Dear Idiot, Non Thinking DM,
First off, did you ever think the problem might be you? I don't call the shots anymore bigboy, I'm just a glorified middle man that you pass edicts to from Corp. and then I pass them down to the lower level troops. I am not allowed to manage my area of responsibility as the needs arise or warrant. I have no say-so in any of these matters and my job these days is mainly a data gatherer for you so you and the other DM's can spend countless hours on useless conference calls with the Dist. Manager, Region Manager or occassionally some wanna-be high flyer in the Corp. office. The ironic part if had any of you ever been a driver for the slightest serious amount of time (90 day wonders don't count as a real driver) you wouldn't need me to gather all this needless data because you could look as the basic reports and figure out very quickly what is really happening. You have Corp. telling you what to do because they know you were never a driver to begin with and have no clue how the real world operates. The bad part is the same folks from Corp. have a little if even less experience than you do at our real world so the only thing they know to do is to get you to get me to feed them what they percieve is useful data so they can then go to the management committee and BULLSCHITT them into thinking they really are knowledgable and smart. To make matters worse, the committtee then turns around and grants them further powers it invoke their BULLSCHITT back into the real world down where it counts and the cycle of misery continues. The sad part is none of us has the guts to tell them they are wrong and the hard data to prove it because that is a career killer at the new UPS so we go along hoping one day to rise above it all and be in position to make a difference but deep down we know that's a bullschitt pipedream that we use just to make ourselves fell better at the stupid misery we've placed ourselves in. Our only goal now is to get those years in so we can get the hell out and away from this circus.
For 20 plus years you've prided yourself on the "we hire from within" policy but you coupled that with an economic policy of starting all PT employees (from which you draft your future FT employee, PT supervisors and your FT supervisors) at the nice wage price of $8 per hour. Now in 1982' that was still pretty damn good but at some point you begin to cross a threshhold where the $8 an hour is not pulling in the top foodchain employee as we once did. In the mid-90's with the management buyout you were sent a big clue with many folks that you wanted to stay left and the ones you wanted to go stayed but you still didn't get it and the same ole contined forth. As we entered the 21st century, it got even worse so that many UPS locations began to engage in schemes to get people. Provide transportation to and from work. Raffles for Big Screen TV's and stereo systems to get people to come to work. Large amounts of money spent on cookouts and other schemes to get people to work safe, something any normal human being would really naturally do on their own without any extra encouragement. This is what you do when you have a job!
What has happened now is you are drawing from the bottom of the labor pool and the pool is beginning to run dry. We need someone to unload a package car on our local sort and HR hands use a 300 lb person who can barely carry themselves and when the packages approach the 30 to 40 lb range they leave them on the car and then go to the PT sup claiming they need help unloading them. When it's obvious they can't make it we face 2 powerful conflicts that we're dead meat either way. We cut em' loose and the HR hotshot has us in your office claiming we're nothing but a head hunter or we keep them just because we need a body and they can't make the production we need and we're back in your office again on that issue. You tell us to work with and make them sucessful and we do but they are so inept that they consume our day and I'm back in your office again because the many other elements of my job are not being met. We take an employee out twice for workplace violence and on the 2nd attempt we have some UPS folks on the panel vote with the union to bring them back. Even my hourly people here wanted this cat gone but NO! Even the local union guy has his hands tied but he knows.
Why should I keep my job you ask? Because you've got no one else with any amount of ability or knowledge to do this job because your best drivers who do have these skills see the stupidity and won't touch this job with a 100 foot pole. I wish now I too had listened to their warnings but I guess mark me among the stupid. But now here's the irony. You now face the same situation to some degree as I face with the 300 plus lb unloader. You can fire me but with the management people quitting left and right, getting a replacement might not be to swift. And then what do you get? Odds are you get one of the $8 an hour ladder climbers who only took the supervisor job because they didn't want to work and saw that path as an out. Now they either fit some profile that they need to get to a certain destination in order for the corp. braintrust to be able to check a box of fulfillment or someone has a piece of trash that they can't just out and out fire as they should be so they do a little wheeling and dealing and some political dealmaking and presto-change O, you're now the proud owner of their former trash and then you get told to "make them successful!" Ain't life a Bitch!
As a result of the above PT employee starting policy I'm stuck with many of the worthless trash I've been given to deliever my packages and sort them out. I thank my lucky stars every day for the many good people who came up through the real ranks of UPS and have the spirit and ethics to do and get the job done but they are faster and faster becoming a dying breed. You've lost focus that to get the best you have to start off with the best and that ain't happening there pal! Those good drivers and employees keep us going and I'm sad to say I have to screw them daily with 16 hours of work and when they stay out only 12 hours and come back with no send agains you still want me to scream at them while the slackers only get 6 hours of work and stay out 12 and still come back with half a truck of send agains. Instead of screaming at the good one's why can't I scream at the slackers that are really the source of the problem? Let me ride their butts the either whip them into shape or begin the pen to paper process and send them somewhere else.
Why should I keep my job? No sir, the real question is why in the hell am I even thinking about staying at this insane asylum?
I'm Just
ing Stupid I Guess!
BTW D'Boy, excellent post with post #9 above.