ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
I think you and TOS are in agreement...

What, indeed, is the world coming to?

Yes and no. I've always argued that global terrorism is mostly a product of western nationstates. TOS has to put his fingers in the wind and if Obama or the democrats are anywhere close, he won't touch it with a 10 ft. pole!


Well-Known Member
My wife is a Social Worker...I'm discussing these issues with her, and she looks at me like I'm a dumb-:censored2:.

"Oh, Honey, it's been like this forever. There's always enough money for war. Fact is, we have enough money for everything...schools, health care, roads, bridges, all of it. It's just that we've decided to spend 50% of our money on WAR."

Hence, the Mencken quote rings true.


Well-Known Member
My wife is a Social Worker...I'm discussing these issues with her, and she looks at me like I'm a dumb-:censored2:.

"Oh, Honey, it's been like this forever. There's always enough money for war. Fact is, we have enough money for everything...schools, health care, roads, bridges, all of it. It's just that we've decided to spend 50% of our money on WAR."

Hence, the Mencken quote rings true.

Everything else aside, your wife does have a point on some level. (not that you are a :censored2:!) :wink-very: But the question does arise, with all the missing and unaccounted money on the defense side, was ISIS or for that matter any other terrorist group including Al Qaeda financed on some level by monies marked for defense spending use? I mean how can you justify both budget and job opportunity growth in a military setting if no enemy exists?

On Sept. 10, 2011, Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference at the Pentagon to announce that in the previous 10 year period, nearly $2.5 trillion in Pentagon spending was unaccounted for and he was launching an investigation to find it. After the events of the next day, all that got lost in the noise. I've been told the very office that was to investigate these missing dollars were sadly located where the aircraft hit the next day and all of that stuff was lost. Whether true or not, there was never any serious look at the Pentagon's spending habits afterwards.
