ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
ISIS, or ISIL, or IS:

99% of Muslims are outraged at the acts of this idiot organization.

They are as outraged as we are at the actions of this so-called 'Islamic' state.

I would argue that they are more outraged then we are in the 'west'. It's their religion that's being hijacked.

Please don't equate all Muslims with the ISIS idiots.


Well-Known Member
So ISIS equals Islam so Islam must equal ISIS. ISIS is terrorist so Islam is terrorist.

OK, Now I get it. It's like Westboro Baptist is Christian so Christian equals Westboro Baptist.

OK, now I'm starting to figure out how this collectivist group think/group guilt you guys use works.


Well-Known Member
ISIS, or ISIL, or IS:

99% of Muslims are outraged at the acts of this idiot organization.

They are as outraged as we are at the actions of this so-called 'Islamic' state.

I would argue that they are more outraged then we are in the 'west'. It's their religion that's being hijacked.

Please don't equate all Muslims with the ISIS idiots.

Sober's earlier posts on this matter and yours are dead on.


nowhere special


Strength through joy
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.


Well-Known Member
That's a huge difference (50% to 20%) to just be shrugged off like that. Sort of blows your whole argument to pieces.

Correct, my wife was wrong about the 50%...which is why I looked it up and amended the percentage.

But no, I'll stand by my argument that we have all the money we need, we just spend it on unneeded and unnecessary expenditures.

For example, the cost of the vanity wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will top out between Four and Six TRILLION dollars.

Want to imagine what we could do with that much money if we applied it here at home?

(Of course, that's not an apples to apples comparison, since most of that money is borrowed anyway).

Imagine, right now we are spending over 100 million dollars every day running air strikes to destroy ISIL hard targets...a lot of which is equipment that we bought for the Iraqis.

The irony...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Correct, my wife was wrong about the 50%...which is why I looked it up and amended the percentage.

But no, I'll stand by my argument that we have all the money we need, we just spend it on unneeded and unnecessary expenditures.

For example, the cost of the vanity wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will top out between Four and Six TRILLION dollars.

Want to imagine what we could do with that much money if we applied it here at home?

(Of course, that's not an apples to apples comparison, since most of that money is borrowed anyway).

Imagine, right now we are spending over 100 million dollars every day running air strikes to destroy ISIL hard targets...a lot of which is equipment that we bought for the Iraqis.

The irony...
I know it's not the popular theory, but the U.S. does not have an endless supply of money.