Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Inordinately Right
Your entire life is FDA approved.
You are not “fighting evil” by not getting a shot
Please. Wake up. Stop spreading garbage.
Robert Malone? Seriously, Z? This is the “real expert” you’ve been championing?
Now, Z, before you dismiss multiple sources providing information contrary to YOUR BELIEFS; perhaps you should read, and entertain the strong likely hood that Robert Malone is a QUACK; annoyed by the fact that his influence in the beginning stages of mRNA have gone completely overlooked. He missed out on the big vaccine cash grab.
Have you entertained this as a possibility?
Or does your determination to fight this, heavily influence your opinion? Sure seems like it.
Here you go bud. Alternative, non mainstream sources telling you that you’re wrong. Not CNN. Not The New York Times. What are you going to do about it?
Fake news


Staff member


Well-Known Member
Why dont you admit you feel retarded for not doing your due diligence before blindly injecting yourself with chemicals that are useless
Actually I feel *autistic* because the mercury in the vaccine made me that way. And it's awesome. I'm really good at math and memorizing obscure facts now.


Inordinately Right
If you're not scared of needles get the vaccine. Pre-COVID all the parents who didn't get their kids vaccinated did it because their precious snowflake couldn't handle a scary needle and two seconds of pain.
Why do you double down on your stupid "scared of needles" narrative?

Are you trying to look stupid?


Well-Known Member
For real though,, why does it matter to you what other people do? Regarding this "vaccine"? You presumably got it. So youre good. Right?.. i mean, until you need your booster... every 8 months.... for the rest of your life.
It didn't matter to me until I got the vaccine. I think the Bill Gates mind control nanoparticles are doing it.