
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
just wait..............the seasonal adjustments can't go on forever.

Have you noticed that each month, all the jobs figures are revised upwards (worse) a month later? Nobody 'trumpets' the adjustments, so the people think it's all ok.

GIVE ME a B! Give me a O! Give me another O!

Whats that spell?? BOO!!!!!!!

The patriotic thing to say when the country shows improvement in our economy.





Strength through joy
Stick with higher gas prices, as they may rise while people need to drive more to work and back !

no need to drive if there is no work to go to.
as fuel prices rise , people will be shopping for less, they will have to make choices such as a new IPad HD or food.


golden ticket member
"As the population grows, there are still 5 million fewer jobs in the U.S. economy than before the crisis. The unemployment rate is still three percentage points above the average over the last two decades, and many of the recent gains were thanks to reduced layoffs, not expanding business, which is not the recipe for sustainable improvement in the labor market, according to Bernanke."


Tuesday, March 27, 2012 @ 9:19 am [h=2]Bernanke Contradicts Obama’s Claim Job Market Roaring Back: “Quite Weak”…[/h]


golden ticket member
386,000 first-time jobless's more than they expected.

Well, that's what happens if you just stand by with your fingers crossed and say, "I hope". !!

For 3 years in a row, HOPE of a robust economy are fading!

The number will be adjusted upward in a week or so, because they've underestimated their numbers anywhere from 9-11,000 eveytime they report. Fudge much??
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
First time jobless number........

ecpected 375,000
Actual 388,000

Looking rosy and in full recovery !! NOT !!

I am sure you would like to return to the performance of the GW BUSH administration losing 750 thousand jobs a month!

hang in there , the next three quarters will be the best in 2012. Every expert agrees that this first quarter because of oil will be the slowest quarter of 2012.

Nothing in the the economy goes in a straight line maam, and there are ups and downs in every indicator.

Time will tell.




Strength through joy
In April the number of people not in the labor force rose by a whopping 522,000 from 87,897,000 to 88,419,000. This is the highest on record.
It’s this graph that tells the story, not the phony numbers invented by the governmedia:

At least under the rule of moonbats it’s easy to get other people’s money for free. So far this year, almost 1 million have applied for Social Security disability benefits. Over 5 million former workers and their families have enrolled in the disability program since Obama took office. It’s easier than finding work.

In fact, had the labor force participation rate stayed where it was in June 2009, the jobless rate would be around 11%.


Strength through joy
Allen West: “The failed economic policies of President Obama are destroying the black community” I am seriously concerned with the 13 percent unemployment number for Black Americans released today…
As a Member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the House Small Business Committee, I am seriously concerned with the 13 percent unemployment number for Black Americans. The failed economic policies of President Obama are destroying the black community and lessening the chances for economic freedom while promoting economic dependence. Perhaps this is what the NAACP was afraid to hear me address.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Allen West: “The failed economic policies of President Obama are destroying the black community”

I am seriously concerned with the 13 percent unemployment number for Black Americans released today…
As a Member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the House Small Business Committee, I am seriously concerned with the 13 percent unemployment number for Black Americans. The failed economic policies of President Obama are destroying the black community and lessening the chances for economic freedom while promoting economic dependence. Perhaps this is what the NAACP was afraid to hear me address.

Alan West has nothing to do with the black community. He moved out of the black community. West is a blabbermouth who should be kicked out of congress, and we may just get our wish in Nov.

