

golden ticket member
......."Don’t buy into today’s “good” news the unemployment rate dropped to 8.6%, the 315K people who gave up looking for work are no longer counted when the rate is calculated........."

(Bloomberg) — Job gains in the U.S. picked up last month and the unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to the lowest level since March 2009, a decline augmented by the departure of Americans from the labor force.

Payrolls climbed 120,000, after a revised 100,000 increase in October, with more than half the hiring coming from retailers and temporary help agencies, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey called for a 125,000 gain. The jobless rate declined to 8.6 percent from 9 percent.

The unemployment rate, derived from a separate survey of households, was forecast to hold at 9 percent. The decrease in the jobless rate reflected a 278,000 gain in employment at the same time 315,000 Americans left the labor force.

“You’d like to see the unemployment rate coming down when people are coming into the job market, not disappearing,” James Glassman, senior economist at JP Morgan Chase & Co. in New York, said in a radio interview on “Bloomberg Surveillance” with Tom Keene.


Für Meno :)
Atleast the news tricked investors into a stock market buying frenzy. Those damn silly and stupid billionaires and bankers don't know the truth ! ;)


Für Meno :)
Actually, historically, manufacturing jobs hire after xmas, and unemployed people are more willing to look and find work after xmas is thru and over with.


golden ticket member
December 2, 2011 @ 1:47 pm | Obama DOE Awards $230,000 In Taxpayer-Funds For Website To Promote “Green Jobs” — Forbids Listing of Actual Jobs…

Then again, is there really such a thing as a “green job.”
Via The Foundry:
How’s this for a waste of taxpayer money? According to Energy & Environment News, the Department of Energy is paying $230,000 for a website to promote career paths in the green energy sector — and it has, ironically, prohibited the listing of actual jobs in the industry. Here’s the report:
The Department of Energy has awarded a $230,000 contract to the Association of Energy Services Professionals to develop a website on energy efficiency jobs — but the agency has prohibited the listing of actual position openings.

Instead, the website will include information on what training and education is needed to nab a job, said Suzanne Jones, AESP’s vice president of marketing. In lieu of a job bank, AESP will provide 40 to 50 “very distinct” job descriptions in the energy efficiency industry, along with the education and training needed for such jobs.

A DOE spokesman did not return a request for comment in time for publication. The website — called “My Energy Gateway” — will launch in April 2012, according to AESP.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Are we really this stupid? Click on US Bridges below; wait for a short commercial and see where we're headed. Did you miss this program? Try to remember it this coming November. To me it's simply beyond belief! It's past time to clean out Washington.

Stimulus money meant to create US jobs went to (Communist) Chinese firms. To me this is absolutely unbelievable.
click below:

U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese - ABC News


Für Meno :)
Don't let anything fool you, the pipeline is already being stored and shipped south.

I think Harper had a good chat with Obama, and they used reverse tatics to get the pipe layed.
(If Obama was going to promote the project - the reps would have denied it). So, he did it reverse - to get what he wanted. It's that simple !


golden ticket member
Don't let anything fool you, the pipeline is already being stored and shipped south.

I think Harper had a good chat with Obama, and they used reverse tatics to get the pipe layed.
(If Obama was going to promote the project - the reps would have denied it). So, he did it reverse - to get what he wanted. It's that simple !

Obama couldn't get himself layed!


Strength through joy
bhos has gone on the record that he will not approve of the pipeline until after the 2012 Elections.
Why ?
It's because he is collecting monies from both sides, the tree huggers who oppose it and the oil people who are for it. Why kill this golden egg now.
So what if it will create thousands of good paying jobs that the middle class needs today , his campaign has already written off the middle class and has directed all of his affords towards the people dependent on the gov't for their handouts.


golden ticket member
Why can't people see that he doesn't care about jobs for Americans ? He only cares about re-election. He did have a record of voting "present" in the senate and he continues as president to not be able to make a decision for fear of losing a part of his base. He is the Oaf of Office!!


Für Meno :)
If he wouldn't care about jobs, he wouldn't have bailed out GM.
And his Obamacare will create 100's of 1000's new jobs.
Putting 50 Million more people under a medicare plan is lots !
New walk-in-clinics, new hospitals or hospital expansions, more drug stores. It probably will be the new job creation boom in the future.
If he wouldn't care about jobs, he wouldn't have bailed out GM.
And his Obamacare will create 100's of 1000's new jobs.
Putting 50 Million more people under a medicare plan is lots !
New walk-in-clinics, new hospitals or hospital expansions, more drug stores. It probably will be the new job creation boom in the future.
You are right about one thing, 0care will create jobs. Jobs in the government. The last thing we need is more government jobs, we need private sector jobs.


Für Meno :)
Actually, I was watching a Canadian market show last night.
Did you know that America became a net exporter of crude oil this year ?
Yup, they drilled more than ever, used less then ever, and now the US is exporting oil once again !