here's how i see it. you honestly only had the stuff on you due to lack of due diligence, you come to work everyday, you work hard and get along with most of the folks around you. then you explain the situation to your supervisor or manager. if, on the other hand, you have a shoddy attendance record, drag your feet while everyone else is working circles around you. you complain about everything the company does and your coworkers complain about everything you don't do. if this is the case, then you go to your supervisor or manager and they say bye-bye to you. every facility i've been in prohibitied bring contraband onto the property regardless of your excuse for violating policy. a wise old sage once told me "you have to save a little bite everyday in case of a rainy day, the day it's storming outside is your bank account showing NSF, (NON SUFFICIENT FUNDS)?" if so it's time you said bye-bye.