My daughter is about to graduate from college. She already has a job lined up at a large Law Firm in Los Angeles. If your kid cant find a job in their career field, then they did something wrong.
My daughter is about to graduate from college. She already has a job lined up at a large Law Firm in Los Angeles. If your kid cant find a job in their career field, then they did something wrong.
You mean like choosing the wrong field to get their degree in?
This country has outsourced all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. This has been the pattern going to back to when REAGAN started it.
BUSH 2 made it worse with trade deals with the WTO.
Now, our country is littered with service industry jobs. Jobs to nowhere.
We even have shows on tv ( shark tank ) for instance, that purports to help the entreprenuer, yet every single time they are interested, the first thing they say is "you would have to build that in china"...
Thats helping america?
Then "we" parents send our children to college to study for jobs that are no longer here in the states. Then they come out and have no place to go.
Not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer.
Do we need machinists? no, its all outsourced now. Do we need furniture makers? no, its all outsourced now.
We dont make crap. So , in turn, we dont need middle management positions either so all that business education just went down the toilet.
Oh yeah, they could apply with UPS, but it wouldnt last and they would be on the street in a few years.
This country doesnt give a crap about students anymore, just give me my large combo with a rootbeer.
All good paying middle class jobs are overseas? We no longer have a middle class? I know it is impossible to get specifics out of you. But how does the US compete globally? Higher corporate taxes?
some say that NAFTA ruined workers wages. We have sub par growth right now. Unfortionately the best thing Obama has done for the economy is SHUT UP about it. It has been said that 2014 will be the biggest year for M and A ever.
Do you know how much money Apple has overseas? No, they arnt hiding it, they made the money there. FYI...we still have to big to fail. Bottom line... We are here now, stop blaming, give a constructive argument, some hard answers based on today's rules.
I bet that some will blame Bush or Fox News for this.Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Since Obama took power, every single month the rate has been even lower than it was for that same month the year before. Every. Single. Month. Some “recovery.”
I bet that some will blame Bush or Fox News for this.
We only will blame Bush for losing all those jobs in the first place. Maybe instead of starting 2 unnecessary wars he could have focused on actually getting Bin Laden and our economy. That's all.I bet that some will blame Bush or Fox News for this.
Every month that Obama was in office up until that post, America had fewer jobs than the month before.What is it from this chart that you extrapolate?