Income Inequality


Inordinately Right
Start a revolution, include a bonus check of $1000 with your next tax bill and write a note stating that you would like to give school teachers a raise.
I'm in a family of teachers, I've donated more than my fair share of money to an underfunded educational system.

Education is an economic issue. When it comes to staying competitive in a global economy, our future as a country depends on our ability to educate our children. If you want the best people teaching the future leaders and workers of your country, you have to incentivize that monetarily. Sadly, people are short-sighted and just want to cut spending without thinking of the consequences.


Active Member
I'm in a family of teachers, I've donated more than my fair share of money to an underfunded educational system.

Education is an economic issue. When it comes to staying competitive in a global economy, our future as a country depends on our ability to educate our children. If you want the best people teaching the future leaders and workers of your country, you have to incentivize that monetarily. Sadly, people are short-sighted and just want to cut spending without thinking of the consequences.
Sounds like you are done paying and want someone else to "pay their fair share" for you.


Well-Known Member
All I know is I'm sick and tired of the politicians pimping out our kids. If I see another politician say "it's for the children" I'm gonna scream! We constantly vote more money for schools and :censored2: never seems to get better.


golden ticket member
I'm in a family of teachers, I've donated more than my fair share of money to an underfunded educational system.

Education is an economic issue. When it comes to staying competitive in a global economy, our future as a country depends on our ability to educate our children. If you want the best people teaching the future leaders and workers of your country, you have to incentivize that monetarily. Sadly, people are short-sighted and just want to cut spending without thinking of the consequences.
Whatever happened to all that lottery money that was suppose to fund education ???? Who stole that???


Well-Known Member
cut the annual 1.5 trillion war budget!

cut the trillions given to wall street!

who and what do you think is propping up this tepid Obama economy? Soon as the GDP started dropping below 1 percent Obama started sending more troops and arms to Iraq


Strength through joy
Mass 2016; Question # 2
Use Public School Allotments to fund Charter Schools , up to 12 / yr.
The people behind saying NO have stated that every school budget will have to take cuts if Q# 2 passes.
They mention everything to be cut but teacher's salaries, medical co-pays and pensions .


Retired 23 years
All I know is I'm sick and tired of the politicians pimping out our kids. If I see another politician say "it's for the children" I'm gonna scream! We constantly vote more money for schools and :censored2: never seems to get better.

A few years back they rammed a multi-million dollar school referendum down our throats. It failed twice. Third time they figured out a way to "just do it" without a vote. We got a new middle school complex with 4 tennis courts, an indoor track , I don't know how many soccer fields and ball diamonds and a new building with 25 foot high ceilings in it (I'm not kidding). Apparently the school board forgot this was Minnesota and you have to heat all that wasted space because the following year they added another 12 million just to pay for utilities. I forgot about the million dollar planetarium room that was up and running for ONE friggin year and now sets idle because nobody apparently can figure it out and the company who built it is long gone. Meanwhile if you read the police blotter I think the cops spend more time out there breaking up fights and busting young druggies than any other place in town--------------BUT ITS FOR THE CHILDREN.


Well-Known Member
Yep I know what you mean. Back here in Arizona in the mid 90s they kept putting up a proposition to get public funding for a baseball stadium. The voters kept rejecting it. Same thing as your situation they found a way. The Maricopa County Authority rammed it through against the will of the people. I'm so sick of these politician :censored2:s.


Well-Known Member
who and what do you think is propping up this tepid Obama economy? Soon as the GDP started dropping below 1 percent Obama started sending more troops and arms to Iraq
im not sure its that propped up; people understand the economy is bad and obama isnt doing anything about it.

you have another housing bubble, a stock market bubble. yea i guess the war machine keeps people employed im not sure that math on how that works exactly.


Retired 23 years
Yep I know what you mean. Back here in Arizona in the mid 90s they kept putting up a proposition to get public funding for a baseball stadium. The voters kept rejecting it. Same thing as your situation they found a way. The Maricopa County Authority rammed it through against the will of the people. I'm so sick of these politician :censored2:s.

Don't even get me started on our new 1.3 BILLION dollar football stadium the tax payers built for a team owner worth billions.


Well-Known Member
im not sure its that propped up; people understand the economy is bad and obama isnt doing anything about it.

you have another housing bubble, a stock market bubble. yea i guess the war machine keeps people employed im not sure that math on how that works exactly.
I'm a seller of real estate, but a buyer of certain equities. And definately not in the war business.


Well-Known Member
I'm a seller of real estate, but a buyer of certain equities. And definately not in the war business.
after the american housing bubble popped and i started listening to politics in 2011, i was very skeptical about buying real estate where i was from. plus i thought making alot of money and working 5 days a week was boring, and i wasnt thrilled about the city i lived in or the wayyy over blown housing prices.


Well-Known Member
after the american housing bubble popped and i started listening to politics in 2011, i was very skeptical about buying real estate where i was from. plus i thought making alot of money and working 5 days a week was boring, and i wasnt thrilled about the city i lived in or the wayyy over blown housing prices.
Do you want to live in Vegas? I still have some rentals there. But I don't accept loonies.