It’s about to get real here in 705!


My Senior Picture
Observations like this....

Is why I always read your posts.
Beside Lagoona stirring up my "attitude" I try to be real about important issues and treat people with the respect they dispense my way.

I dont have a great (or all encompassing) overview on the big picture when it comes to "union" issues because they are complex but I know that I loathe liars and corrupt, company friendly business agents and officials.

When you've been subjected to that kind of suppression for way too many years it changes your attitude. Your patience turns into hate. I promised a high ranking official that I would give it another chance. I did. Our members still consistently got screwed. Even though you have absolutely no idea about what's gone on here behind closed doors I have been told that you're not a fan either.

I've treated you with respect. I haven't "piled on" when you are disrespected on here and I dont play games. I'm a black and white type of person when the issues are about representation and truth.

So with that being said, I hope that someday we can all sit back and say "We fought for those who had no spine, no chance of winning, and we dragged some from the fire" that had no hope otherwise.

It's who I am, not perfect, not special, but someone who hates bullies and that's what matters in this job. Take a stand and no matter what happens, stand there.
I think it's simple. But some that are polluted through years of compromising will never get it because they like it that way.
You two didn't used to heard sheep together in Wyoming by any chance, did you???

Frankie's Friend

You two didn't used to heard sheep together in Wyoming by any chance, did you???
Only ewe would think of that.
Funny the dog's name was Sam.


My Senior Picture
Why don’t the thread hijackers get each others phone numbers and group text? Be easier wouldn’t it?
When a thread reaches the post #325 mark, it is very unrealistic to think that there won't be several tangents???

But here's what I'm gonna do to help....

When was the last time Local 705 struck UPS....and have they ever struck UPS using this so-called "autonomy" they possess???


When a thread reaches the post #325 mark, it is very unrealistic to think that there won't be several tangents???

But here's what I'm gonna do to help....

When was the last time Local 705 struck UPS....and have they ever struck UPS using this so-called "autonomy" they possess???
Don’t know-dont care, I’m in 710, why do you have a bug up your butt with 705-710?


Well-Known Member
When a thread reaches the post #325 mark, it is very unrealistic to think that there won't be several tangents???

But here's what I'm gonna do to help....

When was the last time Local 705 struck UPS....and have they ever struck UPS using this so-called "autonomy" they possess???
That's a strange question, let me ask you one... When is the last time the teamsters ruled against the majority of the teamsters in voting in the National?


My Senior Picture
Don’t know-dont care, I’m in 710, why do you have a bug up your butt with 705-710?
I don't know why he does either, but you have to admit those two are joined at the hip...
It's really not a "strange question" when you consider the name of the thread?

....It’s about to get real here in 705!

....with the subject matter being that Local potentially going on strike?

I thought you guys wanted to get the thread back on track, where am I losing you two???


My Senior Picture
I’m in 710, why do you have a bug up your butt with 705-710?

I really don't have a "bug up my butt" with either Local?

In fact I am quite interested, but I do think that you come off like a dick more often than not.

....besides that, I was just asking a "reasonable" question more in line with the thread subject matter in order to address your concern.

Why don’t the thread hijackers get each others phone numbers and group text? Be easier wouldn’t it?

Frankie's Friend

I really don't have a "bug up my butt" with either Local?

In fact I am quite interested, but I do think that you come off like a dick more often than not.

....besides that, I was just asking a "reasonable" question more in line with the thread subject matter in order to address your concern.
Totally agree.


To be fair, I dont think anyone on here has a fair assessment of what someone else does or doesnt do because most of the time their support and involvement is done locally and without grandstanding.

There's always more to the story.

But when it's all said and done each member knows in their own heart if they are a real Teamster or just a parasite.

IMO, Keeping your head down doesnt mean that you wont take a bullet anyway. It means you were too cowardly to look the situation in the eye, see it coming, and do something about it.
all this rhetoric "real Teamster" "taking a bullet" stuff, like being a UPS Teamster makes you a tough guy or badass (it doesn't). I thought you were leaving the board for good? The irony there is pretty funny if you think about it.

Frankie's Friend

all this rhetoric "real Teamster" "taking a bullet" stuff, like being a UPS Teamster makes you a tough guy or badass (it doesn't). I thought you were leaving the board for good? The irony there is pretty funny if you think about it.
I changed my mind and repaid my initiation fee to rejoin. Does it bother you that I decided to post again? Many longtime posters pm'd me not to leave. They should've checked with you first.

Not that your whining deserves an answer on the other issues but I'll explain that I was talking to BUG about some issues. Did I forget to tag you for approval?

The real irony is that you responded to my post about my perspective on certain issues not pertaining to you, ups management.

Being a "tough guy" or bad ass is all you got from that? Your perspective is incomplete but you can post acutely about anything you really dont know anything about any time you want to.

"Uncontrolled" is a good avatar fit...parallel with uneducated.