Is this normal at all centers?


THank You
I'm sorry for coming off as hostile and defensive, I love to learn and be mentored by senior drivers. I just wanted help for an issue I've dealt with for awhile and not be beaten down and picked apart more.... by the way thank you for putting me in line,I sometimes need it as I can lose my cool but that's not truly the person I am. I do apologize to you, upstatenewyorker, and anyone else who may have took my message the wrong way.


Victory Ride
I'm sorry for coming off as hostile and defensive, I love to learn and be mentored by senior drivers. I just wanted help for an issue I've dealt with for awhile and not be beaten down and picked apart more.... by the way thank you for putting me in line,I sometimes need it as I can lose my cool but that's not truly the person I am. I do apologize to you, upstatenewyorker, and anyone else who may have took my message the wrong way.
It's ok ..... I gave u ....just a summary of the obstacles you may face when u push the grievances ... Put them in ...but make sure your house is also clean


Staff member
I'm sorry for coming off as hostile and defensive, I love to learn and be mentored by senior drivers. I just wanted help for an issue I've dealt with for awhile and not be beaten down and picked apart more.... by the way thank you for putting me in line,I sometimes need it as I can lose my cool but that's not truly the person I am. I do apologize to you, upstatenewyorker, and anyone else who may have took my message the wrong way.

You are fine.

Like most new threads here, your's got derailed an far off-topic. I apologize to you for adding to the discord.

However, you did seem to get a lot of good advice. A message like you posted, and the sort of attitude your management projects are wrong.

Fight for yourself, and be careful while you are doing so.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
They will be raised to take care of themselves and not to pout over what is basically nothing.
I would have to disagree on your idea of basically nothing. If this guy is like me.He may have kids that he wants to see occasionly.and if ups want to give me two 12s a week, im going to hold them to the contract that they agreed upon. You can not put a dollar amount on watching your kids grow up. You are bashing a fellow teamster for asking advice about contractual rules that ups is violating. It is a know fact in my local that the employees on the list face harassment and are singled out. And before you tell me to keep my yard clean. Know that i run very decent numbers and hit my sporh everyday. Your snide comments on every post are getting old grandpa.


Well-Known Member
And before I seem completely out of line I want to explain where I was coming from... if some people think the harassing messages and over supervision is fine then okay, but there's lots of talk about my generation being "snowflakes" but from what I can gather is I wouldn't want my children to be treated like so, so why not try and give advice and make an impact so working for UPS is better for future generations. Nobody wants to be treated like garbage, it's okay to approach someone about a work problem but the harassment is completely unnecessary. Like what was the point to send me that message? I do apologize I won't bring up children, my approach was wrong but not how I meant it... But I want better for future generations.
You dont have to explain. 90 percent of these memebers knows mgmts tactics. Let these old men call you a millenial/snowflake all they want. Im 30 been with ups 11+ years and this country boy will show them how a real man works. Bunch of internet tough old guys on here. Like upstates old grouchy know everything :censored2:


Well-Known Member
And before I seem completely out of line I want to explain where I was coming from... if some people think the harassing messages and over supervision is fine then okay, but there's lots of talk about my generation being "snowflakes" but from what I can gather is I wouldn't want my children to be treated like so, so why not try and give advice and make an impact so working for UPS is better for future generations. Nobody wants to be treated like garbage, it's okay to approach someone about a work problem but the harassment is completely unnecessary. Like what was the point to send me that message? I do apologize I won't bring up children, my approach was wrong but not how I meant it... But I want better for future generations.

The point of the message was to try to light a fire under your butt.

Rack em

Made the Podium
The point of the message was to try to light a fire under your butt.
When management tries to "light a fire under my butt" I slow down more. Last Thursday I was told 40 stops should take me an hour (I was on a runner gunner's route) and I was quick to point out the road conditions and that it was getting dark out and that I was going to work safe! I love using the word safe :)


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm also very sure a top attorney in your area would love to see that message you have a pic of. People have gotten settlements off of less. That pic could be worth 100k easy. It's unbelievable your management team would put something like that in writing.

Lol you'd be surprised what they'll type. I told them I might not finish one day.

Their response "quit sending messages and get your ass back to work"


Gravy route
hi everybody, just want to start off saying I've been with UPS 8 years, 4 years now as a driver...
Is it normal to be treated like this at most centers or is mine just this messed up?
Did you file a harassment grievance? If not they will continue to harass.
When I want on the 9.5 list and ask for reduced hrs I basically get repremended or pulled off to the side and talked to the next day about my times.
Demand a Steward be present when they "pull you aside" Did you file a harassment grievance? Did you file for a 9.5 violation and demand the penalty pay?
One time I actually filed a grievance for lack of reduced hrs and the next day had my center manager ride with me a whole week... claiming it was an Orion ride along but critiqued and bitched about how I was doing things wrong.
Did you document (grievance) that he rode with you 5 days in a row? Have you read your contract? Specifically about how many days they can ride with you?
These are just a few examples of what I've gone through. I had put in for an 8 hr day two days ago and it was approved. They cut a route right before driver start time and I received most of the business and some resis which prior to that I was still going to be over 8 hrs and told management that. Halfway through the day I received this message maybe posted below, I worked 8 hrs and brought back 52 stops which I'm sure I'll be pulled into the office or have a ride along tmrw....
Did you tell them in the morning you had too many for 8 hrs? Did you then text in saying you still needed help? Did you text in telling them how many you were going to bring back? Did you contact your Steward before bringing them in?

I am reluctant to go on the list to avoid harassment and when I talked to a Stewart about this, there response was " yeah I could understand that"
This isn't the Steward's fault, he won't file for you, do your part. You are receiving the harassment.
-File for penalty pay on each and every 9.5 violation, being on the list is not enough.

-Demand a Steward be present whenever they say word 1 about methods or production or 9.5s, never in the office alone.
-If they continue to talk after requesting a Steward tell them they are violating your rights. Document and grieve.

-Continue to take pictures of demeaning texts and respond that you consider it harassment, don't post them online.
-Tell them flat out they are never allowed to call you on your cell, DIAD texts only, document and grieve violations.
-Cover your behind. Don't take shortcuts, everything by the book.


Well-Known Member
Management told us today they arent going to let the teamsters dictate the 9.5s anymore...whatever that means.i asked them if they renogotiated the contract over the weekend.and got a lecture about being a smart ass.another driver opted on the list and he is dealing with harassment now. Methods ride, virtual ride alongs. We have spoken to our b.a. About harassment grievance and he said thats tough to prove. We are still documenting messages for 9.5 grievances. Hearing is tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Management told us today they arent going to let the teamsters dictate the 9.5s anymore...whatever that means.

Whatever it means, it sounds like something that could have epic fallout for management. I wish I could see it when it happens.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Management told us today they arent going to let the teamsters dictate the 9.5s anymore...whatever that means.i asked them if they renogotiated the contract over the weekend.and got a lecture about being a smart ass.another driver opted on the list and he is dealing with harassment now. Methods ride, virtual ride alongs. We have spoken to our b.a. About harassment grievance and he said thats tough to prove. We are still documenting messages for 9.5 grievances. Hearing is tomorrow
Lol go over 9.5 three times get paid. It's that simple.

My local management was dead locking all 9.5's for awhile. Took a couple extra months to get paid but still got paid.


Well-Known Member
Management told us today they arent going to let the teamsters dictate the 9.5s anymore...whatever that means.i asked them if they renogotiated the contract over the weekend.and got a lecture about being a smart ass.another driver opted on the list and he is dealing with harassment now. Methods ride, virtual ride alongs. We have spoken to our b.a. About harassment grievance and he said thats tough to prove. We are still documenting messages for 9.5 grievances. Hearing is tomorrow
I was sure to use the world retaliation and made sure to be in the greviences that all these ojs rides were retaliation. Retaliation is easy to prove.

You don't get an ojs ride in years.... get on the 9-5 list and starting getting ojs rides all the time. It's cut and dry. It's a shame our ba's let this happen.


Well-Known Member
Lol go over 9.5 three times get paid. It's that simple.

My local management was dead locking all 9.5's for awhile. Took a couple extra months to get paid but still got paid.

Were you the one that posted that the center had to pay out 6 figures in grievances because of something like that? Somebody mentioned something like that a while back. That's just classic.


Well-Known Member
Lol go over 9.5 three times get paid. It's that simple.

My local management was dead locking all 9.5's for awhile. Took a couple extra months to get paid but still got paid.
Well the problem is.on our 3rd 9.5 they instruct us not to go over 9.5.they say no help or missed.if u go over its a warning letter for failure to follow instructions.2nd time is pending suspension 3rd is pending termination.then they overdidpatch theoretically they can fire us in a coworker got pending term.we are waiting to see what happens tomorrow.....crazy huh? Nobody in my center has heard of these clowns doing this in 40 years


Well-Known Member
Well the problem is.on our 3rd 9.5 they instruct us not to go over 9.5.they say no help or missed.if u go over its a warning letter for failure to follow instructions.2nd time is pending suspension 3rd is pending termination.then they overdidpatch theoretically they can fire us in a coworker got pending term.we are waiting to see what happens tomorrow.....crazy huh? Nobody in my center has heard of these clowns doing this in 40 years
This is a joke. Managment is using his pending termination as a bargaining tool to scare him and get him to either

1. Settle for pennies on the dollar
2. Throw them all out out of fear in exchange for them throwing out the diciplin.

They cannot give you an intent to terminate. There are so many variables such as traffic on the way back to the hub, that if the ba is good should force the termination and suspension to get laughed at and thrown out.

This 9-5 stuff is getting out of control. Shame on the union for letting this happen. This is unacceptable! The ba needs to live in the 9-5 guys shoes for a day to see what actually happens.