ISIS aka The Islamic State


nowhere special



Strength through joy
Report: ISIS, Syrian rebels reach ceasefire
Moderate Syrian rebels and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reportedly struck a cease-fire deal on Friday, according to a group that has monitored Syria's civil war.

The groups agreed to a non-aggression pact in which they promised not to attack each other.
Under the deal, "the two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime,” Agence France-Presse reported.
Nussayri is a negative term for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite regime.

Were these the moderate rebels bhos wanted to have fight ISIS ?


Well-Known Member
FLASHBACK… Obama in 2007: I Strongly Disagree… That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq

The irony here is that in 2008', George Bush signed a Status of Forces Agreement which called for complete troop removal from Iraq by 2011'. Troop removal from Iraq cities would begin in June 2009'. Seems to me that Obama was in agreement with Bush policy as it came to be and to which the Obama administration carried through.

Here is that Status of Forces Agreement with Article 24 as the authority for Iraq troop drawdown with definite deadlines listed.

Article 24

Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq

Recognizing the performance and increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security
Forces, the assumption of full security responsibility by those Forces, and
based upon the strong relationship between the Parties, an agreement on the
following has been reached:
All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no
later than December 31, 2011.
All United States combat forces shall withdraw from Iraqi cities,
villages, and localities no later than the time at which Iraqi Security Forces
assume full responsibility for security in an Iraqi province, provided that
such withdrawal is completed no later than June 30, 2009.
United States combat forces withdrawn pursuant to paragraph 2 above
shall be stationed in the agreed facilities and areas outside cities, villages,
and localities to be designated by the JMOCC before the date established in
paragraph 2 above.

If Obama is wrong, he's wrong by continuing Bush Policy.


nowhere special
The irony here is that in 2008', George Bush signed a Status of Forces Agreement which called for complete troop removal from Iraq by 2011'. Troop removal from Iraq cities would begin in June 2009'. Seems to me that Obama was in agreement with Bush policy as it came to be and to which the Obama administration carried through.

Here is that Status of Forces Agreement with Article 24 as the authority for Iraq troop drawdown with definite deadlines listed.

If Obama is wrong, he's wrong by continuing Bush Policy.

The problem with the agreement was Obama never completed it.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. How so?

President Barack Obama claimed that no U.S. troops were left in Iraq to help keep the peace because Iraq's refusal to sign a status of forces agreement.

Is the above in response to my question? If yes, you might expand your thoughts to further enlighten me. I'm seeing several directions I could go with the Breitbart piece which may or may not reflect your thoughts.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
FLASHBACK… Obama in 2007: I Strongly Disagree… That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq


What is it about what the president said that you think somehow makes you think he made a mistake??

He was talking about McLame and Bushwacked constant complaint that AL QAEDA was going to come into IRAQ and take over.


Obama had that right.

What YOU dont understand, is that all the discord in the middle east has been by design. Your beloved republicans are responsible for it.

Working with right wing think tanks like the project for the new american century, the heritage foundation and the newest one to emerge.. PNAC part deux..

You people are so gulible to believe everything the right wing has to sell you, all the while they start all these conflicts by arming every terror group in the region or supplying them the cash to fund wars.

After they start all this mess, they come to the american people and want to act like heroes for saving us all from the evil terrorists, while sending them arms and heavy weapons that usually end up killing americans like in bengazi.

President Obama was addressing AL QAEDA and only a person with a lack of ability to think for themselves would think otherwise.

Destabilizing Syria on behalf of the JEWS is a ginormous mistake our country and the CIA should have never undertaken.

Of course, you think its all good, cause you dont mind sending our young men and women to die again for absolutely nothing. Youre too old to pick up a rifle and stand a post or an FOB.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
President Barack Obama claimed that no U.S. troops were left in Iraq to help keep the peace because Iraq's refusal to sign a status of forces agreement.

FROM your OWN link, did you watch the video below the romney video where the President explains in plain detail, the circumstances for our removal of troops??

Breitbart provided it, have you watched it all the way through??

Somehow, I doubt it, or you wouldnt have posted on this subject.



Strength through joy
Hey TOS , can you come to my next militia shootout ?
I've been training all the new members this week on how to rapidly fire a musket . Most can do 4 shots a minute .
After all we must follow the 2nd amendment to the letter of the law .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey TOS , can you come to my next militia shootout ?
I've been training all the new members this week on how to rapidly fire a musket . Most can do 4 shots a minute .
After all we must follow the 2nd amendment to the letter of the law .

As long as you all are UNDER 45 years of age, otherwise you wouldnt be following the second amendment at all.

Even back then, they didnt want old people with guns.



Strength through joy
I'm older than 45 , that is why I was training new members , who are well under 45 .
Back than living past 45 was considered a miracle .