
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Don't see any of the countries he worked out peace agreements with attacking Israel.
There’s an argument that the peace deals left Hamas feeling isolated and Israel emboldened to crack down more harshly on them. Don’t know if I agree with that assessment, but that’s the argument.


Well-Known Member
There’s an argument that the peace deals left Hamas feeling isolated and Israel emboldened to crack down more harshly on them. Don’t know if I agree with that assessment, but that’s the argument.
If Hamas felt isolated then why attack? They have the support of Iran, which is the enemy of Saudi Arabia and others.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If Hamas felt isolated then why attack? They have the support of Iran, which is the enemy of Saudi Arabia and others.
Perhaps they are behaving like a trapped animal. With other Arab countries openly siding with Israel they might feel they have no option but to attack. It’s not smart but terrorists gonna terrorize.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps they are behaving like a trapped animal. With other Arab countries openly siding with Israel they might feel they have no option but to attack. It’s not smart but terrorists gonna terrorize.
There is the images of Arab children being killed by Israeli bombs. Might turn public sentiment in those other Arab countries away from Israel.


nowhere special
Lots of people in this thread who are suddenly pro-stealing. Very interesting.

Poop Head

Judge me.
I said it wasn’t smart. Where are you getting lost? The Palestinians should have gone the whole non-violent resistance route a long time ago. They’d have far better results. Unfortunately they voted in Hamas a few decades ago and there’s no getting rid of them now.
These people are not like us. The Palestinians simply do not want the jews and Christians to exist. They have zero interest sharing the holy land. This all boils down to warring over religion. The jews and Christians say they would be fine sharing the holy sites, yet the muslims will have no part of it. The site of dome of the rock is the third most holy site in Islam belief. Yet, jews claim under dome of the rock, is temple mount. The number one most holy site in Judaism. The muslims wont share. Everyone is pissed. I forget how the Christians play into this, wailing wall maybe? Idk. Whatever. Alau akhbar!


Well-Known Member
LOL....You couldn't lick the dog * off my boots princess. Go back to your Occupy Kolwezi tent city and forage through some street trash to feed yourself...Ha Ha...You're a joke!
Still trying to hide the fact that you have no normal education in the field of international law, international diplomacy and Middle Eastern culture. If you did you would have known what fired off the latest Israeli /Palestinian conflict but you didn't mention it which means you don't know which conclusively proves that you don't know a damn thing about the complexities and the depths of centuries old conflict in the Middle East.


Well-Known Member
These people are not like us. The Palestinians simply do not want the jews and Christians to exist. They have zero interest sharing the holy land. This all boils down to warring over religion. The jews and Christians say they would be fine sharing the holy sites, yet the muslims will have no part of it. The site of dome of the rock is the third most holy site in Islam belief. Yet, jews claim under dome of the rock, is temple mount. The number one most holy site in Judaism. The muslims wont share. Everyone is pissed. I forget how the Christians play into this, wailing wall maybe? Idk. Whatever. Alau akhbar!
In our time this whole thing started with the partitioning of Palestine following WWII. Great idea Brits..... then you got the hell out of there fast because you knew what was coming.


Legio patria nostra
Still trying to hide the fact that you have no normal education in the field of international law, international diplomacy and Middle Eastern culture. If you did you would have known what fired off the latest Israeli /Palestinian conflict but you didn't mention it which means you don't know which conclusively proves that you don't know a damn thing about the complexities and the depths of centuries old conflict in the Middle East.
Lol....are you just dying to use that “normal education” you received in some community college class or are you a reincarnation of Henry Kissinger?
So, tell us what sets you above and apart the rest of us, especially me.
You’re dying to impress us.... LOL...


Well-Known Member
Lol....are you just dying to use that “normal education” you received in some community college class or are you a reincarnation of Henry Kissinger?
So, tell us what sets you above and apart the rest of us, especially me.
You’re dying to impress us.... LOL...
Quit deflecting. You're the guy whose previous posts contained your solution to the centuries old conflict in the Middle East. If you have more knowledge than the rest of us regarding this conflict then show us your credentials. I'm sure the State Department would love to hear from you. All I know is that civilizations have spent the last 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose god is the true god and who loves him more.


Legio patria nostra
Quit deflecting. You're the guy whose previous posts contained your solution to the centuries old conflict in the Middle East. If you have more knowledge than the rest of us regarding this conflict then show us your credentials. I'm sure the State Department would love to hear from you. All I know is that civilizations have spent the last 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose god is the true god and who loves him more.
Oh, so you’re now a Historian as well as a Mayberry Community College-trained Diplomat....
You’re obviously some under achiever that’s angered by others posting their comments and opinions about something you think you have expertise in.
Spent considerable time in Lod and Be’er Sheva for a foreign military service. That was after my USN service time....
How about you?