Why don't you call him up ... I'm sure he has a lot of spins and lies to fill you in.
And believe me, he will not tell you all the things he has done but it's been laundered pretty well over the years.
I don't have anything against LB but I am sick and tired of him bullying others on this site.
I realize bullying is probably a large part of his job and the only way he knows but if someone doesn't stand up to his bullying and thuggery, he will never improve as a person.
In reality, I am the one sticking up for the little man while Teamster Officers allegiance is to the IBT and their Local officers.
I'm not one of those people that accept one type of person at work, one person at home and with friends and another at church. LB is a mixed bag and unfortunately, I have only been exposed to his Teamster side.