

Strength through joy
Mexico or La Razzy will only make noises about taking back "their " stolen lands from the USA.
Why ?
Because if they did actually get control over these lands the main source of Mexico's GDP ( money being sent home ) would either drop or stop completely .
How could Mexico survive without that $5B+ ?


golden ticket member
But they are in this country ILLEGALLY! (Yes, I’m yelling)

Via The Hill:

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) wants House members to stop referring to immigrants as “illegal” while debating immigration reform.

Rush is pushing a petition that urges lawmakers to refer to them as “undocumented immigrants” instead of “illegal immigrants.”
“By standing together against the use of these terms, publicly elected Representatives can avoid unproductive debates and discussions, which are extremely offensive to those who have not been born in the U.S.,” Rush said in a statement on Wednesday.

“The words and labels that America selects to describe and refer to non-citizens, and to those not born in the U.S. are supremely important. Your support of this movement will promote a way forward on merits and produce a comprehensive and sensible immigration reform legislative package.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Most of the time the topics in this forum are topics we discuss that may not touch us personally.

This topic now touches me personally. A close family member has fallen in love with someone from another country. I am proud to say that these people have applied for a VISA and will do everything legally.

I feel more adamant then ever on my stand that people who come to this country illegally should not have the same entitlements as those who are here legally.

As with any other rule, regulation or law, if you decide to break the law, there are consequences for your decisions. Those decisions affect you, your family and others.

Any reasonable and fair minded person knows that you cannot deport 15 to 20 million people but these folks need to go to the back of the line. There should be a short reasonable time given to "come out of the shadows." At that point, anyone who decides to evade the process should be given NO consideration and deported.

Illegals should not be a burden on the rest of society. No handouts!

Most of all, we need to secure the border. One way to secure the border is to have proof that you are here legally. Once the law goes into effect, all of us should be required if asked by trained law enforcement to prove they are here legally.

People who want to be citizens in America or those who want to live here for long periods should assimilate to our culture and heritage. If not, they risk being profiled day after day and their papers better be in order.

Simple as that!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Most of the time the topics in this forum are topics we discuss that may not touch us personally.

This topic now touches me personally. A close family member has fallen in love with someone from another country. I am proud to say that these people have applied for a VISA and will do everything legally.

I feel more adamant then ever on my stand that people who come to this country illegally should not have the same entitlements as those who are here legally.

As with any other rule, regulation or law, if you decide to break the law, there are consequences for your decisions. Those decisions affect you, your family and others.

Any reasonable and fair minded person knows that you cannot deport 15 to 20 million people but these folks need to go to the back of the line. There should be a short reasonable time given to "come out of the shadows." At that point, anyone who decides to evade the process should be given NO consideration and deported.

Illegals should not be a burden on the rest of society. No handouts!

Most of all, we need to secure the border. One way to secure the border is to have proof that you are here legally. Once the law goes into effect, all of us should be required if asked by trained law enforcement to prove they are here legally.

People who want to be citizens in America or those who want to live here for long periods should assimilate to our culture and heritage. If not, they risk being profiled day after day and their papers better be in order.

Simple as that!

How nice of you to repeat the talking points of Marco Rubio. Unfortunately, you dont have the facts. Yes, you have the talking points, but not the reality. Marco Rubio himself got into trouble when he was on spanish radio and he said :

"Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican behind the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform bill, says he “probably should have been more artful in the use of terms” when he said in a Spanish-language interview last weekend that the bill first provides for legalization of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and then, after that, for increased border security."Marco Rubio: I should have been 'more artful' in immigration remarks |

THE GOP lost its mind when he "goofed" on this explanation. HE has since tried to "walk this back". Moreover, the immigration problem, according to marco rubio, could be solved if we just secured our southern borders. He states :

"if we just secure our southern border, we wont have to revisit the immigration issue 5 or 10 years down the road"..~Marco Rubio.

Really? In other words, if we lock down the southern borders, the immigration problem will be solved. UMM, not true. The problem with the immigration is that the talking heads of the GOP keep misrepresenting the causes of illegal immigration. Lets look at some numbers from the department of homeland security.

41% of immigrants come here on tourist visas that expire and they dont go home and BECOME ILLEGAL.
19% of immigrants come here on Student visas that expire and they dont go home and BECOME ILLEGAL.
17% of immigrants come here on Worker visas that expire and the dont go home and BECOME ILLEGAL.

Thats 77% of illegal immigration that has NOTHING to do with any of our three borders.

That leaves 23% of illegal immigration that comes across the borders and if you break that down by borders, the numbers come out like this:

7% come across the canadian border illegally.
9% come into florida or the east coast illegally.
7% come into the southwest states illegally.

So, if we are to understand MARCO RUBIOS claims, if we just lock down our southern borders we will NOT have to revisit the illegal immigration issue in a few years. So, doing the math, if we stop the 7% coming across the southern borders, then all our problems with immigration will be solved.

LIFER, you have to try to understand the complexities of illegal immigration and understand that the MAJORITY of people who are Illegal in this country came here LEGALLY first, then became ILLEGAL.

41% come here on a tourist visa, which means they get off planes, buses or simply drive across our borders with a smile on their faces. When the VISA expires, they dont go home. They just blend into the crowd. There is no mechanism to stop this. There never has been.

You can put soldiers arm in arm from texas to california and you wont make a DENT in the influx of illegal aliens into this country.

As long as people can come into the country on visas and not leave, you will always have millions of illegal aliens living here.

YOU can cling to the hopes of talking points by Marco Rubio, who is nothing more than a TOOL, but doing what he says wont have any effect on the illegal alien problem in this country.




nowhere special
How nice of you to repeat the talking points of Marco Rubio. Unfortunately, you dont have the facts. Yes, you have the talking points, but not the reality. Marco Rubio himself got into trouble when he was on spanish radio and he said :

"Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican behind the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform bill, says he “probably should have been more artful in the use of terms” when he said in a Spanish-language interview last weekend that the bill first provides for legalization of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and then, after that, for increased border security."Marco Rubio: I should have been 'more artful' in immigration remarks |

THE GOP lost its mind when he "goofed" on this explanation. HE has since tried to "walk this back". Moreover, the immigration problem, according to marco rubio, could be solved if we just secured our southern borders. He states :

"if we just secure our southern border, we wont have to revisit the immigration issue 5 or 10 years down the road"..~Marco Rubio.

Really? In other words, if we lock down the southern borders, the immigration problem will be solved. UMM, not true. The problem with the immigration is that the talking heads of the GOP keep misrepresenting the causes of illegal immigration. Lets look at some numbers from the department of homeland security.

41% of immigrants come here on tourist visas that expire and they dont go home and BECOME ILLEGAL.
19% of immigrants come here on Student visas that expire and they dont go home and BECOME ILLEGAL.
17% of immigrants come here on Worker visas that expire and the dont go home and BECOME ILLEGAL.

Thats 77% of illegal immigration that has NOTHING to do with any of our three borders.

That leaves 23% of illegal immigration that comes across the borders and if you break that down by borders, the numbers come out like this:

7% come across the canadian border illegally.
9% come into florida or the east coast illegally.
7% come into the southwest states illegally.

So, if we are to understand MARCO RUBIOS claims, if we just lock down our southern borders we will NOT have to revisit the illegal immigration issue in a few years. So, doing the math, if we stop the 7% coming across the southern borders, then all our problems with immigration will be solved.

LIFER, you have to try to understand the complexities of illegal immigration and understand that the MAJORITY of people who are Illegal in this country came here LEGALLY first, then became ILLEGAL.

41% come here on a tourist visa, which means they get off planes, buses or simply drive across our borders with a smile on their faces. When the VISA expires, they dont go home. They just blend into the crowd. There is no mechanism to stop this. There never has been.

You can put soldiers arm in arm from texas to california and you wont make a DENT in the influx of illegal aliens into this country.

As long as people can come into the country on visas and not leave, you will always have millions of illegal aliens living here.

YOU can cling to the hopes of talking points by Marco Rubio, who is nothing more than a TOOL, but doing what he says wont have any effect on the illegal alien problem in this country.



Where is your source for those numbers? What I see is 62% from Mexico

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I made the highlighted statement below because I understand that some who come here legally don't leave.

(Most of all, we need to secure the border.
One way to secure the border is to have proof that you are here legally. Once the law goes into effect, all of us should be required if asked by trained law enforcement to prove they are here legally.

People who want to be citizens in America or those who want to live here for long periods should assimilate to our culture and heritage. If not, they risk being profiled day after day and their papers better be in order.)

Read more:

1. Allow people to come out of the shadows
2. Profile - ask for proof of being in this country legally.
3. Assimilate into American society or risk being profiled.
A. If you are in the system you will be identified

Ultimately, the citizens of this country will have to determine what level of security and economic prosperity they want.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I made the highlighted statement below because I understand that some who come here legally don't leave.

(Most of all, we need to secure the border.
One way to secure the border is to have proof that you are here legally. Once the law goes into effect, all of us should be required if asked by trained law enforcement to prove they are here legally.

People who want to be citizens in America or those who want to live here for long periods should assimilate to our culture and heritage. If not, they risk being profiled day after day and their papers better be in order.)

Read more:

1. Allow people to come out of the shadows
2. Profile - ask for proof of being in this country legally.
3. Assimilate into American society or risk being profiled.
A. If you are in the system you will be identified

Ultimately, the citizens of this country will have to determine what level of security and economic prosperity they want.

"Come out of the shadows." ? What a crock. THis talking point is so LAME its not even funny. First of all, there is NOBODY living in the shadows. They are everywhere, walking around, working, playing, shopping and such, and the term "come out of the shadows" shows the disconnect between the republicans and reality.

Illegal aliens are ALL around us everyday.

THey dont hide anymore, and havent hid since the mid 80's. What I find more humorous, is your acceptance of the NAZI / Getstapo tactics contained in this gem:

1. Allow people to come out of the shadows
2. Profile - ask for proof of being in this country legally.
3. Assimilate into American society or risk being profiled.
4. If you are in the system you will be identified

The jews had it the same way, and how did that work out for them in germany in 1932?




Strength through joy
The number one item that must be followed is that everyone be subject to a full medical screening .
Anyone who does not pass , immediately gets deported on the spot .


Well-Known Member
All the current waste of time and money on Capital Hill currently, in attempting once again to throw together yet another worthless doorstop of a bill, is as usual - MEANINGLESS - until we first secure our borders. Not just the one to the south either :/ Bring the world police home NOW and keep them all employed by creating an impenetrable wall from top to bottom and coast to coast NOW.

Otherwise, stop wasting more time and money on worthless paperwork and laws you won't enforce anyway.


Well-Known Member
"Supreme Court ruling could block other states from imposing new restrictions on citizens seeking to register to vote."

Uhhhhh, if they're 'citizens' what's the problem?


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
When Marco Rubio is asked whether his bill will pass the senate if there is no teeth to securing the border in it... he is brutally honest about it being doomed to fail if the proper language and measure are not in there.

I beleive he is sincere in his efforts to secure our border yet provide a fair an equitable solution to immigration reform.
