Got the T-Shirt
The nlrb didnt rebuke us. They (2 different attorneys at different times) told us that the union reps are elected and so they have control of the grievance resolutions unless there's blatant ftr issues. They filed the charges for us but of course, like they said, they went no where.
The company labor manager got charges filed on him by the steward and the charges were proceeding until the labor mgr went to the steward and apologized.
The steward gave him a bite of the apple as they like to say to us. He got one chance to change his behavior and all along, pathetically, the BA allowed the labor mgr to ridicule and verbally abuse the steward in hearings until the steward said "enough" and filed charges on his own but thru the local against the company. The BA told the steward before that he had no right to file thru the local (the ba nullified another steward's valid charges already) so this steward told the ba that he was going to file on the ba if he nullified the charges against the labor mgr.
Then the BA got charges filed on him by 4 members because he wouldn't hear their 9 month old grievances. One members grievances were 3 yrs old! The labor board atty said they had to drop their charges when the BA finally set up and had the hearings.
That's how this goes. The ba and labor mgr are buddies and they're both corrupt.
If I told you all the garbage that's gone on in this local you would understand the hate for this ba and the distrust of his cronies throughout the state.
Cool story.