

Inordinately Right
I am speaking civics. Not your whacked out interpetations lol
This is what your people think of civics:



Inordinately Right
I must say your recent posts have become quite spicy. What changed?
I have never been a fan of voting against a candidate rather than for one, but I feel we are at a crucial point for the direction of this country.

Trump has essentially trolled the Democrats into supporting the extreme leftist factions of the party. I don't like Trump but here we are.

El Correcto

god is dead
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because o friend creed, or birthplace, or origin"

But but it's okay to discriminate based upon language spoken. Let me guess, there is only one religion allowed, too...and so on we could go..
“And assimilates himself to us”
Part of immigrant assimilation is learning the language for :censored2:s sake.


Well-Known Member
“And assimilates himself to us”
Part of immigrant assimilation is learning the language for :censored2:s sake.
And a friendly reminder. That poem engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty was added on about 2 decades later. And somehow it's considered bigoted to want to preserve a nation instead of just turning one into a giant business opportunity for the 2nd & 3rd world.


Well-Known Member
You speak Cherokee?
In alt history lite the Indians sided with the Confederacy for the best interests of their Tribes. Had The Confederates won, perhaps the indigenous folks would have more of a stake in the Country. Shades of Outlaw Josie Wales stuff.


Bad Moon Risen'
In alt history lite the Indians sided with the Confederacy for the best interests of their Tribes. Had The Confederates won, perhaps the indigenous folks would have more of a stake in the Country. Shades of Outlaw Josie Wales stuff.
Confederates should have been put on Reservations.

El Correcto

god is dead
Just look at the sell of Manhattan. The Dutch “bought” it from them but the Indians stayed anyways in a “defensive pact” with the Dutch.

They didn’t understand they were supposed to leave after selling land. Lmao, wut a bunch of dum dum commies.


The liberals muddy the waters with “don’t speak English at home” statistics but I’d say 90%+ in this country have somis grasp of English and can speak and read it. The de facto language is English. It is a part of our culture.
I know it is the de facto language, but the reason (s) why it is not an official language is crucial and a lot deeper than most people realize (generally ignorance)

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Just a heads up... The official language is "none" and those were written in British English. That's rough
Just a heads up, based on your logic(?), the Declaration of Independence AND the Constitution of the United States would be considered politically incorrect.

Now get back in your mothers basement and continue your home-schooling.