Glad to see you're onboard to get rid of sanctuary city status that's protecting the criminals, as well as building a wall to keep them out. And let's stop the asylum seeking dodge because the criminal element can use that too. You're right, let's focus on the criminals and everything we can do to keep them out. Now feign outrage.
Interesting segment on "60 Minutes" recently about human trafficking across the border. Showed one of the checkpoints that Border Patrol agents check cars and trucks at in Texas. Quite a few semi's come through loaded with illegal aliens. Guy who headed checkpoint said because of the shear amount of traffic they don't have time to go through every vehicle so if nothing is picked up on body heat seeking machine and driver's paperwork is in order they're waved through. Leslie Stahl asked how then did truck loaded with illegals just get through that resulted in a number of deaths in the hot trailer? Machine was not working that day he replied. Is it now? Um, no. So we're the richest nation on Earth, we're greatly concerned about illegal immigration, and don't have a working machine that easily picks up on infrared body heat, literally shows the shape of their bodies? The fix is in as far as I'm concerned. Both parties want them, they're still getting in, the ones crossing the desert on foot are easy pickings for showing deportation stats. When the Dems control Congress with the extra votes that millions of newly minted citizens give them, how will they create a job market with too many people vying for too few jobs because of automation? And you Republicans who want to depress wages with illegal labor, how once you get your automation in that eliminates all those jobs whose pay you suppressed, how will you be able to provide for all the millions out of work, including the tens of millions you imported? It's all about money and power now, with no thought to the future.