
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
One of them, yes.

Why does your little liberal heart have issues with mean old Senator Sessions?

This should be good.

I don't think so. Trolls are on the wrong side.

While it doesnt suprise me in the least, that you would defend one of the biggest racists in the GOP, your inability to understand where all these old white men came from does surprise me.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
While it doesnt suprise me in the least, that you would defend one of the biggest racists in the GOP, your inability to understand where all these old white men came from does surprise me.

Tired of the racist attacks on white people.

I know people of different races, sexual orientations, religions, and nationalities and almost every single one of them are biased for or against other people.

I detest the KKK. But on this issue, Sen. Sessions is correct.

And it's so typical of you leftist trolls to attack the messenger, when you know you have no good argument against the message.


Its all good.
While it doesnt suprise me in the least, that you would defend one of the biggest racists in the GOP, your inability to understand where all these old white men came from does surprise me.

Another racist comment. Why do you have to always bring race into discussions? Do you hate all whites, or just everyone not like you?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Believe me, you would be all over a Democrat linking to an age-old link in support of whatever there argument was...
Most likely not. There is no argument. There is just me pointing to history. Besides....history books (age-old history books) say the same exact thing as the material in my link. And we both know my link isn't the real issue for you or the like minded. Its the factual material itself that is problematic for your false ideology.