If you were President how would you

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So far, nothing but Ccrap for suggestions in answering the original question.

The "contributors" so far have started with White Power, then cut taxes, leave the economy alone, let the banks fail, let the free market work, reagan quotes and place Glen Beck in charge.

If this isnt a stew made purely out of cow dung, then I dont know what stew is.

Listen, BUSH cut taxes on the richest americans in the country while RAISING taxes on the middle and lower classes. For 8 years while the richest people in this country benefitted from tax cuts, the rest of us paid HIGHER costs for everything in our lives.

Higher home heating costs, highest fuel prices in history, highest food prices in history, highest prices for goods and services in history and higher taxes by states.

As the country was spinning out of control, the middle class paid HIGHER everything using the republican formula.

Today, under OBAMA in only 10 months, the middle class has had a TAX CUT, fuel prices are considerably lower than BUSH, food prices have been slashed, goods and services are begining to come down as retailers are SLASHING prices. Home heating prices are down, and inventories are getting better.

You cant argue with this. If you do, then you dont know economics, all you know is right wing nonsense.

As many states have to try and cover budget deficits, taxes may have to be raised (by state) but this isnt the goverment nor OBAMA.

These deficits have to do with housing and the collapse of the industry.

The free market, the main "line of B.S" used by Beck and Knuckleheads like him, failed the U.S. economy under BUSH. Thousands of companies left this country to take advantage of third world labor and this left the United States and its people without jobs or careers.

Our washing machines, our lawn mowers, our refridgerators, pencils, paper, all of our clothing, shoes, books etc etc etc are now made OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.

Most of the furniture sold in this country transitioned to mexico or south america under BUSH.

The majority of our manufacturing sector disappeared under BUSH using the "free market" concept.

Today, there are no industries left, or the old mainstays of U.S. manufacturing.

Our auto industry was destroyed under BUSH 2 by the importation of millions of cars from japan and korea. Under Clinton, after the auto industry collapsed under BUSH 1, Clinton placed restrictions on the importation of foriegn made cars and trucks and that helped to rebuild the U.S. auto industry. BUSH 2 reversed that trend by lifting those restrictions and flooding our shores with millions of cars taking sales away from the big three.

His rational? The free market. Yes it worked, but for the Japanese and Koreans.

Protectionism? Maybe. Isnt it time to protect "our" country first before we put global employment before americans?? For 8 years, the free market concept was sold to americans as the global economy.

But, isnt this what killed this country's economy in the first place?

The only thing "free" in the free market, is the ability for corporations to get away with not paying a living wage, medical benefits, vacation / holiday pay or pensions by putting a company in guatemala.

As President, I would immediately place a limit on the importation of cars and trucks. There has never been an equal trade for our cars and trucks in the world. Fuel is too expensive in other countries and that makes our cars non useful. By limiting the importation of cars and trucks, our industry will revive as customers would have to re-look at the re-tooled U.S. cars and trucks.

Yes, this sucks for the koreans and japanese, But I live here, not there so I dont really care.

The banks had to be rescued, thats someting you all just dont get. Yes, they paid themselves bonuses and they should be taken away, and they are, But to let them fail would have meant falling into another depression that would have wiped out all americans and other countries who invested in our country.

Those that keep saying let them fail have NO CLUE what ramifications would have arose. Yes, on the surface it sounds like a bad idea to save wall street, but it had to be done no matter what the cost. OBAMA and all the economic experts agree on this.

What I would do is re build our manufacturing sector thru tax incentives for companies who return their businesses to the U.S. I would talk with the unions and insure they came on board with a plan to keep a business viable before going back to the old ways of seeking the highest dollars from the get go. Make it incentive based so a living wage can be established.

Under BUSH 72% of everything made by U.S. companies was made in a foriegn country. This is what the free market does.

There are plenty of things to be done in this country to sparks jobs, roadways, highways, bridges, schools, abandoned housing communities.

This is where I put our citizens to work.

Lastly, I'd end both wars that are draining our economy out of billions of dollars. Remember, both wars have NOT BEEN PAID FOR. This debt OBAMA recieved on his first day in office.

The cost of these wars will continue for years. Bringing the troops home will costs billions, providing treatment for all service members for years will cost billions. Wars are not "free".

This economy needed a shot in the arm to beging to turn around. It got one with OBAMA. Time will tell if it works or not.

OBAMA is doing exactly what is needed and what "we" as americans dont need, is more RHETORIC from the party that put us in this mess in the first place.

The republicans should use this as a catch phrase;
"The republicans, the party that brought you the recession"


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I doubt it is the longest, but it may very well be the best. I don't care which party they come out of, but we really need leaders like Reagan.


It sounds like you dont really know anything about reagan other than the useless rhetoric used by right wing tv?

If you do a little research, youll find that Reagan RAISED taxes on the middle class higher than any president in history..

7 new taxes on the middle class during his 8 years.

Yet, guys like you tout his leadership.

Time to learn something about this man before you ask for more of the same.

Reagan was a myth, not a legend. He led one of the most corrupt administrations since NIXON and came close to being impeached.

If he hadnt been shot, he would have been impeached.

Do your research.


Dis-organized Labor

I would take over all cable and digital services, broadcast nothing subliminal messages that everything is gonna' be OK. Also, I'd consider having the Israeli's invade Saudi Arabia and I'd gouge the world market on oil sales.


Well-Known Member
For one full year not one penney would be witheld from our paychecks (that amount of money would be in the area of one trillion dollars ) The people would be told to expand and hire in their business's, go out and spend money on homes,cars,malls movies restaurants etc etc. At the end of the fiscal year you must prove by that the money you would have paid in taxes --was in fact spent on the economy. This would immediately jump start the economy and avoid all the political pork projects and corruption and government waste. Jobs would be created and tax revenues would increase !!!!:wink2:


Für Meno :)
For one full year not one penney would be witheld from our paychecks (that amount of money would be in the area of one trillion dollars ) The people would be told to expand and hire in their business's, go out and spend money on homes,cars,malls movies restaurants etc etc. At the end of the fiscal year you must prove by that the money you would have paid in taxes --was in fact spent on the economy. This would immediately jump start the economy and avoid all the political pork projects and corruption and government waste. Jobs would be created and tax revenues would increase !!!!:wink2:

In FY 2006, the U.S. government operated with $2.407 trillion in revenue. The U.S. FY 2008 Budget for FY 2008, prepared by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), forecasts revenue to grow to $3.307 trillion.

A bit more then 1 Trillion !
But, you'ld also need to convince the chinese to borrow you that kinda money to live tax free for a year, and your children/grandchildren to pay it back .


free at last.......
I would put Glenn Beck in charge of the banking industry,G.M Chystler & make him Czar of ACORN & immigration for starters...

Oh yeah......that would do it........

I'm afraid you'd find him lying in the corner, curled up in the fetal position, with his thumb in his mouth.

Probably right next to Rush.......LOL

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Sofar, I haven't heard anything wise on here. Silly things actually, like tariffs on imports.
Do, that, and you'll get to pay 20-50% more for clothing, groceries, construction, gasoline, autos, and more.

I haven't heard anything about the 3 major costs, (that make up to 70% of your tax dollars), on how to bring them down :
Healthcare, Military, and Interesst payments on National debt.
(one suggested tax cuts - go the opposite way)...

Any President should look at those major costs first, on ways to bring them down.
And, by all means, Obama has been looking at Healthcare and Military.
If, times would have been better, the National debt repayment would have
been a big issue, too.
But, it's comming in the near future (higher taxes).

Havent heard much wise from you either. :devil3:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny how you "reaganites" tout his leadership without regard for the actual economic record.

Lets do a comparision.

First, Reagan's GDP growth for 8 years was never better than 3.4%, so far, OBAMA's first GDP % is 3.5%. If Reagan was a genious, then Obama must be better.

Second, Reagan took a $300 million deficit in his first 2 years and turned it into a 3.5 trillion dollar deficit by his 8th year. Today, Obama inherits 1.5 trillion from BUSH and adds another 2.25 trillion in order to prevent the country from entering a depression. This totals 3.75 trillion.

Now, a 3.5 trillion dollar deficit (in 1980 dollars) for Reagan and he was an "economic genious" and the country was "better off" and President Obama is at 3.75 trillion and he's "killing" the country?

How does anyone equate this?

If you add the additional 2.5 trillion dollars in debt BUSH 1 added to Reagans deficit, that totals 6 TRILLION dollars. If combined, the republican party ran up a deficit of 6 trillion dollars in 12 years and the country is still here, yet morons like GLEN BECK and RUSH claim the country will not be here by Christmas because of the 3.75 deficit.

This is how rediculous the claims by the "right" are.

Reagan CUT taxes by 25% for the wealthiest americans during his term and spent more than 3 times the amount of money the goverment took in creating a monster debt in PEACETIME.

First time in the history of our country this has ever happened. Deficit spending has always been the calling of the republicans yet they call themselves "fiscal conservatives". Nothing could be farther than the truth.

Clinton, inheriting the combined debts of Reagan and Bush 1, quick fixed the problem by slashing the extreme military programs and raising taxes.

At the end of the day, after 8 years, Clinton left the country with a surplus and in the following 8 years, BUSH 2 ran that surplus into a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit and passed it along to OBAMA.

Like Reagan, BUSH tried the same failed policies of Reagan and doomed this country for a major recession and higher deficits.

Reagan was no hero, he was a myth.

Today, Reagan only exists in theory, the right wing using him as some kind of guiding light for success, even though he never had any.

Reagan, IMO, was an idiot.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
For one full year not one penney would be witheld from our paychecks (that amount of money would be in the area of one trillion dollars ) The people would be told to expand and hire in their business's, go out and spend money on homes,cars,malls movies restaurants etc etc. At the end of the fiscal year you must prove by that the money you would have paid in taxes --was in fact spent on the economy. This would immediately jump start the economy and avoid all the political pork projects and corruption and government waste. Jobs would be created and tax revenues would increase !!!!:wink2:

Island fox for president!


Für Meno :)
Get rid of Hillary.
Sorry, just can't stand her.
She is losing it. Making more harm then good.

Kinda , like Tieguys new, (and old), attitude.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I would send a 100 national guard troops from Rhode Island to invade Canada !! They would sieze all the oil ,Blow up all the hockey rinks,track down Klein & make him a conservative,I would then appoint Bob & Doug McKenzie to govern all of Canada & they could figure out our healhtcare !!!


Staff member
I would send a 100 national guard troops from Rhode Island to invade Canada !! They would sieze all the oil ,Blow up all the hockey rinks,track down Klein & make him a conservative,I would then appoint Bob & Doug McKenzie to govern all of Canada & they could figure out our healhtcare !!!

Oh take off!

Bob & Doug McKenzie - Take Off


Well-Known Member
In FY 2006, the U.S. government operated with $2.407 trillion in revenue. The U.S. FY 2008 Budget for FY 2008, prepared by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), forecasts revenue to grow to $3.307 trillion.

A bit more then 1 Trillion !
But, you'ld also need to convince the chinese to borrow you that kinda money to live tax free for a year, and your children/grandchildren to pay it back .

In my post I stated --"witholding tax " from working peoples paychecks -----the other tax sources for the 2.4 trillion ---sales , fees, capital gains etc the gov would continue to recieve. They would have to budget the spending to 1.4 trillion --would not have to borrow from China --Just let the American people truly spur the economy with money better spent than the government . A peoples stimulous that must be spent within twelve months on all sectors of the economy !!


Age quod agis
It is not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work -- work with us, not over us; stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it. First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981

We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity and ultimately human fulfillment, are created from the bottom up, not the government down. Only when the human spirit is allowed to invent and create, only when individuals are given a personal stake in deciding economic policies and benefitting from their success -- only then can societies remain economically alive, dynamic, progressive, and free. Trust the people. This is the one irrefutable lesson of the entire postwar period contradicting the notion that rigid government controls are essential to economic development. September 29, 1981

Government has an important role in helping develop a country's economic foundation. But the critical test is whether government is genuinely working to liberate individuals by creating incentives to work, save, invest, and succeed. October 30, 1981

We don't have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven't taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much. Address to National Association of Realtors, March 28, 1982

It is the Soviet Union that runs against the tide of history.... [It is] the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism- Leninism on the ash heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people. Speech to Britain's Parliament, June, 1982

Government growing beyond our consent had become a lumbering giant, slamming shut the gates of opportunity, threatening to crush the very roots of our freedom. What brought America back? The American people brought us back -- with quiet courage and common sense; with undying faith that in this nation under God the future will be ours, for the future belongs to the free. State of the Union Address, February 4, 1986

[G]overnment's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Remarks to the White House Conference on Small Business, August 15, 1986

The other day, someone told me the difference between a democracy and a people's democracy. It's the same difference between a jacket and a straitjacket. Remarks at Human Rights Day event, December 10, 1986

How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. Remarks in Arlington, Virginia, September 25, 1987

A friend of mine was asked to a costume ball a short time ago. He slapped some egg on his face and went as a liberal economist. February 11, 1988

Republicans believe every day is 4th of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15. Attributed

Are you willing to spend time studying the issues, making yourself aware, and then conveying that information to family and friends? Will you resist the temptation to get a government handout for your community? Realize that the doctor's fight against socialized medicine is your fight. We can't socialize the doctors without socializing the patients. Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he'll eat you last. Address to the nation, October 27, 1964

It's time we asked ourselves if we still know the freedoms intended for us by the Founding Fathers. James Madison said, "We base all our experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government." This idea that government was beholden to the people, that it had no other source of power, is still the newest, most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. Address to the nation, October 27, 1964

The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing. Address to the nation, October 27, 1964

We need true tax reform that will at least make a start toward restoring for our children the American Dream that wealth is denied to no one, that each individual has the right to fly as high as his strength and ability will take him. . . . But we cannot have such reform while our tax policy is engineered by people who view the tax as a means of achieving changes in our social structure. Address to the nation, October 27, 1964

Great Quotes from President Reagan RIP

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I would start with the Fair Tax and fade out the IRS...Read the Fair Tax book and you will see why...Whichever politician has the balls to put it in I will back..(DEM or Rep)...This will eliminate special interest groups who control the money for the politicians.. There's more but I don't won't to bore you like The Other Side does when he gets way off on himself!!!