Excellent you finally provided me with one credible argument. Reagan did use Osama in Afghanistan in our ongoing cold war and had tremendous success in helping drive the russians out and tremendous success in using Osama to weaken the soviets overall. One thing we need to learn from this event is that we should probably wack these despots once they have served their purpose.
Overall your arguments appear to be out of the liberal handbook. I challenge you to actually open your mind to more then one reference guide and learn what was actually going on in the real world.
overall, your argument seems right out of oblivion.
Reagan was a complete failure as a president. He was a DEFICIT SPENDER, and lamented in the fact that he was spending 3 times as much money on goverment programs than he was taking in on taxes. You appparently call this success??
Reagans legacy, which was a disaster, left George H. Bush with a mountain of debt, a failing economy and the NEED TO RAISE TAXES allbeit a pledge from BUSH TO NEVER RAISE TAXES.
Reagan raised many taxes on the middle class to try and make up the deficit in revenue since he cut the taxes on the richest 1% of americans by 25% in hopes of a trickle down effect.
It didnt work, for the middle class that is, more middle class americans went into the poverty level under Reagan than ever before, then more during the BUSH 1 term.
Yes, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, but that was the plan.
Both Reagan and Bush terms (12 years) saw a deficit like never before in american history. 6 TRILLION, 3.5 for Reagan in 8 years and 2.5 trillion more for BUSH in 4 years.
This was more than all the presidents combined that came before either of these two idiots.
As for Carter, one thing you leave out of the equation TIEGUY (other than the usual facts) is that Carter had to inheirit the remains of the country after Vietnam, returning soldiers, the deficit from the war machine spending of NIXON ( another deficit spender) and the recession that hit carter. High unemployment and inflation hit his administration from all the disastrous policies of both NIXON and Ford who by all accounts was a JACK AASSS.
Even with all that being said, the high interest rates, high unemployment and the like, CARTER left Reagan only 300 million in debt. YES thats right, only 300 million.
It was Reagan and BUSH that took that 300 million (which by todays standards would be terrific) and ran it up to 6 trilion in 12 years.
TIEGUY, you may be old, but then again, too old to really comprehend the realities of the time. (the 80's)
Reagans deficits rose to 6% of GDP at the time, and that doomed americans in the middle class.
Even better, NIXONS entitlement spending was the highest in recorded history, with his 20 increase in social security payments and his spending on entitlements reaching 10.5% of GDP.
For me TIEGUY, I say you know didily about economics, and merely living through it doesnt make you an expert.
Try researching facts and figures as some of us do, then maybe you can engage in a decent argument.
Talk about talking right out of playbooks, you merely repeat the rhetoric that is the montra of the republican party.
You should try and keep to topics you wont get owned on.