Hello, fellow UPSers. I'm a new hire (been doing preload for about 3 weeks now, but it's my 4th week at UPS). I think I'm gonna get fired.
Let me explain: I'm not very quick— I load
pretty good sometimes, but often the drop will get packed and they'll need to have a more experienced loader help me out. I usually do 4- 5 trucks. Another thing, I keep getting a
ton of misloads (usually it's 1or 2) the other day I had 8 misloads in total and my sup did not have time to scan
so those drivers had to put up with my
-up. My PT supervisor is a really cool dude, but everytime I mess up he always has me sign
about my mess-ups and it's kind of stacking up... what he keeps saying is that if this continues for like a month straight it could lead to discharge and I'm terrified of that. I'm 18 and finding work before UPS was
so hard. I don't think I could find any good work if possible employers knew that I was fired at UPS. As a side question: I crushed my finger and it started bleeding— it was mostly OK, but I figured I'd let my sup know because it was my first
real injury on the job and he asked me questions and made sure it was OK. Later on, my FT sup was talking with me about it and made it seem like a bigger deal than it actually was "Don't see a doctor if this gets bad, make sure you talk to us about it before". It was kind of weird. Anyone want to explain this for me?
What do you think I should do? Stay a little longer, see if I get better or just quit before they
me up?
Also, anyone coming to this thread to call me an idiot: I'm expecting you and I don't give a
Thanks for the help.