What a waste of time sorting would have been, you had to move it from truck to truck.
Anyway, I have always tried to fix my truck and get it to the building.
From driving it in with a flat, (which I would not do now, as it could have flown off and hit someone, which I never thought of then)
to driving in torrential rain, through school zones , with only one wiper.
To an old 800 that must have had some kinda short, and tried to start itself when I was out of truck with keys in hand.
Blown motors, no power, etc. Always tried to fix them or get them back to building.
Had you been inclined, mechanically or motivationally, to fix your truck and did it wrong, and instead of no power, your gas got stuck on, instead of crawling with no power, and you struck something or someone, you would be terminated. no questions asked.
That is just the reality of who we work for today.
And I agree with and love your post.