Inordinately Right
You are in a death cult called liberalism.number #3 cause of death this year sherlock
Thoughts and prayers for you commie.
You are in a death cult called liberalism.number #3 cause of death this year sherlock
No MIP bonus for you this yearYou are in a death cult called liberalism.
Thoughts and prayers for you commie.
Ask @DriveInDriveOut
we all know he is a part-time management scum
trump is def to blame, democrats are corrupt too and other republicans as well. im under hte impression trump is mostly responsible.
yea but americans havent thought for themselves for sometime now. youve had a system of mass propaganda since wwI and you invented it. nazi germany copied it from you guys. your govt and the media has controlled the narrative about the red scare and trickle down economics. and socialists like myself are called names even by you. we live in a culture where people are quite often ridiculed for believing a minority opinion.
i agree with you guys govt doesnt always put out the right numbers. i wouldnt be suprised if the numbers were even higher. im not a huge expert on the statistics, but everyone i listen to says its been a disaster for america and they say endcoronavirus website numbers are legit. i disagree that coronavirus wasnt a huge disaster for america in terms of cases and deaths.
the right wing is probably in a denial phase of what happened. maybe some day you will accept it. but maybe not, 9/11 is one example.
yea i will def check him out thanks for recommending. i like christianity and religion but only for its potential not because of how most people use it.Yeah, the red scare drove the communists underground, it became the red infiltration, now we're dealing with the red invasion, which includes all the people you listen to. You have packed yourself tightly into a bubble. How many times have you said "the people I listen to?", how many times have you said "I haven't heard that"?
Might I recommend you look into Alan Watts? If you aren't a fan of christianity, his philosophy is heavily influenced by Eastern religions. He talks a lot about challenging our assumptions. This is in line with epistemology. When you put yourself in an echo chamber, you will never become aware of the assumptions that drive your world view, nor will you be able to challenge them to determine if they stand up or fail upon scrutiny.
actually trump resembles a cult leader. this is a new development in US politics i think.You are in a death cult called liberalism.
Thoughts and prayers for you commie.
Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. - Alan WattsYeah, the red scare drove the communists underground, it became the red infiltration, now we're dealing with the red invasion, which includes all the people you listen to. You have packed yourself tightly into a bubble. How many times have you said "the people I listen to?", how many times have you said "I haven't heard that"?
Might I recommend you look into Alan Watts? If you aren't a fan of christianity, his philosophy is heavily influenced by Eastern religions. He talks a lot about challenging our assumptions. This is in line with epistemology. When you put yourself in an echo chamber, you will never become aware of the assumptions that drive your world view, nor will you be able to challenge them to determine if they stand up or fail upon scrutiny.
i had a hard time listening to joseph campbell type stuff, its too spacey for me. i listened to a whole bill moyers multiple segment interview with him and had problems after that.Yeah, the red scare drove the communists underground, it became the red infiltration, now we're dealing with the red invasion, which includes all the people you listen to. You have packed yourself tightly into a bubble. How many times have you said "the people I listen to?", how many times have you said "I haven't heard that"?
Might I recommend you look into Alan Watts? If you aren't a fan of christianity, his philosophy is heavily influenced by Eastern religions. He talks a lot about challenging our assumptions. This is in line with epistemology. When you put yourself in an echo chamber, you will never become aware of the assumptions that drive your world view, nor will you be able to challenge them to determine if they stand up or fail upon scrutiny.
i had a hard time listening to joseph campbell type stuff, its too spacey for me. i listened to a whole bill moyers multiple segment interview with him and had problems after that.
yea ive probably tried him. what socialists have u listened to?Then stay away from Carl Jung. I generally have to pick and choose the things that I'll integrate from other people. Some stuff is pretty far out there, or I'm not ready for it yet.
yea i will def check him out thanks for recommending. i like christianity and religion but only for its potential not because of how most people use it.
i dont think you have a red invasion i think you have capitalism performing badly and people look for answers. you do have a red scare 2.0 but thats to deflect blame from mainstream democrats having sold out the workers for 30 years or so.
i listen to a lot of pro capitalists on keiser report. but youre right most people typically dont listen enough to the otherside.
standards of living are falling in america for most people. same is probably true in other developed countries. cant just blame capitalism.I had to double check and make sure we were in current events. Waaay off topic.
Anyway, the folks you listen to seem to be telling you that capitalism is performing badly, at least that's what I gather from what you write. This is a mischaracterization at best. Capitalism is performing, maybe, too well. There are so many improvements along so many indices for humanity in general that can all be attributed directly to capitalism. The only somewhat credible argument against it is that some people are benefitting disproportionately from the current state of affairs. The problem is that there has been no system in history that doesn't benefit a relatively small portion of people disproportionately. The counter to that argument against capitalism is that as the people at the "top" do better, so does everyone else.
Socialists (communists, whatever) are the ones who aren't doing as well as some others, and they are envious. They may be doing really well compared to most people themselves, but It's not good enough for them. They can't compete on a level playing field, so they try to disrupt things so they can seize control in the turmoil. They do this by appealing to and manipulating the baser emotions of the general public. The end is always the same.
I'll stick with capitalism and keep pushing to make improvements, mostly in myself, and perhaps to the system itself if I can increase my competence enough.
standards of living are falling in america for most people. same is probably true in other developed countries. cant just blame capitalism.
some of hte socialists i listen to are economists, journalists, teachers, etc.
my basic argument against capitalism is that it gives too much power to too few, is not democratic, and is probably unsustainable. its also connected to racism and imperialism which im also against. the inequality is partly tied into how much power it concentrates.
yea but those "socialist" systems are only socialist in the sense that their govt calls it that and so does yours. and im against those systems too and they likely fail for similiar reasons why capitalism is failing. theres plenty of capitalist political dictatorships too, but to be fair even the "socialist" countries have mixed economies just like the "capitalist" countries.But all systems do those things. Some systems are more stable than others. Socialism has proven, over and over, to be exceptionally unstable and generally requires excessively concentrated power (dictatorship) to keep from falling completely apart in short order. People who live in socialist systems, as long as they last, live in much worse conditions than those in capitalist systems.
Falling standards of living in capitalist nations is an opinion that you could find some evidence to support, but I could counter by saying that most of the ways our standard of living has fallen is due to the disruptions caused by people pushing for socialism.
Socialists blaming capitalism for the ills of the world is silly. It's like the arsonist, with a flamethrower strapped to his back, blaming the burning building for being flammable.
As for which socialists I listen to, I don't think I consume information the same way you do. I'm more interested in ideas than the personalities presenting them. If I come across a person who does a really good job of presenting ideas, and the ideas are actually good, I'll look into what other things they have to say. Once the good stuff runs out, I move on. There's too much out there to spend time on failed ideas.
yea but those "socialist" systems are only socialist in the sense that their govt calls it that and so does yours. and im against those systems too and they likely fail for similiar reasons why capitalism is failing. theres plenty of capitalist political dictatorships too, but to be fair even the "socialist" countries have mixed economies just like the "capitalist" countries.
i dont think socialists criticizing capitalism is silly at all. better question is what are their solutions to it.
not all economic systems are undemocratic. why do you believe that? so i guess u think most lefties just want more govt in the economy?
capitalism is unstable too, but its bubble takes longer to pop.
MIP= Most important pusillanimous?No MIP bonus for you this year
Truthfully cut the prayers bullYou are in a death cult called liberalism.
Thoughts and prayers for you commie.
Yes!MIP= Most important pusillanimous?