I wonder if he spilled his beer?


All Trash No Trailer
Stilll have all those "dry counties" ?

And the price of beer,is too high down there!

Couldnt afford, to Opt in!...lmao
until just a couple of years ago we couldn't even buy booze on Sundays! even now we have to wait to 12:30 to buy it on Sunday.I'm guessing that's because most Baptist Churches get out of church at noon and they are THIRSTY !
I dont drink American beer,and dont mind paying a bit more for the good stuff
until just a couple of years ago we couldn't even buy booze on Sundays! even now we have to wait to 12:30 to buy it on Sunday.I'm guessing that's because most Baptist Churches get out of church at noon and they are THIRSTY !
I dont drink American beer,and dont mind paying a bit more for the good stuff
I still remember,going through a drive thru beer store.
They filled beer in empty milk gallon jugs!


Retired 23 years
Yeah, I remember the places that didn't ask for ID! I'm amazed I survived my teenage years.

We just called the liquor store and ordered what we wanted then had a taxi deliver it. Told the taxi driver that "Dad" was in the shower. Taxi driver didn't give a crap as long as he got a tip. Did that many times. We also had the kid in class that could grow a full beard in 9th grade and had been buying at the liquor store since he was 15. Then there were the parents who would buy for their kids as long as they drank it at home. It really wasn't that hard to get booze and beer back then.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
.... Then there were the parents who would buy for their kids as long as they drank it at home. It really wasn't that hard to get booze and beer back then.

No kidding on all of that, we had keg parties all the time in high school and since the drinking age was eighteen there was no problem finding somebody to buy if you didn't have enough whiskers above your upper lip. We had a package store in town that would sell you a sack of grass too at the drive-up window if you knew who to ask for.


Oh Yeah
Do it up before ya get married, that's all im sayin, don't be that jerknutt that was a nerdball when they were young didn't do nothing and then suddenly in their 30,s or 40,s that wants to party it up. DONT BE THAT GUY MCFLY lol.