So far, nothing but Ccrap for suggestions in answering the original question.
The "contributors" so far have started with White Power, then cut taxes, leave the economy alone, let the banks fail, let the free market work, reagan quotes and place Glen Beck in charge.
If this isnt a stew made purely out of cow dung, then I dont know what stew is.
Listen, BUSH cut taxes on the richest americans in the country while RAISING taxes on the middle and lower classes. For 8 years while the richest people in this country benefitted from tax cuts, the rest of us paid HIGHER costs for everything in our lives.
Higher home heating costs, highest fuel prices in history, highest food prices in history, highest prices for goods and services in history and higher taxes by states.
As the country was spinning out of control, the middle class paid HIGHER everything using the republican formula.
Today, under OBAMA in only 10 months, the middle class has had a TAX CUT, fuel prices are considerably lower than BUSH, food prices have been slashed, goods and services are begining to come down as retailers are SLASHING prices. Home heating prices are down, and inventories are getting better.
You cant argue with this. If you do, then you dont know economics, all you know is right wing nonsense.
As many states have to try and cover budget deficits, taxes may have to be raised (by state) but this isnt the goverment nor OBAMA.
These deficits have to do with housing and the collapse of the industry.
The free market, the main "line of B.S" used by Beck and Knuckleheads like him, failed the U.S. economy under BUSH. Thousands of companies left this country to take advantage of third world labor and this left the United States and its people without jobs or careers.
Our washing machines, our lawn mowers, our refridgerators, pencils, paper, all of our clothing, shoes, books etc etc etc are now made OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.
Most of the furniture sold in this country transitioned to mexico or south america under BUSH.
The majority of our manufacturing sector disappeared under BUSH using the "free market" concept.
Today, there are no industries left, or the old mainstays of U.S. manufacturing.
Our auto industry was destroyed under BUSH 2 by the importation of millions of cars from japan and korea. Under Clinton, after the auto industry collapsed under BUSH 1, Clinton placed restrictions on the importation of foriegn made cars and trucks and that helped to rebuild the U.S. auto industry. BUSH 2 reversed that trend by lifting those restrictions and flooding our shores with millions of cars taking sales away from the big three.
His rational? The free market. Yes it worked, but for the Japanese and Koreans.
Protectionism? Maybe. Isnt it time to protect "our" country first before we put global employment before americans?? For 8 years, the free market concept was sold to americans as the global economy.
But, isnt this what killed this country's economy in the first place?
The only thing "free" in the free market, is the ability for corporations to get away with not paying a living wage, medical benefits, vacation / holiday pay or pensions by putting a company in guatemala.
As President, I would immediately place a limit on the importation of cars and trucks. There has never been an equal trade for our cars and trucks in the world. Fuel is too expensive in other countries and that makes our cars non useful. By limiting the importation of cars and trucks, our industry will revive as customers would have to re-look at the re-tooled U.S. cars and trucks.
Yes, this sucks for the koreans and japanese, But I live here, not there so I dont really care.
The banks had to be rescued, thats someting you all just dont get. Yes, they paid themselves bonuses and they should be taken away, and they are, But to let them fail would have meant falling into another depression that would have wiped out all americans and other countries who invested in our country.
Those that keep saying let them fail have NO CLUE what ramifications would have arose. Yes, on the surface it sounds like a bad idea to save wall street, but it had to be done no matter what the cost. OBAMA and all the economic experts agree on this.
What I would do is re build our manufacturing sector thru tax incentives for companies who return their businesses to the U.S. I would talk with the unions and insure they came on board with a plan to keep a business viable before going back to the old ways of seeking the highest dollars from the get go. Make it incentive based so a living wage can be established.
Under BUSH 72% of everything made by U.S. companies was made in a foriegn country. This is what the free market does.
There are plenty of things to be done in this country to sparks jobs, roadways, highways, bridges, schools, abandoned housing communities.
This is where I put our citizens to work.
Lastly, I'd end both wars that are draining our economy out of billions of dollars. Remember, both wars have NOT BEEN PAID FOR. This debt OBAMA recieved on his first day in office.
The cost of these wars will continue for years. Bringing the troops home will costs billions, providing treatment for all service members for years will cost billions. Wars are not "free".
This economy needed a shot in the arm to beging to turn around. It got one with OBAMA. Time will tell if it works or not.
OBAMA is doing exactly what is needed and what "we" as americans dont need, is more RHETORIC from the party that put us in this mess in the first place.
The republicans should use this as a catch phrase;
"The republicans, the party that brought you the recession"