the thing is DONT tell me i need to do a FITNESS FOR DUTY test after i have punched out and have done a hard days work. maybe when i returned to work (like i did) give me the FITNESS FOR DUTY. i aint no chump i aint gonna get pushed around and if that caused me to get discharged then more power to me. if your principals are more important than money you are wise, rather than money being your principal you are just another sheep in the flock getting pushed by the man. and if the UNION cant fight this..... where is the union power?
as for the people saying ,nobody to blame but yourself. i was never blaming anybody else or looking to blame anybody else. ayyyy! i was just asking what people thought about it or what would someone do in this situation. the same or different? given the situation where you had to be somewhere right after you get out of work and its important.
and to the person saying
"If you want to be a responsible adult like you claim you are then you shouldn't do drugs at all and definitely shouldn't bring them onto UPS property"

? doing drugs has nothing to do with being a responsible adult. a responsible adult doesn't drug ABUSE.