

Strength through joy
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd calls it the largest heroin bust in the county's history. Arrests included suppliers, sellers and users, he said.
The ring was headed by Pablo Borgen, 1806 Jupiter St., Lakeland, Judd said. Borgen was arrested Tuesday morning on three counts of trafficking heroin, he said.
Borgen, 43, also was arrested in 2008 for trafficking more than 4 grams of heroin and possessing meth, according to a sheriff's office report. His arrest record dates back to 1997 and includes 16 charges, such as battery, grand larceny and drug sale.
The sheriff's office and Immigration Customs Enforcement tried to deport Pablo Borgen, originally from the Dominican Republic, but he appealed and was able to stay.
He owned four house, including one with a swimming pool, yet some how he still was able to receive $900 a month in food stamp benefits.


Strength through joy
The new rules were quietly announced Friday with a new memo from top officials at the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. The “prosecutorial discretion” memo says officials need not enforce immigration laws if illegal immigrants are enrolled in an education center or if their relatives have volunteered for the US military.
The Dream Act lives on.


golden ticket member
Are we going to see the documentation (proof) of action taken on the 'bad' illegal immigrants or will that be hidden like everything else??


Strength through joy
Police: Drunk Driver Dragged Motorcylist Quarter-Mile To His Death
MILFORD (CBS) – Police say a drunk, unlicensed driver hit a motorcyclist and dragged him about a quarter of a mile to his death over the weekend.
Nicolas Guaman was driving through downtown Milford Saturday night with his 6-year-old son in a pickup truck when police say he struck 23-year-year-old Matthew Denice, who was on his motorcycle.
Witnesses said Denice screamed as he was dragged down the street.

Guaman crashed and ran away.
He was caught a short time later and arrested.
Guaman, a resident of Ecuador, now faces several charges including vehicular homicide, drunk driving, and driving without a license.
Authorities say he is in the country illegally and may also face deportation.

Nice how they leave out the fact he is an illegal from the headline.
I'm sure he under bhos plan will never be deported.


Strength through joy
motorcycle had right of way, illegal ran a STOP sign, plowed right into him, had an open alcoholic container in the vehicle, the Ecuador Consulate was contacted , but not ICE.


Strength through joy
Obama Amnesty Panel Cancels 1st Deportation Order
U.S. Issues New Deportation Policy’s First Reprieves


The call came in the morning to the lawyer representing Manuel Guerra, an illegal immigrant from Mexico living in Florida who had been caught in a tortuous and seemingly failing five-year court fight against deportation. With the news early Thursday that federal immigration authorities had canceled his deportation, Mr. Guerra became one of the first illegal immigrants in the country to see results from a policy the Obama administration unveiled in Washington that day. It could lead to the suspension in coming months of deportation proceedings against tens of thousands of immigrants.
For Mr. Guerra, who said he wants to remain in the United States to study to become a Roman Catholic priest, the news “was like something from above, from heaven. I don’t want to go back to Mexico,” he said.
The immigrants will remain in a sort of legal limbo, not vulnerable to deportation but with no positive immigration status, which can be conferred only by Congress.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Milford , new update.
The illegal had a police record already.
He had a been arrested many times; driving without a license, assault & battery on police officers and firefighters; driving under the influence of alcohol, heck his own family called the police on him earlier in the day.
The motorcycle rider was under stuck in the wheel well of the truck, screaming in pain, witnesses tried to stop the truck by banging on the side of it, not until the truck stopped and backed up over the motorcycle rider ( actually killing him ), was the victim freed.
Responding officers said this was the ugliest sight they had ever seen.
Milford , new update.
The illegal had a police record already.
He had a been arrested many times; driving without a license, assault & battery on police officers and firefighters; driving under the influence of alcohol, heck his own family called the police on him earlier in the day.
The motorcycle rider was under stuck in the wheel well of the truck, screaming in pain, witnesses tried to stop the truck by banging on the side of it, not until the truck stopped and backed up over the motorcycle rider ( actually killing him ), was the victim freed.
Responding officers said this was the ugliest sight they had ever seen.
Wonder if the death penalty would apply here? The state will probably have feed the sorry bastard for the rest of his life.