today I said "Hi, do you have two boxes for me going back to Dish Network?" Her answer was "I do, but I am going to call them and pay the bill today." Those were her exact words.

I went through the same thing..I overheard her talking to the DISH representative..

DISH REP. -- "Mam, you need to pay the minimum of $623.00 to restore your service.":ohmy:

CUSTOMER -- "I did just ask the UPS man, he's standing right here, you talk to him and tell him I paid it."

ME -- "I'm sorry mam, but I'm here just to pick the package up."


Agent of Change
Something unusual that I have noticed about the empty Dish boxes is that they always arrive in my package car without being crushed or having a big footprint on them. They are always in perfect condition! how is this possible?:confused:1

Interesting. My hub's Twilight Sort handles a lot of Dish Network boxes. They are ALL empty. I'm very surprised by this statement considering the state of this sort's outbounds. That's a different thread.

Dish boxes are usually perfect. Maybe its because they are a new carton instead of a worn out box that has been used 10 times. Plus the fact that we usually get ours in a one day time period instead of it having to cross several state lines.

Not 100% certain but I think I've seen these boxes destined all over the Lower 48 and Alaska. Again, not certain if its one central distribution point or not. I have seen the filled boxes come back, though. Check your return address sometime. I think you'll see its a Denver zip :w00t:. The exact zip escapes me now.

It was addressed somewhere in South Carolina. My call tag was for Tx. Go figure. :confused:1

This is interesting, too. I've sorted a lot of these things. The only Texas bound I've seen--El Paso zip prefix--are coming out of the Northwest. I don't know our Northwestern system but I see small's bag tags originating Redmond and Seattle from the same container. I don't remember any Portland but that doesn't mean I haven't handled them. The ones I handle outbound are usually 2nd Day Air Service level. The INBOUND El Paso are simply ARS.

These containers can and do DESTROY the sort aisle on the inbounds. Jeeeez!! I've unloaded and blown up a seasoned supe that came up from the sorter ranks AND the hourly he was called down to help. VERY unhappy sort aisle :tongue_sm.

I see a few carts of these things sitting in the hub. Not sure if they are damaged or not but I'm told they are empty. I asked a tie one day why they were sitting there and was told they were empty. I asked the question, "Why aren't they shipped flat?" The guy smiled slightly and answered, "That's a very good question. You should be in management!" I laughed and walked away. -Rocky