

Für Meno :)
Oh, and Canadian doctors don't do tests ? They don't get paid?

You don't understand how our system works. A medical doctor in a hospital is on salary here.
It don't matter how many tests he does, or how many surgerys he/she performs. Same pay.

Billing is totally different - they don't charge for a pair of gloves for example that they bought the whole box for $5.00 and "sell" them back to the insurance company for $7.00 a pair !
Instead the hospital gets a certain amount of money for the entire year to live on it's giving budget. They do get extra money for re-modeling or new equipment which the government pays for.
Harper commented to a 6% anual increase in healthcare spending to adjust for inflation and more healthcare needs as the population grows older, and the provinces run their own healthcare services and foot around 60% of all costs, and make the healthcare decisions on their own.

Anyways in short : Doctors don't have a black book, like car mechanics here (break job = 1.5 hrs x $90 per hr = $135 labor costs.
That's how US doctors operate.
Here they just do their job, and get paid for their days work. They have no incentive to either rush you thru the system so they can get more patients served and therefor more money, no do they have the incentive to do unneccesary tests, to earn more money.

Our doctors just do their work, and do the best for their patients as they think is needed. Simple as that.
A Canadian Patient doesn't have money signs all written over them !


bella amicizia
I don't disagree with the billing of your system as opposed to ours, but are you aware how many Ontario citizens somehow have Medicare and get their healthcare right in Watertown? I have no idea how they do it, but they do.


Für Meno :)
I don't disagree with the billing of your system as opposed to ours, but are you aware how many Ontario citizens somehow have Medicare and get their healthcare right in Watertown? I have no idea how they do it, but they do.

Some provinces have actually made some deals with US cities or states.
Vancouver practised that about 2 or 3 years ago, because they had an overload of some type of sugery (maybe hip),,, but then nobody went to Seattle, they rather waited.
But, I do think some Ontario commuties do have a temporary US program in place. And I do say temporary, because it does cost the province double the money they would pay at home. So, they just need to put up with it until the facilties are built or in place.
Other provinces have exchanges with other canadian provinces, too.

The former liberal government did that to us (due to cutbacks and balancing the budget). Provinces used to get 80% of healthcare costs paid by the feds, that shrunk to 50%. Now, slowly we are getting a bigger share back from the feds. - Comming all back into place :)
You don't understand how our system works. A medical doctor in a hospital is on salary here.
It don't matter how many tests he does, or how many surgerys he/she performs. Same pay.

Billing is totally different - they don't charge for a pair of gloves for example that they bought the whole box for $5.00 and "sell" them back to the insurance company for $7.00 a pair !
Instead the hospital gets a certain amount of money for the entire year to live on it's giving budget. They do get extra money for re-modeling or new equipment which the government pays for.
Harper commented to a 6% anual increase in healthcare spending to adjust for inflation and more healthcare needs as the population grows older, and the provinces run their own healthcare services and foot around 60% of all costs, and make the healthcare decisions on their own.

Anyways in short : Doctors don't have a black book, like car mechanics here (break job = 1.5 hrs x $90 per hr = $135 labor costs.
That's how US doctors operate.
Here they just do their job, and get paid for their days work. They have no incentive to either rush you thru the system so they can get more patients served and therefor more money, no do they have the incentive to do unneccesary tests, to earn more money.

Our doctors just do their work, and do the best for their patients as they think is needed. Simple as that.
A Canadian Patient doesn't have money signs all written over them !

You just think you know how medical billing is done here. You aren't totally incorrect, but far from being totally correct.
I challenge you to buy a box of gloves for 5 bucks, it aint gonna happen. Here the doctor doesn't bill the patient or the insurance company for gloves. The test that doctors order are done by other people not the doctor, no extra pay for the doc. unless his/her office has a lab in the office which is rare around here. What a doctor charges the insurance companies is a negotiated price for each procedure and the procedures are separated because the insurance companies want it that way, not the doctors. Doctors have basically three prices for procedures; patient pay (the highest rate), private insurance pay (negotiated rate, a % lower) and medicare/caid ( a much lower price mandated by medicare/cade). If doctors had to rely on medicare for survival offices would be closing at an alarming rate.
Hospitals do charge for individual items like meds and maybe some supplies. Again this is because the insurance companies want it that way. At some point the insurance companies decided that they were getting hosed by hospitals by being charged for supplies that some patients didn't get. So the ins co only pay for what the individual patient receives and at a lower rate than if the patient pays the bill.

Our doctors just do their work, and do the best for their patients as they think is needed.

Ever wonder why in the US there is usually more than one doctor in an office? It's because they can't make a living without being able to share operating expenses with other doctors. Even in the single doc office (which is getting more rare) they have figured out how many patients a day they have to see to pay the overhead of the office and be able to pay themselves too.
I would suggest that the model used in Canada adds to the long wait to get non-urgent appointments because the docs don't see as many patients per day.


Für Meno :)
No, we don't have docs in single offices here !
They usually lease a buliding together and share the costs and share the costs of the office/nurse staff, too.
They get paid $35 or maybe $40 per patient here, not much.
We show our healthcare card, and they bill it for the $40 and get reimbursed within 36 hrs. (plus any supplies they may have used, like with me when the dog bit me).

They will rate patients with more needs (see a specialist or need a specific surgery upon urgency). :

Grade 3 = preventive care - non urgent (waiting time up to 6 mths for an MRI).
Grade 2 = needs additional care, but not urgently ( could be a hip replacement/operation, but patient can get by for up to 3 more months).
Grade 1 = needs immediate treatment/surgery -( same day hospitalization or scanning, etc) - My poor niece just fell into that category, totally unexpectingly after a doctors visit regarding strong headaches :(

I think Grade 2 is what most people complain about here, as they still have to put up with some pain.
Maybe some Grade 3 whiners, too, even though it's just a preventitive check-up.


golden ticket member
Obama Mocks Republicans As Too Stupid To Understand His Entire Jobs Bill At Once…

(The Hill) — President Obama started off his three-day bus tour kicking Senate Republicans for blocking his jobs bill, saying he is breaking up his plan because “maybe they just couldn’t understand the whole thing at once.”
Speaking in Asheville, N.C., a favorite locale of Obama’s, the president began his tour by criticizing Senate Republicans for blocking his $447 billion bill last week, and challenging Congress to pass the bill in “bite-sized pieces.”
The president said that in blocking his bill, Senate Republicans — he did not mention the two Democratic ‘no’ votes — “said ‘no’ to you.”
“Sixty-three percent support the jobs bill I put forward,” Obama said. “One hundred percent of Republican senators voted against it. That doesn’t make any sense, does it?”


Strength through joy

'Misery Index' Rises to Highest Since 1983...

Americans' Standard of Living Drops Sharply...

Antidepressant use skyrockets...


Staff member
What's with Fox News? Today I saw them report something like 25 states had employment numbers rise, 14 had them fall, and 11 stayed the same. That's a strange way of reporting things, isn't it?