It’s about to get real here in 705!


Well-Known Member
Oh believe me we will take that vote I guarantee if we don't get a good deal .I believe they are methodical is using the vote for leverage
To a person on the outside looking in, it makes no sense. What leverage do you have if you withdraw the extension? What's the extension was rescinded, it should be a strike vote, anything else is saying we really don't have the power we said we had


Well-Known Member
I never even realized the extent a strike would have until I spoke to some coworkers today. If we strike it’s obvious that it affects 710. It also affects the trains as they are union and won’t stop. The busses won’t come since the cta Chicago bus drivers are union. Even the inside maintenance people are in a different union and won’t cross the picket lines. I can’t wait to see how this ends.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? You never make any dam sense, 710 is also still negotiating, enough with your misguided conspiracy theories.


Who’s side are you on? Why do you continue to post? The truth is THEY ARE trying to force the same National language into 710’s contract. The scary part of this whole thing is they give you the same voting rights as everyone else.



Who’s side are you on? Why do you continue to post? The truth is THEY ARE trying to force the same National language into 710’s contract. The scary part of this whole thing is they give you the same voting rights as everyone else.
Did I say they weren’t? Rambling Cach made it sound like they were going to force it on us like they are the National, interpreting that loon is impossible.


Well-Known Member
I was talking to 4 710 drivers in the yard yesterday. I overhead them talking I knew one of them so I jumped in. So do you work at cach where 710 and 705 guys share the same building and break room. I have no reason to lie.
What are you talking about? You never make any dam sense, 710 is also still negotiating, enough with your misguided conspiracy theories.


I was talking to 4 710 drivers in the yard yesterday. I overhead them talking I knew one of them so I jumped in. So do you work at cach where 710 and 705 guys share the same building and break room. I have no reason to lie.

Ok but what are you implying? Are you implying 710 is giving in? Your posts are impossible to interpret.


Well-Known Member
Did I say they weren’t? Rambling Cach made it sound like they were going to force it on us like they are the National, interpreting that loon is impossible.
Now I'm definitely coming to your vote your a looser people like you don't belong in our union. Ask the guys in 710 mfer the manager already thinks it's OK to enforce the 70 hours and any five day punch and they were even told they only get over time after 40 hours not after 8 hours. I never said they were going to force contract no. I said the management team is already acting like it passed. Futile if you were smart you wouldn't be so scared.


Well-Known Member
Ok but what are you implying? Are you implying 710 is giving in? Your posts are impossible to interpret.
What does the freight business agent say does your local support signing a bad contract and remember 710 is filled with sloffa lackeys at the top. Just puppets for the national. At least I know the 705 drivers are smart enough to stand up for themselves


Well-Known Member
Ask your wife or life partner to read my post like they read all the important mail you get I never once said they will force it on you. Management doesn't care if it passes or not they violate the contract all day everyday.
Ok but what are you implying? Are you implying 710 is giving in? Your posts are impossible to interpret.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, cach, you are difficult to understand. But I didn't interpret that 710 was being forced into anything.
Senior drivers in my hub are telling anyone who will listen that they'd better have been saving because even if 710 comes to some conclusion on their contract, when 705 strikes, we'll be out till they're back. We get 15-20 trailers from Chicago, and 1 or two from other locations.


Well-Known Member
So sometimes I'm difficult to understand but in the message that he couldn't understand you had no problem. He is a new member sort of fishy. If he cared so much he would of been here years ago.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry 705 is not going to strike. Our leaders are committed to getting a better contract. Soon everyone will be asking their leaders Why we got a better contract. You should of seen our last meeting we are ready for whatever many people including myself were screaming strike ups if they don't offer a fair contract. In cach they now pay a part time supervisor 19.35 to start and are promoting them after 30 days of service. So tell me how much a full-time driver starts at.


Well-Known Member
705 should be ready for a strike. That's the only way UPS will take you seriously. I'm still at a loss why 705 would issue an extension, then rip it up but continue to negotiate. This is precisely what UPS wants you to do. Get through another peak. This must be brought to a head before peak and finished one way or the other before peak. UPS could conceivably limp through without Chicago being functional AFTER peak. They cannot limp through right before and DURING peak.


Well-Known Member
710 will save up so we can walk the lines with 705. Because if 705 is off, half of 710 will be too. And there will be pressure to use 710's extras to work 705, to cross the line.


Well-Known Member
We have a local election before thanksgiving so don't worry our strike authorization vote is coming. Well before that if our current local leaders don't look tough they may have to spend a lot just to all for moving forward but I hope they get a better contract.


Well-Known Member
710 will save up so we can walk the lines with 705. Because if 705 is off, half of 710 will be too. And there will be pressure to use 710's extras to work 705, to cross the line.
I already said the 710 guys said they are not allowed to touch 705 work. Even the supervisor are nervous because they know they will be working 15 hours a day.


Well-Known Member
there's no reason for drama in this thread. Both of you are talking past each other, and not actually disagreeing on anything.

Well, except I think babboo doesn't think 705 will strike. But then, neither does cach ultimately, apparently.

I don't drive. I reload/preload. So I'm content to sit back and watch it all burn, I make no money at this job and I don't have my benefits yet. I don't make a "show up" bonus. I've been here a full year and I understand now how this whole thing works. So let's go 705, strike.


there's no reason for drama in this thread. Both of you are talking past each other, and not actually disagreeing on anything.

Well, except I think babboo doesn't think 705 will strike. But then, neither does cach ultimately, apparently.

I don't drive. I reload/preload. So I'm content to sit back and watch it all burn, I make no money at this job and I don't have my benefits yet. I don't make a "show up" bonus. I've been here a full year and I understand now how this whole thing works. So let's go 705, strike.
Of course you wanna strike, you have nothing to lose