For 444 days, Iranian terrorists LAUGHED at Jimmy Carter.
But damn, didn't they get rid of those hostages fast when President Reagan took office.
Wish we had a President now who could strike such fear into terrorists.[/QUOTE]
once again, you and I are on different planets. You posted two great quotes and for the 1 billionth time, you are WRONG on both counts.
Still, I love it. Like a foot smashing a smoldering cigarette.
Lets deal with the best GEM of the two:
"But damn, didn't they get rid of those hostages fast when President Reagan took office"
This one is the typical statement someone without any clue makes. While it sounds great on the surface, it is NOT TRUE.
Maybe you never heard of the "arms for hostages" scandal? You know the one where before Reagan took office, The CIA, CHENEY, and those who would make up Reagans cabinet AGREED to provide arms to IRAN (despite an embargo preventing this) in return for the release of the hostages.
Yes, after he was elected the crisis was over, but at what cost to America?
We armed the very people we acuse now of being terrorists? How is that working out for us now?
With the help of that other republican slimebag ( JAMES A. BAKER III) Reagan was able to secure secret negoitations with the Iranians prior to the election.
Baker, who is an attorney for the richest arabs in the middle east, and connections throughout the muslim world, not to mention holds positions of power in several middle eastern countries, helped to set up the hostage release by getting REAGAN to secretly arm terror groups in the middle east.
""Baker has formal involvement with the country of
Azerbaijan as he serves on the Honorary Council of Advisers for the U.S. Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce.
Until 2005 he was senior counsel to the
Carlyle Group and is currently a senior partner at the law firm of
Baker Botts."""
People who think they know about REAGAN only look foolish to those that know the truth. The right wing boasts about Reagans accomplishments, yet they leave out the FACTS..
Take TIEGUY, he wouldnt know a FACT about Reagan if it bit him in the leg.
Lets deal with your second GEM:
"Wish we had a President now who could strike such fear into terrorists."
This one I have to admit, made me laugh so hard, I almost cried. Reagan made Terrorists fear us??
Who were the terrorists in the 80's??? The mujahidin? The Taliban? The Contras? The Sandinistas? The Iraqi's?? The Iranians?
Oh wait, REAGAN armed all these terror groups during his administration.
IN fact, he created most of them. In Iraq, Reagan, Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld supplied the very gas that killed over 150 iranians and some of Saddams own people.
Reagan was NOT feared by anyone.
When Reagan decided to go into Beirut, against the best advice of the time, we lost over 200 marines in a terrorist act.
I guess you call that fear.?
I got to hand it to you, you never fail to make yourself look silly in current events.
Nonetheless, wrong again my young friend. I have no respect for Reagan, the Reagan experience was a disaster for america and to cite his success only shows peoples lack of understanding of how a country functions.