

Well-Known Member
Maybe put your personal opinions and hangups about religion aside.

It's a land dispute. Whoever can take and hold the land by force owns it. That is how this works, and that is how this has worked for the entirety of human history.

Israel should just fire bomb the place for a week and get it over with already.
Glad to see you finally added a point worth paying attention to. It's a religious war over land and treasure going back thousands of years and will go on for thousands more. Israel could try and fire bomb what little Palestinian held territory Israel hasn't already annexed but you can kiss the Camp David accords and every other fragile Arab/ Israeli peace accord good by for about a century.


Well-Known Member
The agreements were between Israel and those particular Arab states. To normalize relations between those countries and Israel. Why would the Palestinians be included?

And determining who's right about God has what to do with normalizing relations between two countries?
Because it's all about whose God is the true God and who loves him more. In a time of conflict government policy is for all intents and purposes ineffective when religious hatred going back centuries is the root cause.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Maybe put your personal opinions and hangups about religion aside.

It's a land dispute. Whoever can take and hold the land by force owns it. That is how this works, and that is how this has worked for the entirety of human history.

Israel should just fire bomb the place for a week and get it over with already.
Iran and Hamas and Hezbollah would have loved that solution. Turn the whole world against Israel. Why do you think Israel did everything in their power to reduce Palestinian casualties. Israel bought maybe 5 years of temporary peace.


Well-Known Member
Because it's all about whose God is the true God and who loves him more. In a time of conflict government policy is for all intents and purposes ineffective when religious hatred going back centuries is the root cause.
Well then I guess the Israelis and Arabs involved in those peace agreements worked that issue out.


Well-Known Member
Iran and Hamas and Hezbollah would have loved that solution. Turn the whole world against Israel. Why do you think Israel did everything in their power to reduce Palestinian casualties. Israel bought maybe 5 years of temporary peace.
Exactly. However, the cease fire is only a temporary and you're lucky if you get 5 weeks out of it. Iran would love nothing more than to become the dominant power in the Middle East and it also has Russia treaty bound to come to it's defense. Israel has internal political conflicts and seems hell bent on expanding it's territory and it' settlements. They is no political solution and efforts at a military one in the aftermath of Iraq and Afghanistan which yielded little I don't think that Americans would put up with another Middle East war very long.


Well-Known Member
As long as the Palestinian issue remains unsolved nothing is worked out.
Says you. They signed those agreements knowing the Palestinian issue was there. People are tired of conflict and in that region they are very worried about Iran's influence and possible dominance. The Palestinians are getting support from Iran which puts them at odds with the Arab states.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Legio patria nostra
Did you catch the Hamas “military” during their parade today.
I think a MS Militia headed by @Netsua 3:16 would be more lethal.
There were like 9 guys, each with a different weapon, camos and mismatched knee pads.
What a joke.


Well-Known Member
Iran and Hamas and Hezbollah would have loved that solution. Turn the whole world against Israel. Why do you think Israel did everything in their power to reduce Palestinian casualties. Israel bought maybe 5 years of temporary peace.
Whoa, the whole world is already against Israel.
Not to start a bible study, just to make a point.

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Proceed as you choose.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Is anyone else thinking what im thinking?

Did Obama pay for those rockets??

Wtf is sleepy joe trying to do here? Lift sanctions on iran, turn a blind eye to their nuke program, more pallets if cash? Just so iran can turn around and fund terrorist :censored2: like this?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Exactly. However, the cease fire is only a temporary and you're lucky if you get 5 weeks out of it. Iran would love nothing more than to become the dominant power in the Middle East and it also has Russia treaty bound to come to it's defense. Israel has internal political conflicts and seems hell bent on expanding it's territory and it' settlements. They is no political solution and efforts at a military one in the aftermath of Iraq and Afghanistan which yielded little I don't think that Americans would put up with another Middle East war very long.
Hell, let Israel annex the entire Middle East!


Well-Known Member
Says you. They signed those agreements knowing the Palestinian issue was there. People are tired of conflict and in that region they are very worried about Iran's influence and possible dominance. The Palestinians are getting support from Iran which puts them at odds with the Arab states.
You said it all man . You continue to believe that as long as the Palestinians can remained bottled up in that tiny strip of land that Israel keeps taking more of and living in deplorable conditions ,that's an acceptable outcome. Of course Iran will continue to take political advantage of the Palestinian situation. Israel and the West created it for them.


Well-Known Member
You said it all man . You continue to believe that as long as the Palestinians can remained bottled up in that tiny strip of land that Israel keeps taking more of and living in deplorable conditions ,that's an acceptable outcome. Of course Iran will continue to take political advantage of the Palestinian situation. Israel and the West created it for them.
I'm all for a two state solution. You erroneously believe that the Palestinians want that too. They want to completely destroy Israel and have said so numerous times. Look how much peace Israel has had since putting up the wall and installing the Iron Dome system. And liberals like you say that's not fair. You forget there are a million+ Muslim Israelis living within that wall. Notice THEY aren't blowing up things within Israel. They support having security because they too suffered before the wall was built, getting blown up on buses, in markets, etc. By the way Israel moved its Jewish settlers out of Gaza, some by force. Gaza isn't the only place Palestinians live. A former Israeli prime minister was assassinated over it by a Jewish extremist.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for a two state solution. You erroneously believe that the Palestinians want that too. They want to completely destroy Israel and have said so numerous times. Look how much peace Israel has had since putting up the wall and installing the Iron Dome system. And liberals like you say that's not fair. You forget there are a million+ Muslim Israelis living within that wall. Notice THEY aren't blowing up things within Israel. They support having security because they too suffered before the wall was built, getting blown up on buses, in markets, etc. By the way Israel moved its Jewish settlers out of Gaza, some by force. Gaza isn't the only place Palestinians live. A former Israeli prime minister was assassinated over it by a Jewish extremist.
Oh I see that you're really into walls. Let's see.... The Berlin Wall, the Warsaw Ghetto Wall, The Trump's Wall. And all it takes is a 5 buck ladder to render it obsolete. And of course we have the Israeli Wall which for all intents and purposes imprisoned the Palestinians. They're not going to passively accept the conditions they're currently living under and neither would you. The West created many of the tensions that exist today by partitioning both Palestine and India and as a result gunfire is still be exchanged along those borders to this very day.