Slippery slope. If you tend to have lunch in the same area or same place every day, the customer will think it's ok to find you every day on lunch and have you go walk out to the truck every day. I love my hour lunch. I get more done they hour if it comes to researching a project, making important phone calls or paying bills then I ever could at home.
Only 2 of my customers have my number. One of them is because they usually ship out nothing, some days they will have 10 heavy boxes. Second story biz, I gave them my number strictly to notify me if I should bring my hand cart. My other customer who has my number is another pick up, once or twice a month I'm super light, go by an hour early and tell them if they have anything going out after I pass by call me so I can notify my sup to have another driver pass by on the way in to get the pick up. My on road and I have an agreement with this situation, that and every Christmas I get a nice microbrew 12 pack and 100 bucks from them .
I have a few customers who are out of the office often, all I do is tell them this is my 5 o clock pick up Every day at this adress. I will be there plus or minus 15 min, if you need it bad you know where to find me.
But ya. These slopes get real slippery real fast