
El Correcto

god is dead
why did this happen?

was your * legal or illegal?
It’s illegal where I’m at, but all the legal stuff works it’s way down here illegally. My friends stripper sister used to take the greyhound to Colorado and bring back :censored2: to sell, lots of people did. Having marijuana candies, vapes, the hottest strains and hash products is just good for business.
There’s also all the seed websites now and YouTube tutorials. Any :censored2: with time to kill can start churning out ounces of dro.


Well-Known Member
It’s illegal where I’m at, but all the legal stuff works it’s way down here illegally. My friends stripper sister used to take the greyhound to Colorado and bring back * to sell, lots of people did. Having marijuana candies, vapes, the hottest strains and hash products is just good for business.
There’s also all the seed websites now and YouTube tutorials. Any * with time to kill can start churning out ounces of dro.
panic attacks is a side effect of legal weed. ive never really got into it much im a beer guy. ive been so high it felt like i was having a heart attack, is that not almost hte same thing?

El Correcto

god is dead
panic attacks is a side effect of legal weed. ive never really got into it much im a beer guy. ive been so high it felt like i was having a heart attack, is that not almost hte same thing?
Yeah panic attacks can cause your heart to feel like it’s pounding out of your chest. That’s normal.

El Correcto

god is dead
on increased heart rate is one of hte side effects.
The side effects depend on your tolerance. For first time smokers, you are most likely going to get that stimulant high mixed with the depressant high. You’re going to feel up and down at the same time, elevated heart rate, rapid intrusive thoughts and slurred/mumbled speech. It’s not that pleasant of a feeling.

Once you get a higher tolerance you can smoke and just enjoy the upper feelings of weed. The nice light buzz, a greater interest in your hobbies, giggles, loss of appetite, energy and focus, followed by a crash. Even then you can smoke too much and get dumb high, then it’s just time to put a movie on and take a nap.


Well-Known Member
The side effects depend on your tolerance. For first time smokers, you are most likely going to get that stimulant high mixed with the depressant high. You’re going to feel up and down at the same time, elevated heart rate, rapid intrusive thoughts and slurred/mumbled speech. It’s not that pleasant of a feeling.

Once you get a higher tolerance you can smoke and just enjoy the upper feelings of weed. The nice light buzz, a greater interest in your hobbies, giggles, loss of appetite, energy and focus, followed by a crash. Even then you can smoke too much and get dumb high, then it’s just time to put a movie on and take a nap.
isnt pot better than alcohol?

you cant get hungover with it right. ive barfed and never been hung over

El Correcto

god is dead
isnt pot better than alcohol?

you cant get hungover with it right. ive barfed and never been hung over
I’d say pot is better, but it depends on the person.
Pot has been shown to lead to higher frequencies of mental illness in people like me that have smoked heavily from a young age and have family history of mental illness. I’ve seen alcoholics experience alcohol induced psychosis, it’s not pretty. Literally being a violent :censored2: and pissing themselves while doing so.

neither is good, but I’d never have the gall to compare my marijuana problems, :censored2:ed up stomach and all, to the problems of a raging alcoholic. It’s very rare to see marijuana ruin people’s lives, alcohol can derail even the most successful and motivated people.


nowhere special


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

Biden Faces Challenge From Surge of Migrants at the Border


WASHINGTON — Thousands of migrant children are backed up in United States detention facilities along the border with Mexico, part of a surge of immigration from Central Americans fleeing poverty and violence that could overwhelm President Biden’s attempt to create a more humane approach to those seeking entry into the country.

The number of migrant children in custody along the border has tripled in the past two weeks to more than 3,250, according to federal immigration agency documents obtained by The New York Times, and many of them are being held in jail-like facilities for longer than the three days allowed by law.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

Biden’s Unnecessary Border Crisis

Consider the contours of this challenge. Twice as many people, about 80,000, tried to cross the border illegally in January of this year as compared with January a year ago.

Even though it isn’t peak traveling season yet (that traditionally comes in May and June), U.S. Border Patrol has already begun releasing migrants into U.S. towns on the border, and the number of minors arriving per day is four times higher than in October.

Axios reported on a briefing prepared for Biden that warned that the number of migrants kids is on pace to set a record, and there aren’t nearly enough beds to accommodate them. Per Axios, the briefing projects that an astonishing 117,000 unaccompanied children will show up at the border this year, and says we’ll need another 20,000 beds.

Health and Human Services, which takes custody of minors, has begun expediting their release to adults in the U.S., and paying their transportation costs.

Meanwhile, the Biden team is reopening detention facilities at the border that drew the ire of Democrats during Trump’s presidency.

Every news outlet is reporting the mess at the border that the Biden administration has caused....

Unbelievable, open border yet closed schools... This is what we get as elections have consequences.. smh

It will be fine

Well-Known Member

Biden’s Unnecessary Border Crisis

Consider the contours of this challenge. Twice as many people, about 80,000, tried to cross the border illegally in January of this year as compared with January a year ago.

Even though it isn’t peak traveling season yet (that traditionally comes in May and June), U.S. Border Patrol has already begun releasing migrants into U.S. towns on the border, and the number of minors arriving per day is four times higher than in October.

Axios reported on a briefing prepared for Biden that warned that the number of migrants kids is on pace to set a record, and there aren’t nearly enough beds to accommodate them. Per Axios, the briefing projects that an astonishing 117,000 unaccompanied children will show up at the border this year, and says we’ll need another 20,000 beds.

Health and Human Services, which takes custody of minors, has begun expediting their release to adults in the U.S., and paying their transportation costs.

Meanwhile, the Biden team is reopening detention facilities at the border that drew the ire of Democrats during Trump’s presidency.

Every news outlet is reporting the mess at the border that the Biden administration has caused....

Unbelievable, open border yet closed schools... This is what we get as elections have consequences.. smh
Too bad the last guy didn’t get that wall built.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's heartwarming to see you come around to how great a wall would be. I'm certain you'll write your Congressman and encourage him to vote for completion of the wall. Meanwhile this is strictly Biden's doing and no amount of shifting blame will change that.
I thought the wall was really Mexico stopping all the migrants at their southern border? How did they all get here so fast?


Well-Known Member
Neither would Democrats. We can see why now.

It's interesting how hatred and violence towards scabs crossing a democrat endorsed Union picket line is excused, condoned, and celebrated as "workers protecting their jobs and families." While the same logic applied at our southern border is conveniently dismissed as racism and xenophobia.

I've often heard people complain that 'immigrants are stealing jobs and driving up the cost of housing for American citizens.' But that is not the correct way to look at it.
In the minds of immigrants and those who enable them, you (the American citizen) are stealing THEIR jobs and driving up the cost of THEIR housing.