If you really hate them here`s your chance....


Strength through joy
Legally the inman can build his mosque at ground zero, yet it is in bad taste to do so.
Legally a few books can to burnt, yet everyone who is for the mosque is against this.
They claim that the foreign muslims will cause riots in their own lands and make it not safe for our citizens there.
Honestly when were our citizens ever safe over there, these people live in the 5th century.
They rely upon their inmans to tell them what to think, how to act, and what to do.
They already hate our way of life, because they can not begin to understand it.
They commonly burn our flag and kill anyone who is not like them, including other muslims who worship differently then they do.


Its interesting seeing the white house support the freedom to build a mosque and go against the freedom to burn some books.
Its interesting seeing the white house support the freedom to build a mosque and go against the freedom to burn some books.
Can anyone say "DOUBLE STANDARD"? of course we shouldn't be shocked, both sides of the political spectrum do this but when it is coming from the White House I expect better. You know the higher hand thing.


Strength through joy
(CNN) May 22, 2009Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages, Pashto and Dari., amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.


Für Meno :)
Its interesting seeing the white house support the freedom to build a mosque and go against the freedom to burn some books.

Actually Tie, maybe time for you to watch something esle rather then just Fox news.
The whole world condemms it.... Try BBC or CBC.
Even Hollywood Stars are condemming it, along with the Vatican.

It's garbage, and shouldn't be done. A disgrace and totally disrespectful !
I condemm it myself !

Besides that, you seen the new threat from one of those extremist ?
He vows to kill every American in site, if the burning follows thru, Tourists or whatever.
Really , not something to play with !
Why throw more fuel into the fire ?

Link to CTV news and it's report :
(Our Prime Minister condemms it, too) !


(make sure to watch video that immediatly follows the first one)
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Klein hopefully I can get this in since you now have three moderators protecting you I think ******* **** ***************** ** *********** ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****


Alright...I'm sorry, but give me a break. Why stop there? Why not take the next step and hit up Christianity or better yet every religion in the world? I'm being sarcastic of course. This religion is just like any other one, people take it in their own opinions, what they believe it stands for and take it too far. "Live and let live." Has anyone heard of that saying? Respect others beliefs and yours will be respected. 9/11 happened because a group of people took their belief too far. If you think about it, people who believe in Christianity have done the same thing. It is not the religion that injures, but the people who believe in it. Do you blame the gun when it is shot to someone else or the handler? (By the way, I am not an atheist or anything of the sort before anyone says anything of that nature.)


If you must, think of it this way. If you burn the Koran you might as well burn the Bible. If you do that, you might as well burn any other "religion-based" book.
Alright...I'm sorry, but give me a break. Why stop there? Why not take the next step and hit up Christianity or better yet every religion in the world? I'm being sarcastic of course. This religion is just like any other one, people take it in their own opinions, what they believe it stands for and take it too far. "Live and let live." Has anyone heard of that saying? Respect others beliefs and yours will be respected. 9/11 happened because a group of people took their belief too far. If you think about it, people who believe in Christianity have done the same thing. It is not the religion that injures, but the people who believe in it. Do you blame the gun when it is shot to someone else or the handler? (By the way, I am not an atheist or anything of the sort before anyone says anything of that nature.)
I didn't take you as an atheist, just possibly a bit naive. The fact is, Christianity has been taking a hit, by our own, for generations. Anyone that doesn't see that Judaism has been taking hits for much longer, hasn't been paying attention.
I don't know the Koran well enough to say definitively what it teaches, but we do know that the extremist terrorists proclaim a Holy war on anyone that is not following the teachings of the Koran. When the terrorists strike, they don't discriminate by age, gender or anything else except religion. Your assertion that , "Respect others beliefs and yours will be respected. " is as far from reality as one can get.

BTW, welcome to BrownCafe...enjoy your time here.


Strength through joy
Israel stopped the bus bombing by informing all that pig lard was now on board all their buses; meaning any suicide bomber would not be clean when dying .
we should inform all who wish to do us harm that they will be served to pigs.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Israel stopped the bus bombing by informing all that pig lard was now on board all their buses; meaning any suicide bomber would not be clean when dying .
we should inform all who wish to do us harm that they will be served to pigs.

LMAO!!!!! :bigsmile2:
Israel stopped the bus bombing by informing all that pig lard was now on board all their buses; meaning any suicide bomber would not be clean when dying .
we should inform all who wish to do us harm that they will be served to pigs.
You are kidding right? Jews don't mess with pork either.


Strength through joy
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — FBI agents visited Thursday with a minister of a small Florida church that plans to burn the Quran on Sept. 11, as public safety became a paramount concern and President Barack Obama added his voice to the chorus of opposition.
Jones will make a statement later Thursday that will address the FBI visit and the president’s statement imploring him to cancel the burning and calling it a “stunt,” his spokesman said.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The anti-Muslim leader of a tiny Florida church backed off his threat to burn the Quran, defusing an international firestorm Thursday after he said he was promised that a planned Islamic center and mosque would be moved away from New York's ground zero. The imam planning the center, however, quickly denied such a deal.


Strength through joy
According to your link; Jones now claims he was lied to.
Maybe he should not burn the books, instead have some pigs walk on them.


Strength through joy
"and now for something totally different..."

Westboro Baptist Church, the small Topeka, Kan., church that pickets funerals of American soldiers to spread its message that God is punishing the country for being tolerant of homosexuals, has vowed to hold a Quran burning if Gainesville's Dove World Outreach Center calls its off.
"WBC burned the Koran once – and if you sissy brats of Doomed america bully Terry Jones and the Dove World Outreach Center until they change their plans to burn that blasphemous tripe called the Koran, then WBC will burn it (again), to clearly show you some things," the church announced in a news release this week.


Strength through joy
Trump writes that his reasons to buy are not business but patriotic.
"I am making this offer as a resident of New York and a citizen of the United States, not because I think the location is a spectacular one (because it is not), but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory, and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse," wrote Trump.
He states that as part of the offer the developers would have to agree that they would not build another mosque any closer than five blocks from the World Trade Center site.
Trump's offer is "all cash" with an "immediate closing."