

Inordinately Right
Quit deflecting. You're the guy whose previous posts contained your solution to the centuries old conflict in the Middle East. If you have more knowledge than the rest of us regarding this conflict then show us your credentials. I'm sure the State Department would love to hear from you. All I know is that civilizations have spent the last 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose god is the true god and who loves him more.
Please go on....



Well-Known Member
Oh, so you’re now a Historian as well as a Mayberry Community College-trained Diplomat....
You’re obviously some under achiever that’s angered by others posting their comments and opinions about something you think you have expertise in.
Spent considerable time in Lod and Be’er Sheva for a foreign military service. That was after my USN service time....
How about you?
"Foreign military service'? Blackwater.... I should have known.


Well-Known Member
Your ignorance is showing. That entity ceased to exist years ago.
“Foreign Military Service” does that include a US based PMC.....
TTKU Henry Kissinger wannabe!
All I was trying to find out is if you had any experience in foreign policy/ international diplomacy. Look, we tried to effect military solutions in Iraq, Lebanon , Afghanistan, Vietnam, Libya, Cuba, Somalia, Nicaragua and on and on but it never seemed to accomplish much more than to get a bunch of people killed. And we are still feeling the effects of Operation Ajax to this very day.


Legio patria nostra
All I was trying to find out is if you had any experience in foreign policy/ international diplomacy. Look, we tried to effect military solutions in Iraq, Lebanon , Afghanistan, Vietnam, Libya, Cuba, Somalia, Nicaragua and on and on but it never seemed to accomplish much more than to get a bunch of people killed. And we are still feeling the effects of Operation Ajax to this very day.
I touched on my background....What about you? It seems fair for you to answer the same question you posed to me several times...


Legio patria nostra
He slept at a Holiday Inn Express, so there!
I don't know...He was all over my ass like I have no business giving my opinion on a subject I happen to care about. I have made a lot of friends in Israel....No PLO friends though....
I doubt if he'll man up and truthfully address his specific "qualifications"....

He certainly doesn't seem to know anything about "Why We Fight"


Well-Known Member
I don't know...He was all over my ass like I have no business giving my opinion on a subject I happen to care about. I have made a lot of friends in Israel....No PLO friends though....
I doubt if he'll man up and truthfully address his specific "qualifications"....

He certainly doesn't seem to know anything about "Why We Fight"
Nobody is diminishing your military accomplishments including me. At the same time attempts at military solutions in the past has produced little benefit for the West and an awful lot of lives lost.

I am sure that you are aware that the spark that fired off the latest violence was when Israel went into East Jerusalem and forcibly evicted Muslims from the homes they have lived in for generations and made those homes available for Jews. Not to mention the fact that Israel has in recent years expanded settlements into areas that were mutually agreed to would belong to the Palestinians. Perhaps it might help to explain why Antony Blinklen is going through the motions He can't stop them.


Legio patria nostra
Nobody is diminishing your military accomplishments including me. At the same time attempts at military solutions in the past has produced little benefit for the West and an awful lot of lives lost.

I am sure that you are aware that the spark that fired off the latest violence was when Israel went into East Jerusalem and forcibly evicted Muslims from the homes they have lived in for generations and made those homes available for Jews. Not to mention the fact that Israel has in recent years expanded settlements into areas that were mutually agreed to would belong to the Palestinians. Perhaps it might help to explain why Antony Blinklen is going through the motions He can't stop them.

"I doubt if he'll man up and truthfully address his specific "qualifications"....

Just as I suspected.....Pathetic!

So, you read a little Wikipedia and you're an anti-semite without the balls to come right out and answer the question you bugged me about or admit you are a PLO sympathizer....
Ever been anywhere close to 31/35?? (Those are coordinates since you probably don't know Mr. Kissinger wannabe.)


Well-Known Member
"I doubt if he'll man up and truthfully address his specific "qualifications"....

Just as I suspected.....Pathetic!

So, you read a little Wikipedia and you're an anti-semite without the balls to come right out and answer the question you bugged me about or admit you are a PLO sympathizer....
Ever been anywhere close to 31/35?? (Those are coordinates since you probably don't know Mr. Kissinger wannabe.)
I am not an anti smite but I know that the people in Palestine whose ancestors have also lived in that desert for generations also have a right to have a nation of their own and a right to self determination.

Now Trump claimed that he had achieved a settlement and peace agreement. That initially sounded great until everybody found out that the Palestinians were left completely out of the process and the terms were dictated not negotiated creating serious and well founded doubts that Israel would agree to any peace agreement unless the terms were entirely their own.

The Jews say that they're God's children while the Muslims say that they are God's children. Ok, so you tell me..... who's right?


Well-Known Member
I am not an anti smite but I know that the people in Palestine whose ancestors have also lived in that desert for generations also have a right to have a nation of their own and a right to self determination.

Now Trump claimed that he had achieved a settlement and peace agreement. That initially sounded great until everybody found out that the Palestinians were left completely out of the process and the terms were dictated not negotiated creating serious and well founded doubts that Israel would agree to any peace agreement unless the terms were entirely their own.

The Jews say that they're God's children while the Muslims say that they are God's children. Ok, so you tell me..... who's right?
That's not correct. Trump administration negotiated independent agreements with four Arab nations and Israel. The Palestinians refused to be a part of that process.


Well-Known Member
That's not correct. Trump administration negotiated independent agreements with four Arab nations and Israel. The Palestinians refused to be a part of that process.
And for what reasons? And if satisfactory terms could not be reached with the Palestinians to be included in the process then none of the terms in that agreement can be unilaterally imposed on them. They won't stand for it and if you were in their position neither would you.

Maybe you could answer the question. Both the Jews and the Muslims say that they're God's chosen children . Who's right.

You're one of those "Christian" type people or at least you profess to be but appear to be underperforming to a noticeable degree but nevertheless due to the fact that there's no truly qualified opinion readily available I guess will just have to settle for you.


Inordinately Right
And for what reasons? And if satisfactory terms could not be reached with the Palestinians to be included in the process then none of the terms in that agreement can be unilaterally imposed on them. They won't stand for it and if you were in their position neither would you.

Maybe you could answer the question. Both the Jews and the Muslims say that they're God's chosen children . Who's right.

You're one of those "Christian" type people or at least you profess to be but appear to be underperforming to a noticeable degree but nevertheless due to the fact that there's no truly qualified opinion readily available I guess will just have to settle for you.
Maybe put your personal opinions and hangups about religion aside.

It's a land dispute. Whoever can take and hold the land by force owns it. That is how this works, and that is how this has worked for the entirety of human history.

Israel should just fire bomb the place for a week and get it over with already.


Legio patria nostra
I am not an anti smite but I know that the people in Palestine whose ancestors have also lived in that desert for generations also have a right to have a nation of their own and a right to self determination.

Now Trump claimed that he had achieved a settlement and peace agreement. That initially sounded great until everybody found out that the Palestinians were left completely out of the process and the terms were dictated not negotiated creating serious and well founded doubts that Israel would agree to any peace agreement unless the terms were entirely their own.

The Jews say that they're God's children while the Muslims say that they are God's children. Ok, so you tell me..... who's right?
You certainly are not a man......more like a little sissy boy.
You pressure me for information and when I ask you to return the gesture, you divert and talk about God.
vous etes une fille feerique


Well-Known Member
And for what reasons? And if satisfactory terms could not be reached with the Palestinians to be included in the process then none of the terms in that agreement can be unilaterally imposed on them. They won't stand for it and if you were in their position neither would you.

Maybe you could answer the question. Both the Jews and the Muslims say that they're God's chosen children . Who's right.

You're one of those "Christian" type people or at least you profess to be but appear to be underperforming to a noticeable degree but nevertheless due to the fact that there's no truly qualified opinion readily available I guess will just have to settle for you.
The agreements were between Israel and those particular Arab states. To normalize relations between those countries and Israel. Why would the Palestinians be included?

And determining who's right about God has what to do with normalizing relations between two countries?


Legio patria nostra
And for what reasons? And if satisfactory terms could not be reached with the Palestinians to be included in the process then none of the terms in that agreement can be unilaterally imposed on them. They won't stand for it and if you were in their position neither would you.

Maybe you could answer the question. Both the Jews and the Muslims say that they're God's chosen children . Who's right.

You're one of those "Christian" type people or at least you profess to be but appear to be underperforming to a noticeable degree but nevertheless due to the fact that there's no truly qualified opinion readily available I guess will just have to settle for you.