And plz elaborate on how exactly he makes over $100k washing trucks part time.
All the high seniority PT that I know make more than full time if they choose.
I’m a PT air shuttle and I make about $100k. I have people with less seniority than me that make more than me.
Besides Red Circled employees. I make about $30 in the warehouse.
Overtime after 5 and everyday they need double shifters. (Sups work everyday can’t keep PT employees)
Everyday there is bulk stops or irregs that couldn’t fit in the regular package truck that I shuttle out to them before I start my route then I get paid ground all day
They will never have enough drivers.
1. Sick calls
2. Vacations
3. Injuries (we have 37 routes in my building and at one point we had 25 people on light duty TAW, comp, or disability.) thats over half lol
The new drivers we been getting from the hub are already 40 and been getting injured the first year of driving.
I can personally do routes faster than the regular driver so management loves using me. And I’m never in a hurry haha
I also can do everything and every job on every sort. I can regularly help out with Car wash, Pre load, local sort, Chase cars, hazmat, safety, utility