

Strength through joy

Contreras, who leads United Giving Hope, is organizing protests against naming the school for the Obamas.

"From the time Barack Obama became President until 2017 when he left, he today is still the highest ranking president with deportations in our nation," Contreras said. "We feel that Barack Obama did disservice to us. He denied us, and he didn't stop the deportations, the way he promised."


Inordinately Right
This is what Democrats want:


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

No ID, no problem. To hell with the TSA verifying the people who are flying won’t hijack a plane. Just sneak them into whatever city they can get them to. SMH.



No ID, no problem. To hell with the TSA verifying the people who are flying won’t hijack a plane. Just sneak them into whatever city they can get them to. SMH.
Dear lord. Fake news......


Well-Known Member

View attachment 337135
What kind of people think this is okay? This has to stop.
maybe if you werent interfering in their countries making life worse for these ppl they wouldnt have to move.

or maybe if your immigration laws werent so restrictive, ppl wouldnt be doing crazy things like this.

seriously why do you think this stuff happens? ppl are desperate.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member

View attachment 337135
What kind of people think this is okay? This has to stop.
Maybe if the alt-right would stop telling people that the border is open and just walk across this would not be happening. The border is closed and you will be sent back.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe if the alt-right would stop telling people that the border is open and just walk across this would not be happening. The border is closed and you will be sent back.
obama was called deporter in chief too, think he deported 3 million. obama was a right winger by most other countries standards.

for example nowadays biden is only restoring some tax rates to george w bush levels

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
maybe if you werent interfering in their countries making life worse for these ppl they wouldnt have to move.

or maybe if your immigration laws werent so restrictive, ppl wouldnt be doing crazy things like this.

seriously why do you think this stuff happens? ppl are desperate.
If they’re that desperate, there are 17 countries south of them that they could go to WITH their children and not leave them to die in the desert. Oh wait….those countries probably have immigration laws that don’t allow them in so they go to the US, which had thrown open the borders, or send their babies with a coyote who is just in it for the money. The suckers in the US will welcome them in with open arms!

As far as our harsh immigration laws, show me a country that doesn’t have any. You’ve said many times you want to go to Australia, but you can’t meet qualifications. You know why? Because they have LAWS that they follow and DGAF if you don’t like it.


Well-Known Member
If they’re that desperate, there are 17 countries south of them that they could go to WITH their children and not leave them to die in the desert. Oh wait….those countries probably have immigration laws that don’t allow them in so they go to the US, which had thrown open the borders, or send their babies with a coyote who is just in it for the money. The suckers in the US will welcome them in with open arms!

As far as our harsh immigration laws, show me a country that doesn’t have any. You’ve said many times you want to go to Australia, but you can’t meet qualifications. You know why? Because they have LAWS that they follow and DGAF if you don’t like it.
theres not 17 developed countries south of US sherlock.

im not sure how much more restrictive america is vs australia or other countries. youre probably more restrictive than canada, here i was talking to an immigrant at work and she has to do 2 years of post secondary and 2 years of work visa and then shes canadian. im grateful shes able to get out of india and would not want to be stuck there or these latin american countries which america probably still has considerable influence over. im sure ur borders are not wide open sherlock. theres photos of your detention centres during covid, its pathetic the lack of respect america the richest country on earth has for human life.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
theres not 17 developed countries south of US sherlock.

im not sure how much more restrictive america is vs australia or other countries. youre probably more restrictive than canada, here i was talking to an immigrant at work and she has to do 2 years of post secondary and 2 years of work visa and then shes canadian. im grateful shes able to get out of india and would not want to be stuck there or these latin american countries which america probably still has considerable influence over. im sure ur borders are not wide open sherlock. theres photos of your detention centres during covid, its pathetic the lack of respect america the richest country on earth has for human life.
Who said anything about developed countries, Genius?


Well-Known Member
If they’re that desperate, there are 17 countries south of them that they could go to WITH their children and not leave them to die in the desert. Oh wait….those countries probably have immigration laws that don’t allow them in so they go to the US, which had thrown open the borders, or send their babies with a coyote who is just in it for the money. The suckers in the US will welcome them in with open arms!

As far as our harsh immigration laws, show me a country that doesn’t have any. You’ve said many times you want to go to Australia, but you can’t meet qualifications. You know why? Because they have LAWS that they follow and DGAF if you don’t like it.
your immigration laws are likely so bad / incompetent regular canadians with no criminal record were having problems even visiting america.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
theres not 17 developed countries south of US sherlock.

im not sure how much more restrictive america is vs australia or other countries. youre probably more restrictive than canada, here i was talking to an immigrant at work and she has to do 2 years of post secondary and 2 years of work visa and then shes canadian. im grateful shes able to get out of india and would not want to be stuck there or these latin american countries which america probably still has considerable influence over. im sure ur borders are not wide open sherlock. theres photos of your detention centres during covid, its pathetic the lack of respect america the richest country on earth has for human life.
Why is it as the wealthiest country in the world that it is our responsibility to take care of the rest of the world? Americans worked hard to make this country the wealthiest. How about other countries do the same.