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Do emo's shave?
Do emo's shave?
He’s still a dweeb, just a dweeb with muscles now.
Anal?Arms and everything. It's nice
It is highly unlikely that you have a future with either one. You are breaking the trust of these women, who may well be making life decisions based on their involvement with you, which is based on a lie. Your actions have consequences, even if you are not the one who has to face them.
Since you obviously don't care about how your actions affect others, feel free to carry on, choose one, both, swap them out for newer models, whatever. The question is, what do you want out of life? You want to play and have fun? That lifestyle comes with its own set of consequences.
My advice is to come clean in as kind and gentle a fashion as you can manage. It probably won't end well, but you will at least be minimizing the damage. Or maybe you'll find out (unlikely as it may be) that one or both are polyamorous, then you may be able to have your cake and eat it too, as long as you are willing to share.
I’m a man, there's a currently elevated hormone in my body that makes me want to lay down my game on anything half attractive.
Bro, I am going to give you my honest advice.I tire of this lifestyle I have chosen for myself. Dating two women with them both thinking I'm seeing them exclusively. It can be stressful. Hiding things that they have left in my apartment or car. Making explanations as to why the passenger seat in my car has been moved
My first girl I've been with for 4 years and is a good girl, has a business degree, and no kids. She looks respectable and acts it. We get a long great and she always has her hands all over my body. Let's me smoke weed and do what I want. Not much fun in the bed except for the basics.
My 2nd girl I've been with for 7 months has the goth/emo look skinny pale skin tatted up with black hair. She has 1 kid.we get a long great except for the mind games she loves to play. The absolute best I've had in the bed. I'm talking safe word bondage type stuff. Gagging on me, all holes open for business. It's great to show her off (pm for pics I have plenty)
What do I do BC? I know you're a bunch of idiots normally but I know you old farts got some wisdom. Should I drop girl number one and continue having a porno like sex life and enjoy my young age to look for marriage material later or drop girl number 2 and keep the good girl because she's future proof?
Oh the first girl will never catch me, not because I'm super Mr slick but she never goes through my phone and because I don't have a Facebook. She actually really trusts me and would never suspect me doing this.
Which is what makes it all the worse I guess. I can live going forward with her and never coming clean, it doesn't eat at my conscience or whatever. I'm a man, there's a currently elevated hormone in my body that makes me want to lay down my game on anything half attractive.
When I'm married this will all stop because if I get caught then legal consequences come into play but for now I think married women are my best bet. Women just looking up to spice up their life and not trying to look for a future in me.
I'm going to end it today with the emo chick
Bro, I am going to give you my honest advice.
Your first mistake was getting into a relationship with either of them. The first thing you need to do is break up with both of them. Whether or not you then allow one to know about the other is up to you. But for the sake of stress and hassle, I would advise you don't.
Second, you need to focus all of your attention and resources on bettering yourself and doing what you want to do. The length to which you go at this can vary. I was always one to put my priorities first, but a few short years ago I decided the best route to take was to completely end any and all pursuits of intimate relationships to the point of voluntary abstinence. I understand it sounds extreme, but it is the best way to protect myself in the same environment as the likes of #metoo. But believe me when I say I've found ways to stay satisfied regardless.
Understanding this route isn't for everyone, I would advise one who doesn't want to take it to this extreme to at least avoid any "serious" dating. Do not get involved with anyone local; be willing to travel so you can disappear without a trace if needed, and never share personal information. And NEVER allow them to move in with you.
Then there's the system. NEVER get married. The current state of marriage is so one-sided there is NOTHING you can gain from it except getting raped six ways from Sunday by the court system. Then you have the rampant feminism, the "listen and believe" mentality, the Duluth Model (look it up), #metoo, and on and on and on. Men's lives getting destroyed by false information with NO due process. Getting involved, even without marriage, is just a sour deal whichever way you cut it.
Now, especially online or by those who do not know me personally, I am often accused of being some kind of bitter, scorn, heartbroken loser/dork/ugly etc, etc who hates women, is misogynistic, blah blah blah. In fact, this couldn't be further from the truth. You see, I've had my run of fun, but I've stepped back and seen the damage done and I just have way too much to lose at this point in my life. It's become the logical decision. Just doing what I gotta do to adapt and do what's best for me to preserve myself and everything I've worked for.
Stress in my personal life is virtually non-existent, and my other personal relationships and friendships are stronger than ever. I am free to do anything I want whenever I want, and go wherever I want. I have all the time in the world to do anything I enjoy and without judgement. Take my advice into consideration, AND NEVER STOP LIFTING, BRUH.
Well, yes and no. But there have always been guys like this. Human nature has never changed. What has changed is the system. The underlying problem is decades of feminism leading up to the current gynocracy we live in.Guys who never grew up and act like @Mesomorph have a lot to do with why things are the way they are.
And men will always be responsible for shouldering this burden in any society. But the problem isn't recognition. It just needs to be made worth our time, effort, and lives and to allow us to do it without being sh* all over. Unfortunately that isn't the case, and it's probably too far broken to fix. The only thing that can be done is to start over once it inevitably collapses, which would be accelerated by men walking away from it, for better or for worse....we will start experiencing the consequences of men withdrawing from their natural function within society. If we want to prevent the utter collapse of western society it will be up to us men to shoulder the burden, suck up the crappy aspects of life, and do what needs to be done, with or without the recognition we may deserve.
She seems like a woman desperate for attention in whatever way she can get it, from being emo/goth to asking you to be FWB. The right thing to do is to end it totally.So I let her down easy like the nicest and tried to be a gentleman. The next day I get this. Green is me and the gray is her to avoid confusion lol
View attachment 186063
Don't be jelly he's smashin' tang.Grow theup.
Don't be jelly he's smashin' tang.
She seems like a woman desperate for attention in whatever way she can get it, from being emo/goth to asking you to be FWB. The right thing to do is to end it totally.
Bro, I am going to give you my honest advice.
Your first mistake was getting into a relationship with either of them. The first thing you need to do is break up with both of them. Whether or not you then allow one to know about the other is up to you. But for the sake of stress and hassle, I would advise you don't.
Second, you need to focus all of your attention and resources on bettering yourself and doing what you want to do. The length to which you go at this can vary. I was always one to put my priorities first, but a few short years ago I decided the best route to take was to completely end any and all pursuits of intimate relationships to the point of voluntary abstinence. I understand it sounds extreme, but it is the best way to protect myself in the same environment as the likes of #metoo. But believe me when I say I've found ways to stay satisfied regardless.
Understanding this route isn't for everyone, I would advise one who doesn't want to take it to this extreme to at least avoid any "serious" dating. Do not get involved with anyone local; be willing to travel so you can disappear without a trace if needed, and never share personal information. And NEVER allow them to move in with you.
Then there's the system. NEVER get married. The current state of marriage is so one-sided there is NOTHING you can gain from it except getting raped six ways from Sunday by the court system. Then you have the rampant feminism, the "listen and believe" mentality, the Duluth Model (look it up), #metoo, and on and on and on. Men's lives getting destroyed by false information with NO due process. Getting involved, even without marriage, is just a sour deal whichever way you cut it.
Now, especially online or by those who do not know me personally, I am often accused of being some kind of bitter, scorn, heartbroken loser/dork/ugly etc, etc who hates women, is misogynistic, blah blah blah. In fact, this couldn't be further from the truth. You see, I've had my run of fun, but I've stepped back and seen the damage done and I just have way too much to lose at this point in my life. It's become the logical decision. Just doing what I gotta do to adapt and do what's best for me to preserve myself and everything I've worked for.
Stress in my personal life is virtually non-existent, and my other personal relationships and friendships are stronger than ever. I am free to do anything I want whenever I want, and go wherever I want. I have all the time in the world to do anything I enjoy and without judgement. Take my advice into consideration, AND NEVER STOP LIFTING, BRUH.
That should get the ban hammer dropped
Let’s see if it does