
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You mean like choosing the wrong field to get their degree in?


This country has outsourced all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. This has been the pattern going to back to when REAGAN started it.

BUSH 2 made it worse with trade deals with the WTO.

Now, our country is littered with service industry jobs. Jobs to nowhere.

We even have shows on tv ( shark tank ) for instance, that purports to help the entreprenuer, yet every single time they are interested, the first thing they say is "you would have to build that in china"...


Thats helping america?

Then "we" parents send our children to college to study for jobs that are no longer here in the states. Then they come out and have no place to go.

Not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer.

Do we need machinists? no, its all outsourced now. Do we need furniture makers? no, its all outsourced now.

We dont make crap. So , in turn, we dont need middle management positions either so all that business education just went down the toilet.

Oh yeah, they could apply with UPS, but it wouldnt last and they would be on the street in a few years.

This country doesnt give a crap about students anymore, just give me my large combo with a rootbeer.



Strength through joy
This country already has too many lawyers .
Getting a job at a law firm is not easy , but surviving past your first year is almost impossible .


Well-Known Member

This country has outsourced all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. This has been the pattern going to back to when REAGAN started it.

BUSH 2 made it worse with trade deals with the WTO.

Now, our country is littered with service industry jobs. Jobs to nowhere.

We even have shows on tv ( shark tank ) for instance, that purports to help the entreprenuer, yet every single time they are interested, the first thing they say is "you would have to build that in china"...


Thats helping america?

Then "we" parents send our children to college to study for jobs that are no longer here in the states. Then they come out and have no place to go.

Not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer.

Do we need machinists? no, its all outsourced now. Do we need furniture makers? no, its all outsourced now.

We dont make crap. So , in turn, we dont need middle management positions either so all that business education just went down the toilet.

Oh yeah, they could apply with UPS, but it wouldnt last and they would be on the street in a few years.

This country doesnt give a crap about students anymore, just give me my large combo with a rootbeer.


All good paying middle class jobs are overseas? We no longer have a middle class? I know it is impossible to get specifics out of you. But how does the US compete globally? Higher corporate taxes?

some say that NAFTA ruined workers wages. We have sub par growth right now. Unfortionately the best thing Obama has done for the economy is SHUT UP about it. It has been said that 2014 will be the biggest year for M and A ever.

Do you know how much money Apple has overseas? No, they arnt hiding it, they made the money there. FYI...we still have to big to fail. Bottom line... We are here now, stop blaming, give a constructive argument, some hard answers based on today's rules.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All good paying middle class jobs are overseas? We no longer have a middle class? I know it is impossible to get specifics out of you. But how does the US compete globally? Higher corporate taxes?

some say that NAFTA ruined workers wages. We have sub par growth right now. Unfortionately the best thing Obama has done for the economy is SHUT UP about it. It has been said that 2014 will be the biggest year for M and A ever.

Do you know how much money Apple has overseas? No, they arnt hiding it, they made the money there. FYI...we still have to big to fail. Bottom line... We are here now, stop blaming, give a constructive argument, some hard answers based on today's rules.


Do you live on another planet? Have you missed the last 40 years of economic collapse of the United States?

"Some say"? really, youre going to use the FOX news approach to explanations?

Lets be real. NAFTA did wipe out worker wages in this country. Thats a conclusion, not a possibility. Middle class blue collar jobs left this country when NAFTA was passed, and they continue to leave the country.

Those jobs, while overseas are no longer "good paying" jobs because they were all outsourced to third world countries.

I just love how you run with this however: "But how does the US compete globally? Higher corporate taxes?"

How about "WE" dont compete at all and keep all the jobs here in the states so we dont have to LOWER wages to compete with burma, or indochina?

You say we have "subpar" growth right now, but heres the key bub, WE HAVE GROWTH, unlike the bush administration where we had SHRINKAGE and eventually, a near depression.

One of the falacies of the right wing talking points, is the comparision to "other" recessions. All this talk about the great depression and job growth afterwards, then the reagan recession and the job growth afterwards, but it isnt the same circumstances anymore.

After the great depression, we built roads, cities, airports, towns, neighborhoods, cars, furniture, clothes, books, infrastructures and such and there were plenty of jobs to go around, so growth could range near 5% of GDP.

Today, we build nothing. Heck, most of you right wingers wanted to see all our american car companies fail. One of the last things we actually build in this country and you all would rather see them fail then rescued.

But the fact remains, from clothes to electronics, everything in this country is made overseas and NONE of you give a crap. As if that doesnt hurt this country or the middle class worker.

All that matters to people is the cost at the register. People dont care if the shoes they buy were made by a 12 year old chinese child, its all about the price.

Middle class jobs mr 1989 start in the manufacturing sector, but we dont have a manufacturing sector, where would you suggest middle class jobs start?

This country is littered with "service industry" jobs that pay the lowest wages of all jobs. We cant outsource those jobs but we can filled those low paying jobs with immigrants who wont complain about the wages because the countries they come from pay even less.

Lets take mexico, NAFTA has taken most of our manufacturing jobs from refrigerators to cars, clothes and electronics.

43% of all the jobs in mexico are provded by AMERICAN CORPORATIONS. Of those 43%, the average yearly wage is $3700.00. Thats roughly 72 dollars a week and mexicans pay a 3% tax on that 72 bucks. If you divide that 72 bucks by 5 you get $14.40 a day.

These jobs used to pay good union wages to americans and now, they pay peanuts and yet, you say "how can we compete with the global economy"..

Of course, I know, its just stupid slogan you are repeating because you dont have the first clue about wages in other countries, but understand that america will continue to suffer as long as its ships its jobs overseas to maximize profits and put americans out of work.

Now, I dont know a single american who would work for $14.40 a day for a 10 hour shift, but maybe you do. That would equate to $1.44 an hour.

Maybe this is the "new" america you are hoping for? Bringing america to its knees by creating third world wages so corporations can rake in huge profits.

President Obama has attempted to create new industries for the future, and those companies are creating tomorrows middle class manufacturing jobs. Tens of thousands of solar industry jobs are being created every month in this country.

New alternative energy jobs are also being created, but the petroleum industry is fighting hard to keep people like you on their side by trying to turn you off to alternative energy.

But the reality is, creating a new manufacturing sector regardless of what we are making is the key to economic recovery.

You seem to prefer the right wing talking points of protecting the corporations by allowing them access to foreign access to slave labor.




golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
The fed will do the job, so why should Obama? The fed has to continue hyper trickle down much longer than expected.


Strength through joy
Brad DeLong, one of the most prestigious Keynesians, a professor at Berkeley and former deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury under Clinton, says , It really is a depression.
U.S. Household Net Worth 2007- 2013

Top 1% Up 1.9%
Next 9 % Up 3.4%
Next 15% Down 0.5%
Next 25% Down 16.7%
Bottom 50% Down 44.2%

None of the economic statistics we get from the government are reliable. Inflation is understated. Economic growth is overstated. Unemployment is understated. But this chart of net worth is about as reliable as we can expect to get.

It tells the story of a middle class in the process of being destroyed and of poor people who will never be able to get into it. It is also noteworthy that the nine percent below the top one percent have done best of all. Although a great many government employee households are in the top one percent, a larger number are in the next nine percent.