

Strength through joy
Immigrants Can Now Get Mexican Birth Certificates In U.S.

SANTA ANA (AP) — The Mexican government on Thursday will start issuing birth certificates to its citizens at consulates in the United States, seeking to make it easier for them to apply for U.S. work permits, driver’s licenses and protection from deportation
Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, said she believes Mexico is trying to make it easier for its citizens to stay here because of the money they send across the border.

Mexican migrant workers, many who live in the United States, sent home $21.6 billion to their families in 2013, according to the country’s central bank.

Now if there was a 10% tax on money transfers the USA would have $2.16B more to help pay for all the free stuff barry wishes to give away .


Strength through joy


Strength through joy
California DMV Ordered to Overlook Identity Theft by Illegals
Illegal aliens may enjoy a free pass on identity theft due to a new investigative policy at California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
The policy, issued last year and effective as of Jan. 1, 2015, directs DMV investigators to overlook identity theft by applicants “who may have attempted to obtain or been issued a license or ID card previously through submission of false information.”
The document informs DMV investigative officers that past identity theft is acceptable when the illegally-acquired IDs were only used to obtain a driver license, and where the license or ID was not used to commit any other crime.


Strength through joy
President Barack Obama has quietly handed out an extra 5.46 million work permits for non-immigrant foreigners who arrived as tourists, students, illegal immigrants or other types of migrants since 2009, according to federal documents released by a Freedom of Information Act request.

“The executive branch is operating a huge parallel work-authorization system outside the bounds of the [immigration] laws and limits written by Congress [and which] inevitably reduces job opportunities for Americans,” said Jessica Vaughan, the policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies, while filed the FOIA request.


nowhere special
Guess what? Obama lied. Again.

DHS Confirms Obama's Amnesty Isn't Temporary
The Department of Homeland Security confirmed Thursday that thousands of illegal immigrants granted temporary amnesty through President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will also get permanent U.S. citizenship thanks to how DHS is administering the program.

When Obama first announced his DACA program back in June 2012, he told the American people, "Now, let's be clear — this is not amnesty, this is not immunity, this is not a path to citizenship."


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Guess what? Obama lied. Again.

DHS Confirms Obama's Amnesty Isn't Temporary
The Department of Homeland Security confirmed Thursday that thousands of illegal immigrants granted temporary amnesty through President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will also get permanent U.S. citizenship thanks to how DHS is administering the program.

When Obama first announced his DACA program back in June 2012, he told the American people, "Now, let's be clear — this is not amnesty, this is not immunity, this is not a path to citizenship."
What else would any reasonable person expect from our liar-in-chief?


Well-Known Member
Whether it's by means of amnesty for millions who can't speak English and probably don't have a third grade education, or using fudged numbers to cram climate change garbage and high fuel prices down average American's throats, or borrowing billions to create extremely temporary jobs with no long term capacity to repay the loans, everything today's democrat does is about dismantling our capitalistic economy--which is why we can boast that our poorest poor are better off than most of the world's middle class--and replace it with their socialist plan that will destroy everything that makes this country great.
Liberals just refuse to accept the fact that when everyone is living off the government, no one will be able to support it and we will all go down.


golden ticket member
There are 26 or more states with lawsuits about Obama's amnesty action and overstepping his authority.
The best witness for them is Obama himself....he's on video 22 times saying he doesn't have the power as president to change law.


Strength through joy
Courting Contempt: Administration Considers Circumventing TRO Enjoining Executive Action
The Justice Department has already filed an emergency motion with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, asking it to dissolve U.S. District Court Judge Hanen's temporary restraining order (TRO). The motion was a masterpiece of misdirection and hyperbole.
Now, at least according to Rep. Gutiérrez, the administration is giving thought to pretending that if it moves forward in any of the states that are not party to the suit, everything is copacetic. It's fascinating to watch the administration contemplate showing itself to be as contemptuous of the third branch of government — the judiciary — as it has been of the second branch, our Congress.
I say to the president: go for it! Show yourself fully, completely, and nakedly as the imperious autocrat that many of the citizenry have come to believe you are. But what the president may find is that the federal judiciary is not as pusillanimous as our legislators, who have shucked and ducked, but never really taken the chief executive to task by lawsuit despite public avowals that they would do so .
The administration knows full well that if it starts granting documents in any non-party state to illegal aliens to reside and work in the United States, it will simply act as a magnet to aliens living in the states that are parties to the TRO. And, of course, the federal government doesn't issue documents that limit any alien's ability to live or work where they choose; thus, these newly documented aliens would return to the state where they had been, completely defeating the point of the TRO.
One cannot imagine federal judges at either the district or appellate court levels being particularly amused at such a too-clever-by-half measure to circumvent their authority. Some of them might even think it smacks of contempt. And it is. Apparently, contempt for the checks and balances and the tripartite form of government established by our Constitution are the rule of the day under this presidency.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Liberals versus Americans and the way the liberals have to attack Americans to try and win the illegal immigration battle.