Frankie's Friend
Look. There isn't any freight drivers that make what we make in hourly wages (unless you paid out $100,000 for your own used rig) and other compensation. They're not getting 5-7 weeks vacation paid in full at 45 hrs.In 20 years we are making the same amount adjusted for inflation. Now you want us to make less. I have 25 years left. I have 5 more give back contracts to go. I'm not crying for more I'm just asking to be paid the same. Give me the same pay you had. Give me the same pension and same healthcare.
Dude, many of us worked for 10-14 years part time waiting on a chance to qualify for driving. NOW, employees with 6 months seniority are going into full time driving at almost $19/hr...
While I started driving at $12ish/hr.
I can't believe that the people that are whining about ft wages are not looking around at the wages predominantly associated with non-degreed employees.
I grossed over $2,000 last week and I'm not in feeders. I just showed up to drive Monday thru Friday.
Let's not be an ungrateful generation.
There are problems with some of the language in this cba but there are worse places to work and many of us have been there.
When you get the rent paid save some for kleenexes.