
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
They will move to Mexico if they get unionized.

And take the jobs with them ONLY if the REPUBLICANS fail to approve plant expansions...

The Republicans, are threatening to do just that. They dont give a crap about workers, only the corporations.

What was it the head of the GOP caucus in tenn said??

Oh yeah, "if they unionize, others may follow suit, and we cant have that.."

Great motto.



And take the jobs with them ONLY if the REPUBLICANS fail to approve plant expansions...

The Republicans, are threatening to do just that. They dont give a crap about workers, only the corporations.

What was it the head of the GOP caucus in tenn said??

Oh yeah, "if they unionize, others may follow suit, and we cant have that.."

Great motto.

Finish the quote. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with good unions, but they are afraid of scaring other businesses away. Really is a thin line on that issue


Strength through joy
Again, the right wing attempts to prevent the american worker from gaining higher wages and benefits. This time in Tenn, where the workers of a growing volkswagen plant seek to unionize, the republicans seek to threaten the workers and the company.

How unfortunate, that in a time where americans need jobs, and a company is looking for expansion, the republicans, led by the KOCH brothers "right to work" group threaten to prevent volkswagen from expanding should the workers ratify the union into the company.

As a result, Volkswagen is saying it will have to move its operations to mexico if the republicans block their planned expansions.

But, the GOP/Republicans will still say they are on the american workers side. YA RIGHT!

You don't like the outcome of a vote .
Why ?
Maybe because it wasn't secret enough for you .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You don't like the outcome of a vote .
Why ?
Maybe because it wasn't secret enough for you .

The vote was very close. Split in half. There is reason to suspect the UAW will appeal the vote to the NLRB because of the threats made by the republicans and a new vote order based on election tampering.

The NLRB could force a new election cycle and campaign and a new vote may bring opposite results as long as the republicans dont make any more threats.

What a country, where one political party does everything it can to keep workers at lower pay and benefits just to hurt the american worker.



Well-Known Member
The vote was very close. Split in half. There is reason to suspect the UAW will appeal the vote to the NLRB because of the threats made by the republicans and a new vote order based on election tampering.

The NLRB could force a new election cycle and campaign and a new vote may bring opposite results as long as the republicans dont make any more threats.

What a country, where one political party does everything it can to keep workers at lower pay and benefits just to hurt the american worker.

I thought you disliked corporate tax breaks? There are 49 other states that might give them sweeter tax deals. A couple weeks ago Boeing threw a party for wa state lawmakers for saving them 8.7 billion in taxes.


Strength through joy
tos, what's the matter ?
Feeling down ?
Didn't enough dead people vote the right way ?
In the New World Order economy one could say that these were saved jobs , by not being shipped off to another country .


The VW employees were gonna have to take a $3/hr pay cut for the union...sounds like teamsters. I wouldn't have voted yes for that either.


Well-Known Member
Thank GOD for bob corker?? really??

What does Volkswagen think about that??

Doesnt appear that Volkswagen liked the GOP involvement into the employees choice to unionize...

The tables are turning.

Is Volkswagen the only place to work in Tenn.? Put on some big boy pants. People make decisions all the time, some good, some bad. The real issue is if the individual has no choice. Choice is freedom. It's a big world out there. "Stay back and see it all"


golden ticket member