"Level playing field" is a term that is loosely and wrongfully applied by the left to any situation where someone isn't making the same amount of money as someone else...etc.
We'll have to agree to disagree.
I understand where you're coming from.
But it's not a question of the have-nots blaming the haves, it's a question of opportunity.
I'd like to think that the world was that simple, where just by hard work and boot-strap-pulling every single person could make it. But that's not the case.
You pat yourself on the back, telling yourself that you 'made it', due to your own version of GRIT and DETERMINATION.
That's about half true.
You view your success solely in terms of your will, grit, and personal determination, and you view others' success or lack thereof on the same terms (i.e. if someone else didn't succeed like you, they must lack GRIT and DETERMINATION).
Where you and I disagree is that you assume there's a 'level playing field', wherein every single person has the exact same chance, and failure is simply due to personal shortcoming.
I don't think that's correct.
I think there are inherent biases built into the system, and that some people are behind the 'eight-ball' from the get-go.
If that makes you want to label me as a 'leftist', or a 'liberal', go right ahead.