I don't believe for a minute that this contract will, in and of itself, fix the pension. I do believe that getting out of CS is a necessity and it is a first step to seeing that we have something down the road. I would rather see different options altogether for retirement investment vehicles but I don't think that's in the ballpark at present so I try to focus on what we do have.
I don't think enough people are informed to the point they can make a wise judgement on either side - they will listen to their friends or they will take all the mailings at face value, etc. I believe the contract will pass but I will be interested in seeing the %'s. I don't believe, if the contract gets shot down, that they will be able to go back to the table with any ammo sufficient to make the changes you want short of a strike threat. I don't think this is the best or worst contract ever, however I'm not sure I believe it's worth a strike. I would be more inclined to direct my efforts toward change at a local level first then higher up.
You are right Red, if enough people vote no it will send a message but I think that's only the beginning. I voted yes but I also think our Union is in dire need of change. I see too little energy expended on promoting the Union to new hires or to the uninformed. I think when people are in charge, of anything, for an extended period of time they forget where they came from. They have their cushy jobs and they make nice speeches while we wonder what it is exactly that we pay them for.
I'm rambling yet again so I'll stop.