Is UPS going to go out of business?


Active Member
Ever since the new contract I’ve heard my manager talking about how UPS isn’t too big to fail and how no one who is expecting to collect a pension from the company for the rest of their life is out of luck. I don’t know how the money is being managed but I hope the company doesn’t go out of business. How much longer do you think UPS will be around?


We're shutting down July 31st. All buildings will be taken over by Amazon and all RPCDs with over 15 years will be given a $250k severance payout. For everyone else, Arby's is hiring.


Well-Known Member
3-7 years….done. I wouldn’t be shocked if they bring back Jim Barber to clean this place up, get rid of the DEI and undo a lot of the service mess around here. Things keep going the way they are, we are done.


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
Ever since the new contract I’ve heard my manager talking about how UPS isn’t too big to fail and how no one who is expecting to collect a pension from the company for the rest of their life is out of luck. I don’t know how the money is being managed but I hope the company doesn’t go out of business. How much longer do you think UPS will be around?
It sounds crazy but it's very possible that UPS will either end up being a small fraction of its current size or sold off. Not anytime soon. Realistically anyway. As recently as five years or so ago people were saying Amazon wouldn't be able to deliver their own stuff. Now look at them. Now they are the kings of retail (and grocery in some areas) and shipping. And other retailers are struggling to compete and the result is FedEx and the USPS becoming their lower cost solution to help keep them going. We are more expensive and the service has declined (and still is) so the incentive to keep using is slipping away.

And our CEO bleeds accounts off at a record pace. And don't think its always because we let them go because they aren't profitable enough. That is BS. Many have (are) leaving us. At this rate we'll start seeing drastic changes in the very near future. Changes need to be made either way. What those changes are will determine how bad things get later. I hope I'm wrong about this. But the writing is on the wall.


Well-Known Member
Ever since the new contract I’ve heard my manager talking about how UPS isn’t too big to fail and how no one who is expecting to collect a pension from the company for the rest of their life is out of luck. I don’t know how the money is being managed but I hope the company doesn’t go out of business. How much longer do you think UPS will be around?
Well, if they go out of business tomorrow morning, I won’t have to go to work.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Just because something works now doesn't mean it will in the future.

Things change. Look how many big companies ended up going under. It happens.



Well-Known Member
We're shutting down July 31st. All buildings will be taken over by Amazon and all RPCDs with over 15 years will be given a $250k severance payout. For everyone else, Arby's is hiring.
Amazon doesn’t want UPS - why would they? A payout that is wishful thinking - pray for a good post Carol CEO - otherwise it’s a slow decade plus decline - think Yellow.
Amazon doesn’t want UPS - why would they? A payout that is wishful thinking - pray for a good post Carol CEO - otherwise it’s a slow decade plus decline - think Yellow.
No no no no no
They just want to do everything I can to trim the expensive last Mile and do things like transport packages for the Post office

Plus not have to spend money to expand facilities or buy new package cars.