Jury Summons


golden ticket member
I have never been called for jury duty even once. It seems the same people always get chosen.
You are correct, sir! Hubby and I get notices ,it seems, faster than birthdays happen. We've been in this home since '03 and we've each had 4 summons and served some of those. He had one that was suppose to be 4 or 5 days and it lasted 6 weeks....not exaggerating.
It really has me thinking about professional jurists.
I had one that sent me daily from San Clemente to Westminster.....(look up the distance) during the rush hour and at the time it paid $5 a day......that would cover either gas or lunch, not both.
Seems like the only excuse that was accepted was "nursing mother".


golden ticket member
I am the type of juror that stops the $$$$$ for phony law suits..........and sends those people home and having to pay the other side's legal bills.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I just got my first jury summons in my life.
I vote every election and I have lived in this county for over 35 years.
Any bets on how long it will take them to dismiss me?

The whole legal system is part time. What's this home by 4 PM business? Load up the cases judge. Max out the stop count and get er' done! Last case should finish up around 8 PM or so!


Retired 23 years
The whole legal system is part time. What's this home by 4 PM business? Load up the cases judge. Max out the stop count and get er' done! Last case should finish up around 8 PM or so!

When I had jury duty we started at 9 a.m. and had an hour and a half off for lunch and then back at it until 4p.m. ----it was a tough life. Only once did the judge keep us past 4.


Retired 23 years
I enjoyed jury duty so much that after the last time I served I stopped at the Clerk of Courts office and told them anytime they need more jurors feel free to call me. They must have though I was nuts because that was the last time I heard from them. A full days pay from UPS while on jury duty took the pain out of it.


Well-Known Member
People love jury duty here. Most of the time, you are not seated on the jury, but have to show up for the selection process, and go home before noon, with the rest of the day yours, and paid for the whole day. I never had it, but wouldn't mind if I did.


golden ticket member
I will answer summons to Newport court, but will trash a summons from Santa Ana for future mailings.
What notice? I got no notice!


cap'n crunch
I never minded jury duty. The first couple of times I drove to downtown Houston during rush hour both ways and paid for an overpriced parking garage rate.(probably a 30 mile roundtrip and about an hour each way in stop and go traffic) They had a lot of jurors who just didn't show. Finally the county got smart and worked a deal with Metro and all you had to do was show your summons and you could ride an air conditioned city bus to within a block of the courthouse. There was a park and ride lot about a mile from my house. It really made it painless. Also, because of the hours of my job (5pm to about 2-4am) whether I got picked or not, I got 2 paid days off because of sleep/safety issues.


Well-Known Member
People love jury duty here. Most of the time, you are not seated on the jury, but have to show up for the selection process, and go home before noon, with the rest of the day yours, and paid for the whole day. I never had it, but wouldn't mind if I did.

I love jury duty. The only thing better is grand jury duty.


nowhere special
That's because you are still working.
As a retiree, I am not looking forward to getting up 6 hours early and staying awake all day.

Yeah, contempt of court if you fall asleep. You can't get by without that afternoon nap you are used to.