jurisdiction after you punch out?


Well-Known Member
You implied that it is responsible to use drugs as long as you don't abuse them and drugs do mess up lives as this thread directly implies, and maturity to the standard that you don't smoke weed anymore and definitely make sure it is not on you at work because you are at least 25 if you have worked at UPS for 7 yrs. it is time to grow up.


You implied that it is responsible to use drugs as long as you don't abuse them and drugs do mess up lives as this thread directly implies, and maturity to the standard that you don't smoke weed anymore and definitely make sure it is not on you at work because you are at least 25 if you have worked at UPS for 7 yrs. it is time to grow up.

where did i imply it messed up my life quote "thank GOD for assets and no retirment plan":greedy: hmmmmm.....

like i said b4 why would i check my pants everyday b4 i go to work "im not a habitual weed user, why would i bother checking my pockets everyday for drugs?"

i still dont see why you will tell me to grow up. im not begging for my job back. immatuarity would of been counting on my p/t ups job for the past 7 years as my primary income.


Staff member
So, Itzamcid, What does the shop steward say?

My advice for anyone caught like this is Deny, Deny, Deny!

"It's not mine"
"the security guard put it there"
"Pot? I don't know. Why do you think that is pot? Looks like lawn clippings to me"

Deny, Deny, Deny.


But if it does you better be prepared to stop. Here they`re backed up by off duty cops carrying real guns so despite how much you dispute their authority the "give them crap" factor is very low. I have seen people,drivers included, get cocky and get a nice chauffeured ride down to the police dept.

this would vary state by state; but in va. legally (besides being able to fire you), they can not hold you against your will off duty cop or not. the cops have to have reasonable cause to detain him; becuase some third party said he had weed is cause for a search? so all the cops need to do is have some hobo in the back seat pointing out houses to search -- retarded they cant and if they do you wont get prosecuted.

again leaving did make you look guilty. but as i said above i dont think you can be fired for accidently mixing up your luandry with a roomates and wearing his pants that had a tiny bit of what may or may not be weed (ups didnt pay to have it tested).


Well-Known Member
hey admit it i had little crumb in my pocket. its not like i had a whole baggy. you wouldnt even get HIGH off that lil bit i had. thats the reason i posted this post. if i would had a baagy and got caught i wouldnt of posted this. come on man GROW UP!

If it was only a 'little crumb' how did anyone even notice? Were you too high to make that 'little crumb' disappear onto the floor or something?



hey admit it i had little crumb in my pocket. its not like i had a whole baggy. you wouldnt even get HIGH off that lil bit i had. thats the reason i posted this post. if i would had a baagy and got caught i wouldnt of posted this. come on man GROW UP!

Possession is possession the amount in this case is irrelevant. You admit you got caught with the weed. Case closed have fun at McDs


Well-Known Member
Okay heres some first hand info from a former california state licensed security officer.

By voluntarily showing them your weed violates at most a misdemeanor charge.
However, a security guard CAN arrest you, however they may not detain you.

If the security guard advised you that you could not leave, you were under arrest with or without him actually saying you were.

While I don't condone you bringing drugs into the workplace, you MAY be able to fight it. And NO, not with the " its grass clippings" story.

Who carries un bagged weed in their pocket, thats just stupid. For the record.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy who made this thread. You were asking for it so dont be made cuz people are trying to give you advice. What kind of response are you looking for? Nobody is going to give you sympathy. You brought that into UPS property. Face it you got caught by a security guard. 7 years down the drain with the company. It doesn't mean anything to you but does with a whole alot of people.


Well-Known Member
Okay heres some first hand info from a former california state licensed security officer.

By voluntarily showing them your weed violates at most a misdemeanor charge.
However, a security guard CAN arrest you, however they may not detain you.

If the security guard advised you that you could not leave, you were under arrest with or without him actually saying you were.

While I don't condone you bringing drugs into the workplace, you MAY be able to fight it. And NO, not with the " its grass clippings" story.

Who carries un bagged weed in their pocket, thats just stupid. For the record.

u have no idea what u are talking about

to be under arrest u have to be read your miranda rights....if a $9 an hour rentacop with no power whatsoever except for a shiny badge says "dont leave" that is NOT an arrest

i worked security for a few years


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Is it possible we are being a bit too hard on the guy for having a small amount of weed?

Yes, weed is a drug...but so is alcohol. Both are chemicals ingested into the body to alter mood and perception. Both can be harmful if used excessively. One is legal, the other is not for the most part. Am I to assume that those who are critical of this guy are teetotalers, who never have a beer or two after work?

In Oregon, posession of less than 1 ounce is an infraction, the same as a speeding ticket. The fine is $250 and there is no arrest or jail time, and it does not remain on your criminal record.

Yes what the guy did was wrong, but absent any evidence that he used drugs or was under the influence during work hours, he should at least be given the benefit of due process and not treated like a criminal or a loser simply for having some residue of weed in his pocket.


the thing is DONT tell me i need to do a FITNESS FOR DUTY test after i have punched out and have done a hard days work. maybe when i returned to work (like i did) give me the FITNESS FOR DUTY. i aint no chump i aint gonna get pushed around and if that caused me to get discharged then more power to me. if your principals are more important than money you are wise, rather than money being your principal you are just another sheep in the flock getting pushed by the man. and if the UNION cant fight this..... where is the union power?

as for the people saying ,nobody to blame but yourself. i was never blaming anybody else or looking to blame anybody else. ayyyy! i was just asking what people thought about it or what would someone do in this situation. the same or different? given the situation where you had to be somewhere right after you get out of work and its important.

and to the person saying
"If you want to be a responsible adult like you claim you are then you shouldn't do drugs at all and definitely shouldn't bring them onto UPS property" :censored2::censored2::censored2:? doing drugs has nothing to do with being a responsible adult. a responsible adult doesn't drug ABUSE.

The union is not there to side with you when you make a regretful mistake and do not want to suffer the consequences of your actions ( which are very clearly spelled out). The union representation is simply fair game mediation within grey areas. There are no grey areas here, as you brought drugs into UPS and were caught.


If it was only a 'little crumb' how did anyone even notice? Were you too high to make that 'little crumb' disappear onto the floor or something?

hahaha the attention was at my pocket becuz the wand beeped at my pocket, becuz of my loose change. so the security is staring at my hand to bring out whatever the metal was.



Reasonabe cause is defined as an employee's observable action, appearance, or conduct that CLEARLY indicate the need for a FITNESS FOR-DUTY MEDICAL EVALUATION.

how does me pulling out a piece of weed (that i was unaware i had in my pocket) CLEARLY indicate that im not fit for duty and that i need a medical evaluation?? after i had done a hard days work? if thats not a grey area i dont know what is?

U(s)PS Guy

Well-Known Member
how does me pulling out a piece of weed (that i was unaware i had in my pocket) CLEARLY indicate that im not fit for duty and that i need a medical evaluation?? after i had done a hard days work? if thats not a grey area i dont know what is?

Here is how I look at it...

You pulled out a small amount of weed that was in your pocket after a long day of work. That makes me believe that you were possibly using while you were on the job, and that little bit is what was left over from the larger amount you had when you came in that day. This is just a wild stab in the dark, but I'm willing to bet that any management would have that exact reaction given this situation and evidence at hand.

Just by having the stuff on you while at work would imply that you were intending to use while on the job. Just my thoughts...